You should PLAY the killer before complaining about them

Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

More people need to start doing this, the amount of arguments I've seen about a killer due to the lack of experience they have against them/playing as them is insane.

It's obvious I'm mainly referring to deathslinger here, but this also applies to hag, PH, etc, you know them killers.

Just before I get called out, this does NOT mean I'm trying to say "Oh you're just bad against X killer, git gud". Some killers have some mechanics that are annoying, in fact every killer has something that can be deemed annoying, I hate michael and pig, the killers that are seen as the most "fun" in the game.

But do not complain about something that is caused by your lack of experience playing as or against the killer.

And even, if a killer is annoying you, play that killer and see if you find anything such as strategies, that could help against said annoying mechanic. Don't assume that you're some survivor god who knows everything and all possible outcomes against that killer, as it's likely that there's a main of that killer that knows 100x more than you.

