Serious question, how do I counter dead harding into a window or pallet?

I always find myself working hard to mimdgame a survivor and get them before they can reach a pallet but then they dead hard, drop it in my face and run to the next loop.
How can I counter this? I feel like I can't do anything and sometimes survivors time it so perfectly that they jump through the window as soon as dead hard ends.
Is it meant to work that way? Because it happens way too much and I just can't see any way to solve this problem.
Playing 1 shot killers (if they heal), huntress/clown with exhaust add-ons, and blood echo are probably the biggest ones; to prevent it ever from being used in the first place.
Other than that you don't really, it's just a move survivors have.
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Dead hard is a perk you come across basically every game. Unless you see them use Sprint Burst, Lithe or Balanced Landing, just assume they have it and act accordingly. Especially when you are closing in for a hit on an injured Survivor and they turn around towards you.
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To add to the above the new Mindbreaker, provided it isn't changed from the PTB, may prove to be a very good DH counter
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Basically this, DH loses a lot of its strength once you know to expect it.
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As a survivor main who uese dead hard a lot there are some ways killers has countered it. As stated before if your an insta down killer you can negate it. Exhaustion perks and add on help too.
But two big ways you can get a hit is baiting it ( which has worked), be extremely near the survivors back to make it hard to tell when you will swing. And other times dead harding to a window or pallet doesn't work if skillful killers time their lunges right to get a hit at a window.
Playing with it as a survivor has made we realize the counters to it, and its not always the end all be all if they use to a window or pallet. I hope this helps
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He is talking about dead hard for distance though, which is how the majority of really good players use it. Using it to actually dodge an attack is super risky because it will leave you exhausted on the ground half the time.
But at loops it's pretty much the best perk there is assuming you didn't use sprint burst to get to the loop in the first place. Dead hard for distance has no counter, it's just extra distance on command.
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I Know that but sometimes dead harding for distance doesn't work. I have done it many times and still has not worked. When using and going against this perk you have to realize timing is everything. And if the killer can time their hits well than it can be a devastating counter to dead hard.
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Yes I agree, if you are close enough you can still hit them at the end of the dead hard. But really good loopers won't give you that opportunity because the dead hard is done too far in advance.
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Yeah I can agree with that to a certain extent but again timing is everything
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The nurse ignores all the perks, all the loops mechanisms, and the advance that a survivor can take on the killer...
The only problem is that it must be mastered... The survivor can be down in seconds, if you are fast. There are NINJA loop pros, it's the only way to loop a good Nurse, and according to my parts only 1 person out of 30 knew how to do it...
The Spirit, she can also counteract loops but it takes brains (less than the nurse). With the Spirit it is impossible to hide, it will find you thanks to the sounds, the music is cut, you have the choice between looper randomly with the puck or run to the next loop... a good Spirit will have you down before.
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You can't counter it. That's the point. But it's fine because survivors are allowed no counterplay.
Now lets focus on gutting Pyramidhead, Spirit and Deathslinger because they have no counterplay.
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Literally has nothing to do with the topic. Stop trying to switch it up
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Clicky you have to stop man this is heavy whataboutism. Only thing I agree on is the perk Is hard crutch. Also those are killers and dead hard is a perk with a cooldown.
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The problem is u think u can counter everything movement of the survivivor. Some move u can't counter and some time u have to take a good decision so in the future u have a better position to win . Example. U can't avoid survivor drop a palet some time but u can choice zone the survivor y the bad side of the palet and break it and get a better position to continue with the chase.
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Just sniff the survivor ass they hit them like that they dont have the time to react if they dead hard to a pallet or window you just lost the chase thats how this game work
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Wait serious question isn't nearly every perk is a crutch? Also a crutch perk isn't necessarily a bad perk is it?
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Don't play low tier or mid tier killers. That's pretty much the only counter for distance Dead Hards. Nurse/Spirit/Hag for sure. Maybe Huntress/Slinger/PH/Freddy
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When your running DH nothing sucks more than the killer being Hillbilly or bubba. Killers that don't have to M1 to down you.
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Exactly, every perk is a crutch. Killers complain about crutch perks so much that the devs should make a gamemode where there is no perks whatsoever. Nobody would play it though because the game would be incredibly dull and bland.
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You just have to accept they have avoid 1 hit card unless you are running exhaustion/one-shot