Nurse is painful to play
Feels like she would benefit from a rework or something. Good nurses are impressive, and all, but they're rare.
When I picked her up for the first time I immediately realized why. Holy CRAP what a disorienting power! I don't know what it is, but I strained the HELL out of my neck trying to tele properly... just a completely miserable, and downright PAINFUL experience. I think I'll literally never be able to play her as is. Am I alone? I feel like I must not be. Maybe with practice I could figure out how to play her...but compared to another Top Tier Killer Hag...whom I got merciless killer with on my first match, and was cackling with glee at how fun, intuitive, and just AMAZING her kit is... it just feels weird to me how much pain I went through trying to level Nurse?
I'm maybe 3-4 days into playing. So I'm not BRAND New, but I'm almost as fresh as a new player can be. Nurse just feels unfun, and again *painful* to play.
I’ve been playing her this whole week on pc. She’s so fun and I think she’s my main. I got to the point where I can play her without add-ons. Fingerguns from hexy’s tournament inspired me to play her because she has a high skill cap and can be super deadly if you master your blinks. Also I recommend to watch OhTofu’s Nurse Guide on YouTube. That helped me improve my gameplay with all the tips he gave. Good luck!
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Thanks for the reply. I watch a lot of dbd YouTube guides. I can always study Nurses videos more. However...
I dunno if it's a cap that I can reach is the problem. I might have some disability messing with my ability to do it right. Also the strain it put on me physically just doesn't seem normal, or average. I find the way she fatigues to be incredibly disorienting. It's probably me, and I'm just wondering if there was anyone else that felt that badly with her.
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She is hard to master. And she doesn't need to be easier. Dead by daylight includes killers for every type of player. She is for players who like to play in hard mode. If you make Nurse easier you just insult player base that like playing Nurse at her current state.
If you want to learn Nurse play her more. If you want easy games find a killer that suits you.
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With Nurse it's a learning curse you need to master, it might take more than a few days to learn here. There's a add on named Plaid Flannel you could try to use to learn where a blink goes. That might help, even though I do recommend learning a killer without add ons as it helps you get used to the killer itself.
Otherwise, she might not be the killer for you maybe! You can definitely try out different killers to see which ones suit you the best. If you do think Nurse is the one you like the most, definitely play her more to learn her better.
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Nurse is a very hard killer to master but she is the strongest (by a long shot) in capable hands so she has to be. She's one of the only killer who I think can consistently win with zero slow down perks.
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I know for a lot of people Nurse tends to nauseate them and for many others, teleporting is just not cool.
To your point about being frustrating. Yeah. She is. And the devs made her worse with her fun-nerf and didn't actually address any of the problems with her on the survivor side.
I learned Nurse before her turn for the worse, and I love the disorienting, teleporting effect. It's like being on a roller coaster but without all the bad parts (imo). I used to play her just for that. Now I don't touch her. She's become significantly less popular, so I guess the devs have accomplished their goals by making her less fun to play.
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Hide post game chat of "ggez, get good" which I had to do 2 months back playing with no addons or perks,just learning her little attack methods and be patient with yourself. If they T-bag, ignore it, if they spam the vaults and pallets to deafen you with alerts, toss the sound off. Blink once to overshoot (a rough idea where a person is) and blink again to fine tune yourself to hit them. Experience is the best teacher.
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I think I'm okay with the Nurse the way she is, but I would like the fatigue to be less nauseous, It's one of the characters I can't play because of the after blinking visual effects.
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I don't think her teleport is that disorientating tbh. Her fatigue and cool down is the only negative even though they're there so she's more balanced.
You can do this or you can also set up a KYF and just practice blinks.
There's also an add-on called plaid flannel that will visually show you her blink locations. I wouldn't use it too much though.
Some objects/wall take holding the blink longer than you think to go through them.
If you look down during a blink, provided you're not near a basement. You won't move anywhere.