So, how good is Ghostface?

I was gonna buy this killer. Is he good?


  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Ghostface is really decent but he is quite addon reliant considering how long his power recovery is (30 seconds without addons)

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    No, but barely any killers are good.

    • No mobility whatsoever
    • His reveal is coded so badly that you feel like you're lagging/glitching, but in reality it's fully intended that you can get revealed from behind a wall.
    • Countered by Spine Chill
    • Countered by Sprint Burst
    • A 30 second recharge on his power, which usually starts ticking around the end of your chase, meaning you can only sneak up on somebody in every other chase...

    That said, if you just so happen to be running his best possible add-ons (Pen and Address Book),get a small map, and aren't fighting good survivors, he's OK.

  • Is bubba any good then?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Ghostface is a solid killer. He's one of the higher-skill killers, because you need to set people up for failure later on. However, he's also got absolutely no mobility and very little in the way of actual snowballing, so good teams have it easy against him.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    The fact he can T-bag survivors back is worth enough for the price :)

    But honestly, he's quite fun. You can get a lot of jumpscares with him, but you need cooldown reduction add-ons.

    Otherwise, use STBFL on him to compensate that long cooldown.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I like playing Ghostface when I don't want to think. Just go into stealth and patrol gens. If they're not paying attention either stab them or expose them. If they are paying attention and you're not, the red spider web will tell you where they are. Then it's just a normal chase like every other killer, sprinkled with going undetectable mid-chase. (Double edged sword. It hides your glow but you're not registered in a chase so the Entity may not block windows)

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    Playing Ghostface is like jumping off a cliff while smoking a cig while drinking vodka while in a tank

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    Not really.

    You can do nothing at filler loops unlike nurse, spirit, PH, Hunteress (sometimes), doctor, clown, freddy with his slowdown etc

    You can hide your red stain at other loops but I don't think that makes a big difference and using your ability just to mindgame at a loop is usually a waste.

    Strong stealth but you can get revealed and you lose it as soon as you hit someone and in that time you're essentially a powerless m1 killer.

    No mobility

    You can instadown people but his stalk can consume time and turn out pretty unreliable.

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832

    he's fighting for the right side. Don't criticize him.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    The buffs were definitely an improvement to him overall. Imo he's now quite decent even addonless. With add-ons he's actually very nice. His power is quite unintuitive to use but isn't that hard to learn, it's gonna take you a while to know where to use it though. He requires a lot more map and survivor knowledge than a lot of other killers.

    And also I wouldn't really choose a killer based on if they're"good" or not. Go with the killers that you think look the most fun because every killer can perform perfectly fine in the majority of games you'll play.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    a lot of his strength comes form similar annoyances as Huntress;

    • Im looking at him and can't reveal him/Expose progress stays, he can reset reveal compared to Huntress Hitboxes

    he himself is probably mid-tier

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464
    edited October 2020

    Better than gf imo and if you haven't bought BBQ from shrine of secrets already you'll be able to get one of the best perks in the game from him.

    GF has thrilling which is also good but no where near BBQ

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    The best stealth killer IMO, if you play him well you basically dont need any exposed status effect perks.

  • Lucas96
    Lucas96 Member Posts: 40

    I really enjoy playing him, but I feel like he attracts DC’s, so I don’t play him as much as I’d like to. :(

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Middle of the pack, Not the best, not the worst. I love him and main him but If I were you I'd look at some other killers first.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Honestly all killers are good against typical/most survivors if you play said killer decently.

    At the same time most killers get destroyed by optimal survivor teams/SWF.

    Therefore I suggest to get the killer that provides the most fun factors (as you can NOT win all matches anyways) to you which brings me to the following questions:

    What do you enjoy as killer?

    Do you want to go fast?

    Find people fast/easily?

    Sabotage their escape paths/loops?

    Sneak around and take survivors by surprise?

    Defend generators?

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    Did I say something strange? Just telling him to consider the perks each killer has.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    He's a solid middle-of-the-pack killer. Nowhere near Nurse/Spirit level, but far better than Wraith/Legion level. He's a LOT of fun to play. He provides two approaches to play matches (which can be done simultaneously) -- stalking for one-hit downs, or stealthing to sneak up on survivors (used with Nurse's Calling makes for a lot of easy downs when you have people injured). Spine Chill, as stated already, can cause issues, and his stalking mechanics seem out of whack at times (I've been broken out of stalk for seemingly no reason before, but at the same time have literally stalked a person staring right at me in a wide-open space, so go figure).

    If you like a stealthier playstyle, he's a blast to play. The jumpscares you can get by pulling someone off of a gen or totem, or hitting a healing survivor from around the corner of a wall, alone make him worth it to play. He's definitely one of my favorites and, as someone already said, any killer is capable of being really good once you learn how to play them.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    I honestly "know" he isn't the best killer out there but he is hands down the best stealth killer over Wraith, Pig and even Myers for actually ambushing survivors. His weakness is traversing the map and that he doesn't have a instantly winnable power during loops - you WILL need to work on your fundamentals as a killer.

    The reason he's better than Wraith and Pig is the almost lack of downside or activation condition other than a cooldown for going stealth - and the ability to have lethality without having to jump through hoops with perks. 99% by leaning out from something then walk up to them like a normal chase and you can immediately pop and down people - a well played Ghostface will basically never have to hit an unexposed healthy survivor unless they're freely offering themselves up to you.

    Between Bubba and Ghostface - I would say the current Cannibal after the rework is far more dangerous from a purely balance standpoint if they have all their perks and addons available. Lots of window loops and even pallet loops aren't very safe against new Cannibal and requires good timing and far more skill once the Cannibal knows how to effectively zone as well.

    That said GF basically only stacks his cooldown addons or runs Outdoor Surveillance Camera(+Infectious Fright)+ Pen for 100% map wide information that survivors can't really play around BUT doing stealth mind games is still far more fun to play than running people over with Cannibal (which is pretty much the only fun part about Bubba).

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    ghosty is widely considered to be the best stealth killer. hes soild most rank him at A tier. people say hes addon reliant but its not that bad u dont need chewed pen every game to do well but it does help a bit. i like him alot and hes probably the most beginner friendly killer

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,238

    Middle of the pack. Definitely way worse killers, but definitely way better killers. I like him. He's pretty chill to play and you can do a lot of damage quickly if you know how to be efficient with his stalking mechanic. He's fun.

  • Judicar
    Judicar Member Posts: 36

    Easily one of the best. He's like a Wraith/Myers hybrid, all their strengths and none of their weaknesses. He works good enough you don't even have to mark anyone and still wipe teams out from his stealth alone.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295
  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    M1 killer at the end of the day. All it takes is a few spine chills on good players, who will already be positioned at pallets, to ruin you. Wraith has mobility. Green/Purple windstorm wraith can do hit-and-run tactics ghostface could never dream of.

    Myers? He can get 90 seconds of exposed on the entire team with a hairbow. That's confirming a half state on anyone of your choosing. I don't do that usually because when I play myers i'm usually tombstoning people, but that is a strength of his.

  • IMilkNobody
    IMilkNobody Member Posts: 114

    ghostface is insanely good and has pretty good snowball potential with the right addon combo and the right perk setup and tbh its kinda sad people dont really know how to play him and just dismiss him as bad

  • crunchyotaku83
    crunchyotaku83 Member Posts: 19

    I can run him pretty well. Is he good? Any killer can be good depending on the player. U should play each killer and find who meshes with your playstyle :D

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255
    edited October 2020

    Ghostface is a good stealth killer because he has no wait time between entering and exiting stealth. This enables him to walk around and stalk survivors (or go to a tree or a corner, and it will let you lean to stalk, which fills the stalk meter on them faster). He can stalk each survivor individually, and most will stalk those they're not actively chasing to 95% or so, and then finish the job as they're moving in, as once they become exposed, there is a timer, otherwise, there is not. His weakness is his reveal. Survivors who are familiar with Ghostface can completely kill his power by sticking nearby and constantly revealing him. In those instances, I don't so much use his power to stalk, so much as to move in close to start a chase where I'll just m1 them. Ghostface also has rather short reach, and when survivors vault windows and pallets, you'll usually find yourself missing the lunge. He also has the ability to teabag like survivors (thanks to his rapid crouching), and can walk like a totally smooth criminal. He's just fun to play. Between him and the Pig, he is the much more fun option. Once you learn how to avoid survivors revealing you (moving behind objects and all), you're usually set.

    When it comes to revealing, an added bonus is that, whenever a survivor starts to reveal you, you will see little white semi-circles on your screen, indicating from which direction a survivor is looking at you. If they successfully reveal you and bring you out of stealth, you will see an orange web pulsing over their location, so you can engage in chase anyway. He's not slower than other killers either, so even if you have to resort to a basic m1 chase, you're good to go.

    The OTHER thing to know about being revealed is that survivors can always reveal you if you're in their line of sight. That includes survivors who are downed on the ground, or hanging from a hook. Never hook someone and then try to stealth immediately, or you'll wind up behind revealed by the hooked survivor. If you slug survivors, however, you can easily find them by moving to where you think they are, and if they catch you on their screen, it might start to reveal you, pretty much showing you where they are.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2020

    I personally find Ghostface the weakest killer in the game,just slap spinechill and be aware of your surroundings,he will never use his power that way lol.At least Myers can still stalk you despite you looking at him.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    GF is as good as the person using him.

    One of my personal faves.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited October 2020
  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    If you haven't purchased Bubba yet, then I would highly recommend getting him since he has one of the best perks in the whole game. DBD lives and dies on blood points, and BBQ is the best way to go about getting those blood points.

    As for ghostface? Like you I'm interested in playing him because I haven't done so yet either, but I've watched plenty of streams and YouTube videos. His power has a long cool down, and it's also countered by spine chill. He can also easily be knocked out of his power should any survivor be looking at him long enough, and that includes hooked survivors. This is why DBD desperately needs a practice mode. The last thing I want to do is practice with a killer I've never played with before, all-the-while being expected to compete against highly skilled players.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502

    Ghostface is a character you play for fun not to win i slap on the classic ghostface outfit and just play him to unwind.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    He’s mediocre.. not bad but not good either

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801
  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Hes the best stealth killer by far. Hes about A minus tier. Too much reliance on addons.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    If you don't have Bubba, get him for BBQ and Franklin's.

    Since his rework, he's also pretty good if you slap Bamboozle onto him.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    No. Its power is easy to counter, it's easily loopable, BUT it's an infinite one-shot..😀

    Spine chill = spotted = very difficult to play with it in old maps. Many say moonwalk, but at the same time we lose the survivors and that I don't like ! For me it is not playable. However I learned to teleport with the Nurse without knowing where they were going, maybe moonwalk is a skill, like the Huntress with the hatchets, maybe with learning...

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Anyone play the hit and run playstyle? I wanna play mindless GF. Maybe something like pgtw/nurses/sloppy/discordance

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    I'm a Ghostface main and have been since his release at rank 1 and he's mid tier. He's a killer that can be lethal in the right hands but he is quite addon dependent since Night Shroud takes 30 seconds on base to recover, this can become 16 seconds with his best addons, the Olsen's address book and chewed pen.

    A good build is mandatory against coordinated teams since he has no mobility besides base 115% movement speed which is very crippling on maps like the temple of purgation, most farm maps and auto haven maps are terrible since they are all open and have lots of pallets. His worst map is easily blood lodge since it's huge, open and is pallet haven.

    Overall, he's the best stealth killer if you don't consider addons but a mid tier killer. He's my favorite killer since I've loved the Scream movies as long as I can remember and the reason I have only played him since release is because I like him, it doesn't matter to me that he isn't as strong as A and S tier killers because it's much more rewarding when I win with him which is 8 out 10 of my games.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Ghost Face and Bubba are both in the category of killers that if you outplay the survivors you should win the match but there's not a lot of room for error on your part if the survivors play well. They play very differently from each other as well, so rather than worry about which one is "better" I think the question you might want to ask is which one do you think has a playstyle you'd enjoy more?

    • Bubba's style is simple: walk up to a survivor, start your chainsaw when you get close, Profit! (Unless they beat you to a vault or something) And that's it. He's got no tracking, no stealth, no fast map travel, he's just dangerous in a footchase. (Technially he's also really good at face camping but that's not a terribly effective strategy in general so I don't recommend doing it.)The upside is if you can hit a couple of people early on with the chainsaw the quick downs will build up quite a bit of pressure for you. The downside is that you have no stealth or map movement so they'll usually see you coming and you'll be in for a chase. Chases are definitely a fun part of the game, so that's not a bad thing, but in terms of time efficiency it does mean you're starting at the maximum possible distance for your chase most of the time.
    • Ghost Face's stealth is great. He can enter it instantly and it stays on until he attacks or someone stares at him for about a second. And if they do stare at you then you get a Killer Instinct ping on their location which means he has a bit of tracking as well. Plus while Stalking he can build up to get Exposed hits on survivors. (Usually the tactic is build it up to 99% completion, move in and finish right before you get there, or if you can manage to stalk while very close quickly stalk to Exposed then rush in for the hit). Depending on the survivors and situation you may or may not be getting Exposed hits all the time, but even if you aren't your Stealth does allow you to get much closer than normal before starting a chase which cuts down the chase times and reduces their opportunity to get to safety before a hit. Because you may not be able to always get Exposed hits, and because he has no fast map travel, you do have to play Ghost Face a bit strategically.
  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Mid tier at best and pretty boring to play.

  • timbologna
    timbologna Member Posts: 348
  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    He's good, but you can be really...REALLY annoying as him. And I mean so much so that most people will just DC if you play good as him.

    If you want to make people DC, go ahead. But, truth is, just do whatever you like. If he caught your eye, then just buy him and play as much as you want.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Both are part of my roster. Since the recent changes Bubba is pretty strong tbh.

    Ghostface was accurately described. Best Stealth Killer, yet mid tier at best against good Survivors.

    If you have realistic expectations both are great! Really depends which playstyle you prefer. Bubba has the added benefit of BBQ, undeniably great.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    The question is not how good Ghostface is, the question is, how buggy he currently is.