Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Once you reach level 1 should you even give a damn about rank anymore?

Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

As a person nowhere near close to level one but has played with some level 1 players and against some level 1 killers, I'm surprised people still care about ranks? I'm playing the game for fun and sure I would like to movie up but if I don't it's not the end of the world. I've found that level 1 survivors play the most selfishly and level 1 killers play the most toxic period.


  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I'm assuming you mean "rank" and not "level".

    I also agree. After staying in ranks 5-3 for a few months, I've switched to an alternate account to de-rank over time because I'm so tired of versing sweatlord rank 1's with teams all ranging of all purples.

    The worst part is that there isn't even an achievement for reaching rank 1 on console as far as I know.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    yeah. I do mean rank 1. I really don't care what my rank is and I'm just playing the game for fun and sometimes it feels that a lot of people on both sides can't do that. If I play survivor I get killers that need that 4K and make it impossible to do anything and when I play killer I get survivor teams that play arrogant and toxic making the game very frustrating. sure I'm not going to get the 4K all the time if at all but it sucks when you're played for a chump with every annoying trick in the book. blinding with pallet breaks and every attempt to stun ect.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I've never cared about rank either way.

  • RatQueen
    RatQueen Member Posts: 16

    I want to get to rank 1 for the Steam achievement, but for me that's literally the only reason worth getting to rank 1 as red ranks are super unfun atm. I'm currently rank 3 and the killers are sweaty, the survivors are sweaty, and it's just far too competitive.

    I'd purposefully derank but I suppose I'm also competitive; that, and I maintain being at rank 3-4. The most I've ever been able to drop to is rank 5/6 and that was down to having several matches in a row where I was camped and tunneled so majority of the time was on the hook.... 😂😫

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Yeah, once I hit it I stopped giving a ######### about rank. It actually helps me stay chill during matches as well let people escape it I decide to. No longer have to worry like if I do that, I may not pip or lose a chance to double pip.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,086

    I only cared about rank when getting the achievements, I don't care about it anymore, but thanks to the rank reset changes I can't even leave rank 1 anyway.

  • Valiant_Majesty
    Valiant_Majesty Member Posts: 39

    Red ranks are not where I want to be, honestly. I never run D-Strike nor Unbreakable, and that's where I find myself at a disadvantage. I'm punished for doing so. Killer snowballing? I could have had Unbreakable. But I like Fixated. (Even of its classified as a beginner perk. I love the extra walk speed)

    Killer starts tunneling me out of the game? Darn. Could of brought D-Strike. But I really like Aftercare. (My favorite Survivor perk in the game) And when the Killer knows you don't have it, GG. They're gonna target you and you can't do anything about it.

    Experimenting with "fun" builds in red ranks gets me steam rolled. I LOVED my green and purple rank games. I could play with all kinds of builds and didn't have to worry about rank. Now I find myself wishing I could legitimately get out of red ranks without DCing, throwing every game I play, or starting a new account.

    They need to change tbe rank reset back to how it used to be. 😞

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,927

    I think a lot of people, once they've got the achievement are not particularly bothered about Ranks. I know I'm not...I don't even look at the score screen as to whether or not I pipped in a match - it's all about the bloodpoints to me, as that tends to be more of a judge as to how well I believe I did (this goes from both a survivor & killer point of view).

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’ve never cared about rank in the first place. 🤷‍♂️

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,167

    Ranking is misleading to me. There are so many players who've clearly depipped heavily, that you get rank 17s with meta builds on a survivor/killer who had no access to the perks in the first place.

    I've faced yellow ranks who have been outstanding, and red ranks where I wonder if they paid for the rank in auric cells.

    Other than people who want the achievement or bragging rights, it doesn't really do anything. For me, it is more about getting better at different aspects.