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Do DCs hurt your feelings?

... when you play killer?

I always get sad. I think: did I bully them? Am I boring? Are they a group? If they're already being toxic behaviours, though, and then DC; well, I guess I get safety net of blood points. Ugh.

... when you play survivor?

But this feeling varies. If I notice killer is camping/tunneling, ok. I see where you're coming from. DC though? I donno. But if it's just because they're going to die .. well, you suck!

Your thoughts?


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  • Member Posts: 3,826

    lol no.

    Next survivor.

  • Member Posts: 22,851

    When I play survivor I'm like "######### sake" and move on. I dc sometimes when I'm sick and tired of the bullshit sometimes (btw don't do this, get anger management classes instead lol).

    When I play killer it does the opposite and makes me very happy (depending on the killer I'm playing). Say if I'm playing PH it's like "understandable but you got dunked on", as nurse it makes me laugh bc I was good enough to make them dc, and with wraith I cackle.

  • Member Posts: 6,497

    I mean I certainly don‘t get sad. But if a survivor dc‘s before their death hook it‘s pretty damn annoying because it just screws over the entire match. And winning that Match as the killer doesn‘t really feel like a win anymore.

  • Member Posts: 641
    edited October 2020

    I audibly "Meh" and move on to the next match because it's the norm now. I keep wondering what perfect condition of circumstances a survivor/killer wants out of this fully multiplayer game.

    I go against killers who clearly downed 1~2 people (meaning there are weak loopers they could go for) already then start getting looped for 5 minutes and everyone is fully healed and it's down to 1 generator left... better unplug if that person looks like he might walk out the now open exit gates even though the match will end in a few seconds anyway rewarding even him some bloodpoints for playing the match. I just imagine "angry" red faced folks I've seen game like that before - just overwhelmed with emotions and throwing their controllers at the wall in frustration.

    Sometimes I understand the survivors pain whenever I play Hillbilly and crossmap chainsaw a guy in 10 seconds - Infectious fright into a 2nd chainsaw in 15 seconds and return to the first guy and M1 a 3rd person before picking up the first guy... that's probably an unrecoverable snowball with 5 gens left given the apparent looping strength of the team. Then I come walking across the map with Pig and slap someone down in a more reasonable 30s and give him a party hat first - he goes poof on my shoulder leaving the other 3 players high and dry. I usually go into kill everyone as quickly as possible mode and give last guy hatch rather than waiting there while the remaining survivors "slowly" go through chests, hide in lockers and spam vaults then finally fondle some gens... usually better to give a few chases and work on that part of the game anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    I get pissed off due to me not getting stalk off you or any blood points

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    No. Normally if a survivor disconnects its on the first down at which point they’re normally just one of those entitled claudette mains, dont want to be seen so they pick Blendette and rage quit when caught.

    The others are the toxic survivors. Tbag at every pallet and then rage quit when tunneled. Not so fun when someone olays toxic is it?

    The others are survivors that disconnect after someone else has. I get this, they shouldnt have to suffer a tilted game because somebody else quit. I normally go easy on them though and 2 hook everyone before sacrificing anyone. If 2 people dc then I offer the others the chance to farm, sometimes I let them do gens and escape or sometimes if I cba I kill one so the other can have hatch.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    When i play killer, i dont care, since most people dc when they are downed for the first time. It just makes my game easier.

    I go easy on the other survivors if someone dc before i am engaged with him.

    As a survivor, yes, it enrages me, because that ######### survivor just ruined a game i depended on him. He didnt hurt the killer, he did hurt his fellow survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    Idc either way. If people don't wanna play the match and would rather leave that's fine with me, as long as I get some chases and BP in I really don't care much. As killer I couldn't care less. I only get people DCing if I'm playing Freddy, and I only want to ever play him for a daily so if they can cut my Freddy matches short I'm all for DCing lmao.

  • Member Posts: 63

    It depends... it's mostly "meh". When one or more DC early and the others are chill, I will just farm with the remaining survivors if they're up for it.

    As survivor, I just feel sad and hopeless when there's a DC. Quite difficult to resist the urge to DC as well, when this happens early into the match. Most killers wont take it easy from there on and just want to end the game fast. Not blaming them but it just sucks all around.

  • Member Posts: 44

    Not my feeling just my rank

  • Member Posts: 364

    I don't like DC only when I'm doing my challenges or adept (where I need hook or kill people in a certain way) or when it is more than one DC in one match, but in any other case as killer I'm okay with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    I feel bad for the other survivors. For myself, nah. I am a pragmatic guy. Don't mind if someone makes it easier for me.

    Either after a dc, its easier, or if too many dc it will be a chilling farm round for what is left.

  • Member Posts: 4,187

    A little annoyed when I get denied my BBQ stack.

    After that I don't care, I just go easy on the rest to farm my points, sometimes with or without them. Last can get hatch if i am satisfied with my bp (which I am most of the time).

  • Member Posts: 3,348

    I don't really care no matter what role I'm playing, not like I can control if people DC or not anyway. Nothing I do would stop DC's like people that disconnect on their first down for some bizarre reason, or someone that disconnects after getting tilted in 10 seconds and swinging way too early at me vaulting twice.

    If someone DC's and I'm killer I'll just play normally but hold back on killing, can still have some fun chases but it doesn't even feel like a "real win" at that point so I couldn't care less about that.

    If someone DC's and I'm survivor I'd honestly rather just die and go to a real match instead. But if the others are still trying I'll play it out and try to get some points and stuff.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Never, it's just a stupid thing to have happen.

  • Member Posts: 607

    DCing needs to be a permanent ban after the second or third time.. it kills the fun for everyone else

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    It doesn't hurt my feelings, but it can be frustrating. All I ever want when I load into a match is to play a normal game with four other people, and DCs, especially early ones, prevent that from happening.

    If I'm playing killer, it's annoying because it can block me from doing my challenges, and, in the early game, it creates an awkward social situation where I'm like, "Well, your teammate just abandoned you, so..." I agree that getting a 3K when the fourth person disconnected right away doesn't feel like winning.

    When I play survivor, early game survivor DCs are annoying because it means the rest of us are either going to die, or we're going to become the prisoners of a well-meaning killer who tries to farm with us. I've rarely had a killer DC in a game, but it's usually less annoying to me when that happens, because I have a good cushion of points, and get to keep my item and stuff.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Hurting my feelings: No

    Annoying: Yes

    Frustrating: Sometimes

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    No because you never know why people have to disconnect.

    Maybe they had a personal issue to attend to?

    Maybe they had a game breaking bug?

    Maybe it was an Iri Head Huntress and nobody wants to face that?

    Maybe they’re bored because they’ve gotten Freddy 7/10 games and they’re done for the night?

    Maybe they’re just mad?

    There are multiple possibilities on why a survivor DC’s and some of the reasons I just can’t blame them.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    I get frustrated.

    Yesterday had a game as Hag. I got a grab off a pallet (They were already injured), and... the first person just DC's. Denying me a stack of BBQ. So I go find another survivor. I down them in a typical average chase. They DC. At this point, I want to farm with the other two, but I mostly don't feel like it because I've had a bad day as killer facing a bunch of survivors that absolutely stomped me. (Including a match where three people escaped with a Key.)

    As survivor, it's frustrating because you're now 3v1 and pretty much have no hope of escaping or safety pipping unless the killer is merciful.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    It doesn't hurt my feelings but I definitely don't like sore losers who ragequit, they ruin the game for everybody else. DC bans can't come back fast enough.

  • Member Posts: 7,164

    Not at all. Especially when they dc the first time they go down.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    No, they just annoy me. DCers need to be placed in a queue of their own so they can all not play the game together.

  • Member Posts: 17

    Nah I wonder why they did it, I'm not a great killer

  • Member Posts: 4,033
    edited October 2020

    When there’s a DC while I’m playing killer I think a mixture of:

    1. This ranks too high for you man,
    2. I did not make him/her quit,
    3. Where’s the other survivors. Let’s end this.
  • Member Posts: 3,842

    I'm not mad at them. I'm just disappointed in them.

  • Member Posts: 4,335
    edited October 2020

    As a killer, I don't care. You want to DC you just screwed over your team and made my game easier. I will probably not play sweaty and depending on how the game goes, I may let people escape. At minimal I will let them get some gennys done for points

    As a survivor, when another survivor DC's. Fk you!!! This is a team game and you just screwed us all over. Idc if you are getting camped and tunneled. Struggle at least so we can get some gennys done while you are on the hook. Not to mention I will try to take hits for you if being tunneled.

    As a survivor when the killer DC's, best feeling ever. Especially when you brought that Ebony and got 0 hooks! That is like a triple pip!!

  • Member Posts: 54

    As a survivor no it does not hurt my feeling but it does annoy me, like why solo Q if you are gonna dc on your first down? Maybe dont play the game if you are gonna dc

  • Member Posts: 1,503
    edited October 2020

    They don't hurt my feelings per say but when survivors on your team do it It's upsetting because they just made the game harder for you.

    As a killer it just makes me ask the question "are you that afraid you're going to loose?"

    Not to mention any time I get a good rhythm going as a killer and a team can't bully me, I get at least 1 to 2 DCs

  • Member Posts: 578

    I can't imagine any killer being upset about a survivor quitting, unless they're that worried about depipping. As a survivor main, I can understand why, because I quit on all Leatherface matches. I just say that they don't like the killer in the lobby.

  • Member Posts: 424

    As a survivor main, it doesn't hurt my feelings when a survivor DCs. I do feel bad for the killer and any fellow teammates because it's detrimental for the gameplay -- especially if it happens like five minutes in at first hit for no good reason other than being petty. I do thank killers for taking it easier on the rest of us when this happens... I don't mind if they end up killing us as long as they let us make some bloodpoints.

    When a killer DCs, I assume it's due to a bad connection -- at least I had never had a killer DC on me for toxic gameplay. It always happens like a few seconds into the match so I assume it's just bad connection.

  • Member Posts: 36

    As killer, I feel bad for the survivors, so usually I just let them finish the game. As survivor, I hate it, I almost never dc, just in the exact situation: killer has mori, already moried 1+ survivor, I'm on the hook, killer is nearby, game is pretty lost, I try to suicide on hook and someone try to save me.

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