Suggested Patch To Improve The Game In Various Departments


Ebony Memento Mori - Grants the ability to kill all survivors whenever each and every survivor has been hooked at least once in the trial.

The idea behind this is to keep the Mori strong, but not too oppressive. This is to ensure that a killer cannot simply "tunnel" a survivor off of the hook and instantly get them out of the game.

Ivory Memento Mori - Grants the ability to kill all survivors whenever a survivor is on their last hook.

The idea behind the Ivory change is to not make the game go faster, but to grant you the ability to see the Mori 4 times in a single match, without it changing the pace of the match.

(Note that the Cypress Memento Mori stays the same)

New Offering (suggest names) - Grants all survivors in the trail the ability to see the Hook Counter.

Map Changes:

Mount Ormond Resort - Reduced the size of the map by ca 20%. In addition to this, we've also reduced the amount of safe tiles that can spawn.

Mount Ormond Resort has been a very strong survivor map ever since it's release back in late 2018. It's a very big map, causing issues for killers with a lower mobility, and also has a lot of safe tiles, making it harder to down survivors. This change aims to alleviate the strength of the map to make it more killer friendly.

Haddonfield - Re-structured the map, added a killer shack, and significantly reduced the length of fences.

One of the biggest issues with Haddonfield is it's structure. Two sides, upstair generators, and the map being straight led to traversing the map to be quite annoying for killer, and sometimes survivors. With the re-struction of the map, we we're also able to find a spot for the killer shack. Fences can no longer be more than 8 meters long, and generators can no longer spawn on the upper floor of houses. Also changed some of the house buildings.

Azarov's Resting Place - Reduced the distance from one side to the next. Changed generator spawn distances to help alleviate 3 gens.

Azarov's Resting Place is notorious for killers to achieve a "3 gen", implying that the last 3 generators will be spawned extremely close to one another. By increasing the distance by a bit, we hope that pushing through the 3 gen to be more plausible, whilst still being able to be somewhat controlled by the killer. By reducing the distance between the two sides, we're hoping that swapping sides will be easier.

Mother's Dwelling - Reduced the size of the map by 30%.

Mother's Dwelling is currently the biggest map in Dead by Daylight, which causes issues for low mobility killers, sometimes even faster mobility killers. We're hoping to reduce the time to walk across the map to make patrolling generators easier, and playing survivor more fun.

Midwhich Elementary School - Added two staircases in the middle of the map that leads up to the upper floor.

A big issue with Midwhich is that getting to the upper floor can be quite challenging, having to go to one of the corners. After noticing that the courtyard doesn't have much of a purpouse, we've decided to add in a staircase that leads to the upper floor.

Shelter Woods - Added 2 more tile spawns in the middle of the map.

A big issue with playing on Shelter Woods as a survivor is that finding tiles can be challenging, where you often find yourself in a deadzone. By adding two more tile spawns in the middle, you can always guarantee that you'll find a pallet there, unless it's already dropped.

Rotten Fields - Reduced the size of the map by 15%.

Rotten Fields suffers from map size, and distance between tiles. By reducing the size, we're hoping that both sides can more easily play the map effectively.

Springwood - Reduced the length of bushes and fences.

From time to time, you may find a bush or a fence that's way too long to get around. We've reduced the size of the two entitys to help alleviate this.

Disturbed Ward - Changed the layout of the map.

The main building will now only spawn on one side of the map, with only one enry point/exit point. This way, survivors will have to make the decision of running into a safe structure, but risking their life getting out. For the rest of the map, we've added a few more tiles, and reduced the amount of "4 walls".

Perk Changes:

Object of Obsession - Rework.

Decisive Strike - After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike will become active and usable for 40/45/50 seconds. While Decisive Strike is active, when grabbed by the killer, succeed a Skill Check to automatically escape the killer's grasp and stum them for 5 seconds.

  • Succeeding or failing the Skill Check will disable Decisive Strike.
  • Successfully stunning the Killer will result in you becoming the Obsession.
  • Whenver you start a generator repair, healing, totem cleasning or locker action, the perk will de-activate until the next time you are unhooked.
  • Timer is paused when you're in the dying state for 20 seconds.

The idea being this change is to make the perk solely an anti-tunneling perk. If you do any action that doesn't involve you being chased, the perk will stop working since the killer isn't on you. If you decide to keep the perk active, you are trading 50 seconds for not doing anything productive.

Borrowed Time - After unhooking a Survivor within the Killer's Terror Radius, for 25 seconds, any damage taken that would put the unhooked Survivor into the Dying State will instead apply the Deep Wound Status Effect. The Survivor has 10/15/20 seconds to mend themselves.

  • If the survivor who recieved Borrowed Time gets hit and is applied with Deep Wounds, Borrowed Time de-activates for the remainder of the trial.

If the unhooked Survivor takes any damage while affected by Deep Wound or if its timer ends, the unhooked Survivor is immediately put into the Dying State.

This gives the killer an option, chase the rescuer, of hit the un-hooked survivor remove the Borrowed Time, but lose distance to the person you decide to chase.

Brutal Stength - Destroy dropped Pallets and Breakable Walls, and damage Generators 15/20/25% faster.

Brutal Stength can sometimes be an underwhelming perk, that if slightly buffed can become pretty efficent on certain killers. Buffed the % by 5 across all tiers.

Discordance - Any time two or more Survivors are working on the same Generator, that Generator's Aura is highlighted in yellow for 12/10/8 seconds.

Swapped the numbers around for the tiers. Discordance by many users tend to keep the perk at level one due to the increased amount of information.

Enduring - The duration of Pallet stuns is reduced by 40/45/50%. Miscellaneous stuns are reduced by 15%.

Miscellaneous is stuns like Decisive Strike, Pallet Stuns Saves, Flashlight Saves, etc.

Hex: No One Escapes Death - Once the Exit Gates are powered, all dull totems become active. Each totem grants a 1% increase to movement speed. While at least one Hex totem is active, all survivor will be exposed. When the last totem is cleansed, the perk de-activates.

The idea of it is to make survivors cleanse totems. As long as all totems are still active at the end of the trial, NOED can be terrifying, having to cleanse 5 totems to lose it's effect.

Killer Powers:

Spirit -

  • The "whooshing" sound can now be heard at all times, regardless of distance, chase, doesn't matter
  • The Spirit's footsteps whilst phasing are louder
  • Added a new stance for when the Spirit has entered Phase
  • Removed the "white pixels" that would show when The Spirit entered Phase
  • Slightly reduced the passive phasing

Myers -

  • Incresed the Tier 1 movement speed by 2%, up to 107%
  • Sligthly decreased the amount of stalk required to tier up from Tier 1 to Tier 2

Clown -

  • You can now reload bottles individually, or do it all in one go.
  • Reduced reload time to 1 second per bottle. 5.5 seconds for all 4 in one go
  • Hooking a survivor instantly refills all your bottles

Trapper -

  • You now start with 2 traps base-kit, and added 2 more traps on the map
  • Increased time to rescue a survivor from a Bear Trap by 1.5 seconds
  • Lowered the chance to succesfully escape from a Bear Trap by yourself by 5%, bringing it down to 20%
  • Maps no longer reveals Bear Traps

Oni -

  • Decreased the amount of time required to initiate Demon Dash by 0.3 seconds by base

Freddy -

  • Changed Dream Pallets to base-kit
  • Increased the time to plant a Dream Snare by 0.3 seconds
  • Decreased the time reduction to recharge Dream Projection from 15% to 10% per sleeping survivor
  • Clocks no longer spawn across the map from survivors
  • Reduced the total amount snares that can be placed from 8 to 6

Pig -

  • The first Jigsaw Box search guarantees to not remove the trap

Wraith -

  • Made the green Windstorm add on base kit
  • Can no longer be "burnt" with a flashlight

Demogorgon -

  • Made Rat Liver base kit

Add On's:

Oni -

  • Scalped Topknot now reduces the time reduction to intiate a Demon Dash by 0.45 seconds
  • Tear Soaked Tenugui now also reduces the amount of time required to initiate Blood Fury by 0.5 seconds, same as Ink Lion and Cracked Sakazuki
  • Polished Maedete and Shattered Wakizashi both allow you to passively recharge your Blood Fury to 100% instead of 98%
  • Child's Wooden Sword and Rotting Rope increases your Blood Orb absortion distance by 3 meters

Huntress -

  • Iridescent Head now only triggers if you land a shot more than 16 meters away. However, you now carry the normal amount of Hatches
  • Berus Toxin now applies the exhaustion status effect for 5 seconds upon impact, and Venomous Concotion applies the exhaustion status effect for 10 seconds upon impact

Clown -

  • Thick Cork Stopper now reduces the reload time by 0.3 seconds
  • Fingerless Parade Gloves now reduces the reload time by 0.15 seconds
  • Redhead's Pinky Finger only works on your last bottle
  • Tattoo's Middle Finger only lasts for 4.5 seconds instead of 6
  • Solvent Jug applies the exhaustion status effect for 8 seconds after a direct hit with the bottle

Freddy -

  • Paint Thinner, Prototype Claws and Garden Rake all now give you Dream Snares instead of Dream Pallets, and if a survivor steps into a Dream Snare, they're afflicted with Blindness for 5/10/15 seconds for the respective rarities
  • Outdoor Rope applies a 3% slow down for sleeping survivors (does not stack)
  • Jump Rope applies a 4% slow down for sleeping survivors (does not stack)
  • Swing Chains now only work with sleeping survivors
  • Red Paint Brush reduces the time required to fall asleep by 10 seconds. Failing a skill-check now wakes survivors up, and reduces the missed penalty by 2.5%
  • Black Box now reduces the timer for the Obsession by 30 seconds for the entirety of the trail.

Myers -

  • Tombstone Piece now disables your Tier 3 from the remainder of the trail after one use
  • Fragrant Tuft of Hair reduces your movement speed by 5% whilst in Tier 3. Does not stack with Judith's Tombestone

Blood Amber -

  • Does not reveals a killers aura whilst in a chase


Keys - Only one person can use the key to escape. It takes 2 seconds to open up the hatch, and you can grab the survivor at any time, or hit them to cancel the action. Skeleton Keys can only be used for 20 seconds instead of 30 seconds.

Maps - Can no longer see killer belongings, like Bear Traps.


Hatch - You can now grab survivors trying to escape via the hatch again.

Hook Counter - Under each survivors name, there will be a hook counter to tell you how many hooks each survivor has recieved. Killers can always see this, but survivors will have to bring a new offering to see this.

Visual Changes To Items - For example, a broken key visually is broken, toolboxes have unique textures, etc.


  • CharlieChatBox
    CharlieChatBox Member Posts: 258

    This is a verifiable wall of text. However, I will commend your effort.

    Offerings: The mori changes are suitable, though I believe the visual of how many hooks are remaining should be baseline for all players.

    Map changes: Ormond, sure works for me; Haddonfield, while I understand the changes, 8 meters is not that long, and upstairs generators are not that much of an issue to defend usually. The bigger issue is the balconies and the single staircases in most houses. Rest of the changes are agreeable; Azarov's, the length was not the biggest issue, the narrowness was. Making the middle section wider and making it easier to pass by makes it harder to have the 3 gen. Shortening it would simply make it easier to pressure for higher mobility killers; Mother's Dwelling, maybe not 30%, but definitely does need to be smaller; Midwhich, Yes; Shelter Woods, Yes; Rotten Fields, sure, maybe more than 15%. The other issue is having massive lines of sight on the killer, which may not be simply solved by slightly shrinking the map. Potentially more large obstructions in the field may help; Springwood, sure; Disturbed Ward, an issue with the map is also it's size and strange overall shape. Fixing that may help as well, instead of making the central building a death trap. Making only 1 entrance and exit to a location can make it so a Survivor is body blocked into a building, and because of this, buildings need multiple ways in or out.


    OoO rework proposition: As the Killer's Obsession, you and the Killer will see each other's Auras for 4 seconds at the beginning of the trial. Whenever the Killer begins to chase you, both yours and the Killer's Aura will be revealed to non-obsession Survivors for 4 seconds whenever you enter chase. Whenever you stun the Killer, all Survivors see their Aura for 3/4/5 seconds. If you are not the Obsession, you will see the Obsession's Aura whenever they are in chase. Whenever you heal or unhook the Obsession, you become the Obsession. Drastically Increases the odds of being the Obsession. The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

    DS: Reduce timer to 20/25/30 seconds. This timer is paused while in chase. DS can be used multiple times in a trial. Beginning to cleanse or repair deactivates DS. Healing can be out of the Survivor's hands at times, and Healing is a side objective, taking away from doing main objectives. However, in your rework, you make it too finicky, which can be more harmful and make it useless at doing it's job. Do not agree the timer should be paused while on the floor, allows for abuse of Unbreakable DS still. This makes it more focused on anti-tunneling, without making it so the Survivor cannot attempt to help their team.

    BT: I'm sorry but no. BT is effectively a band-aid fix to camping. As long as camping is in the game, BT needs to exist. BT also should not be a problem unless you're actively being body blocked by the unhooked or tunneling. In the former, wait the 15 seconds, and in the latter, don't. BT doesn't need changes.

    Brutal Strength: Agree.

    Discordance: Slight rework instead of a flipping of numbers. While 2 or more survivors are repairing a generator, the Generator's Aura is highlighted in Yellow until the number of survivor drops below 2. Receive a notification on the generator for every 30/25/20% is completed while the generator is highlighted. Same function of current Discordance, while giving more accurate information, and having the higher tiers as more valuable.

    Enduring: Naw, leave it as is. Perk based stuns are fine.

    NoED: I am going to need to disagree. This makes it so NoED becomes even more of a "Win because it is equipped". This is more unfair to survivors. Instead I am going to proposition that the way it activate stays the same, but instead has the effect of "2/3/4% increased movement speed for every Survivor remaining in the Trail. That is a 8/12/16% base movement speed increase for a killer that is behind, and much less so if they are not. Additionally, Survivors will not feel robbed for being instantly downed without a warning, as there is no longer an Exposed Status Effect. Additionally, the bonus speed will allow the killer to patrol the exit gates with more efficiency, and be stronger in all loops without being completely uncounterable by survivors attempting to protect one another.

    Killer Powers:

    Spirit: Agree with making the phasing sound a constant telegraph, even in terror radius. However, believe the whoosh should be limited to the current 24 meters of Spirit. A different stance for the Spirit while they are phasing could be interesting, but most of the other changes you suggested may not be necessary.

    Myers: Allow the Shape to have their secondary ability bound to triggering the next level of Evil Within, instead of it sometimes accidentally triggering. Leave Tier 1 as slow, but even a 110% might be something to experiment. Additionally, maybe increase the speed of t3 to 120%, and have his increased vaulting speed have breaking tied to it, making it so t2 and t3 have a 5%/10% faster animation for both actions? Also, allow Evil Within to Regenerate in Survivors passively so he can't just run out of stalk.

    Clown: The man does need buffs, so why not increase his base bottles to 6? Additionally, having a variable reload speed does make sense, however the numbers you have punish him for using all bottles at his disposal. Instead maybe a reload speed of 1/1.8/2.5/3.1/3.6/4/(4.3/4.5/4.6) seconds for 1/2/3/4/5/6 bottles missing (parenthesis for if the Clown is running both additional bottle add-ons). Maybe also increase duration and thickness of the bottled clouds themselves, making them more effective. Having a variable reload would make it so he does not need to have the reload upon hook effect.

    Trapper: Agree with base kit carrying amount of 2 traps. However, instead of having to cross the map to pick up additional traps, giving up pressure, how about a 3.7 second channel where the Trapper assembles a new trap, up to a maximum of 8-12 traps on the map, varying due to add-ons. The time to release others can be increased, but a 1.5 may be too much of an increase. Maybe just 1 second, bumping it to 3 seconds? However, on the chance end, having a survivor escape first attempt can be infuriating, and being stuck in a trap for ages can also be disheartening. In order to being both extremes in, I suggest having the chance to escape the trap start very low, then ramp up with more attempts. Something akin to -5%/10%/25%/40%/55%/70%/85%/100%, making it so the first attempt is impossible, while the survivor will always escape by attempt 8. Additionally, having deep wounds applied to the Survivor if they escape by themselves may be beneficial as well. Maps are a bit puzzling, as they should still help with the traps, but maybe should have a smaller detection range for them.

    Oni: He really doesn't need this. He does just fine with his current charge start up.

    Freddy: Just get rid of the snares. I am aware that this is an unpopular opinion, but Slowdown should just be Clown's thing. I believe that Freddy should have access to more fake objects, such as fake breakable walls, chests, totems, gens, hooks, hatch, etc. This would also come with an increase in max token amount. Agree with reduced regeneration from 15% per sleeping survivor to 10%. I do believe that base sleep should be increased to 90 seconds, and the Clock should cause 120 seconds of no Sleep. The Clocks should also provide a partial insurance to Freddy as they require the Survivor to run across the map to receive them, and having them prevent an immediate sleep, and instead reduce the current remaining timer by 45 seconds, allows the Survivor to still have a BT save, even if the Freddy is camping.

    Pig: I mean sure, not a fan, but got nothing else.

    Wraith: Also think that his Green Shadow Dance should be made base kit. Flashlights can already be countered, so not sure why you're removing that aspect.

    Demogorgon: Probably would not go and make it base kit, but instead of the current 92% speed while charging Shred, increasing it to 97%, and leaving Rat Liver at 102% speed should do fine. Similar to the changes they made with Pig and the Combat Straps.


    Oni: Agree with reducing Topknot, just maybe to 0.65 instead of 0.45. The Tear Soaked Tenugui is fine, as it reduces the penalty from a down by more than 50%. The passive charge is limited to 98% to make it so the Oni has to absorb blood to activate it, instead of being rewarded with one of the strongest abilities by being afk. For the last 2 add-ons, I agree that your absorption range should be increased when you have an increased detection range.

    Huntress: yes to the exhaustion add-on Changes. For the Iri head, do think it can be changed to hits outside of 20 meters instantly down, and decreases maximum hatchets by 2. (A different Ultra rare can be downing a survivor with your hatchet give the Huntress 1 hatchet back, reduces your maximum hatchets by 2.)

    Clown: With an increased reload speed, yes the reload add-ons can be readjusted, however, it may be better at 0.6 and 0.3 instead. Agree on the Pinky finger, disagree with the middle finger. The middle finger isn't that strong, and does not need the nerf. Agree with the Solvent Jug change.

    Freddy: I just think snares are a bad idea. Disagree with making add-ons unable to stack. Together, they're only a 7% slowdown. For the chains, having them only affect sleeping survivors works just fine, and having them increase by 2% potency for every sleeping survivor works, as it's max 8%, if all 4 are sleeping, and with the strongest slowdown add-on, it's only 12%. With the changes to clocks, it'll be easier to avoid sleeping. Red Paint Brush can have it's increased time to fall asleep by 30 seconds, and keep it's current effect of everyone starts asleep with your proposed changes, and the Black Box can have 45 seconds faster for the Obsession to fall asleep, and make them unable to be woken by other survivors.

    Myers: Tombstone piece, agree, but would require it to require less stalk for activation. However, do not have add-ons unable to stack. Infinite t3 is already really powerful. But t3 should move faster base kit.

    Blood Amber: Agree.


    Keys: Agree with a 2.5 second unlock animation, disagree with preventing more than one from escaping. The hatch won't spawn unless they already were going to escape or you've already killed someone. Skeleton Key duration can be reduced to 25, but Dull should be increased to 10.

    Maps: somewhat disagree, but the range to detect traps should be heavily reduced. This is because Hooks are technically "Killer's Belongings" and can be useful to see in a sabo play.


    Hatch Grab: no.

    Hook Counter: Yes.

    Visual differences between items: Yes.

  • ArtoTime
    ArtoTime Member Posts: 35

    Jesus. I was not expecting this, so thank you!

    Haddonfield, I've reconsidered from what you wrote, and yes, I agree with pretty much everything you mention.

    Rotten Field, perhaps reduce size, a little less corn, but add a structure or two in the cornfield, so it doesn't become Dead Man's Land. The structures wouldn't be anything too strong, maybe just a Pallet Gym, or a T & L.

    Azarov's, I had a hard time thinking of. I know it's the odd map where it can go really well, or really poorly for both sides, all depends on that 3 gen. I tried to address it, but I do agree that your suggestion handles it way better.

    Asylym, perhaps add drops. The idea of it is to make it a "I can go here where safe pallets are, but getting out can be an issue." I also realized that a killer can simply ignore the Asylum building, adding a generator would make it a platform generator, which usually are gens that you want to let go of early since they're harder to patrol at the end of the game. If killers, at some point, ever get more objectives, perhaps this idea could work. In the meantime, I'd just remove the infinites with the main building, and make the pallets less safe.

    Object of Obsession, although a tad bit complicated, I definetely like the idea of. But hey, OoO is already a complicated perk as is.

    Decisive Strike, I mostly agree with you. Healing can still be done, and for some reason forgot about Unbreakable, so no, the timer shouldn't pause. Lockers, you didn't mention anything about, but I'd still say that it should either cancel the perk, or reduce the stun duration, amount of time could be a second less, maybe 1.5.

    Going into BT, the idea was to reduce the "after I'm unhooked, I am invincible" stage, which I think is completely backwards. Being penetrated through the shoulder via a meat hook shouldn't mean that you can be chainsawed and walk it off like it's nothing. But from a gameplay stand point, I realize that it's not that smart of a decision. I do like Otz's idea, that it only triggers off of the hooked survivors TR, so that killers like Freddy still get affected by BT.

    Discordance, was interesting, and I... really like it!

    Enduring, I can see the point of. Either reduce it to a very small percentage, or like you said, don't change it at all. The idea was simply to give a counter to DS, but I can see it being overwhelming.

    NOED, I'm not sure if you're taking the insta-down factor in or not, but considering the massive speed increase, I'm guessing it's out of the picture. And, yes, yet again, I agree, mostly. I could see it being an issue of being too fast. You can no longer loop a killer, which makes you die extremely fast, essentially still being an insta-down due to just how fast you're downing survivors. I've always thought of a NOED without the exposed status effect, just the movement speed increase, and to me, make each survivor token a 2% or 2.5 % increase. That way, I killer can more easily take care of 4 people, Adrenaline, etc, but a single survivor can still run a killer for long enough to maybe make it to the hatch. Perhaps re-add the Exposed Status Effect, but link it to the amount of total survivors remaining. 4 surviors = 4 insta-downs, after that if the totem is still up, you lose the insta-down effect, but get to keep the speed.

    Spirit, I was unsure on whether or not to make it map-wide or not, but I can see it being a similar problem to Billy to where if you use your power, everyone knows about it.

    Myers, I feel like you could experiment a lot with to see what fits him. I feel like he's so outdated in today's meta that he needs something for now. I feel like a 120% increase of movement speed, with insta-down, faster vault, breaking speed, etc, can quickly become overwhelming for survivors. Either cut it in the middle, 117.5%, or keep it 115%, but make Brutal Strength part of his base kit whilst in Tier 3. The idea of the faster movement speed in Tier 1, is to make it more of an option. No terror radius, but slower, or T2, but louder. Right now, T1 is more of a hinderance. Passive recharge I'm all for!

    Clown, I mostly agree with

    Trapper, I think sounds really cool. However, 8-12 traps can quickly become overwhelming for survivors, so maybe reduce it just 8, or slightly lower. The attempt escape sequence I like, but 8 times can be a bit, overwhelming, but due to how rare that'd be, I think it's fine.

    Oni, the idea was to make the disconnect between his Scalped Topknot and his base less dramatic. Due to how massively Scalped changes his playstyle, I wanted to reduce that, but really I think the issue lies in the Topknot itself.

    Freddy, bold. I personally think the old Freddy should be brought back, due to him having been so unique, and of course come with a sizably buff to his base kit. (or maybe that's just my old Freddy main talking, idk). But I do like the idea of faking more stuff. The BT I have already addressed on the perk itself in this comment.

    For Wraith, the idea was that if you try to uncloak in the open against a survivor with a flashlight, there's nothing you can really do. But I rarely play him, so I can't give a full opinion on him.

    Demogorgon, agreed.

    Add Ons.

    Oni, reduce the Scalped Topknot like you said. It changes him way too much, and is almost always overwhelming for a survivor.

    Huntress, hitting such a long range shot is pretty rare, although duable. But due to the fact that you can go entire games without getting a single long-shot, I don't think you should lose hatchets. 20m from 16m isn't that huge of a difference, but I feel like it should stay 16m. For the "gain a hatchet back", I love it.

    Clown... you know what, nevermind what I said about the Middle Finger...

    Freddy, the idea was to simply to alleviate the whole thing where a Freddy doesn't have to do anything and people will do stuff slower. But I see what you mean. The rest, I agree with.

    Myers, mostly agree with.


    Keys, maybe make it so that only a Skeleton key will allows all 4 to escape, but a Dull only allows one or two.

    Maps, I never really thought of hooks as a killer belonging, so yeah, what you said.


    Hatch Grab. It was simply to stop the feeling of not being able to do anything as killer, but I guess that then survivors would be the one not being able to do anything in certain cenarios.

    Again, thank you for reading through everything, and the constructive critiscm. I appreciate it a lot. Have a great day!