Survivor interaction headcanons

It'll be nice to hear some of the headcanons you guys have for how the survivors interact with others and trials in general.
You're free to go through every survivor you want. I'll keep my list exclusive to original survivors but you can add licensed if you so choose.
Dwight- Friendly enough, usually tries to advise and help people in trials even though it's become obvious to the other survivors it's really only for his own benefit but he'll never really leave anybody hang if they need help.
When not in trials he's normally just enjoys hanging out with the others even though he really doesn't get much of a say in the conversations.
Meg- Always somehow manages to get separated from everybody else and without fail managers to bring back danger with her.
When not in trials usually ends up doing warm-ups and encouraging people to do the same.
Claudette- Often keeps herself hidden will almost always turn up out of nowhere to help you out and then disappears immediately afterwards.
When not in trials often talks with some of the others girls and Jake about plants and flowers found around the campfire usually getting too into it not noticing that most of them aren't paying attention.
Jake- Normally works by himself but but is never one to shy away from helping out if needed.
When not in trials usually hangs out with the least talkative survivors but on occasion does like to hear the odd ramble from others now and again.
Nea- Often enjoy the sneaking aspects of the trials and typically only hangs out with people who can't keep up with her as she hates dead weight
When not in trial usually likes to set up fun dares for people to take their mind off the pressure.
Ace- usually positive and upbeat despite the odds to a creepy degree but does usually give off certain feeling of hope to others.
When not in trial spends the time talking about his escapades like the time he survived the bar fight that almost killed him
Min- usually only concerned about herself and her own actions will often avoid working with people at all costs and almost never helps anybody out unless she literally has no other option.
When not in trials she keeps her distance from others even though some still want to interact with her however there are a few she does enjoy interacting with. she can speak English enough to communicate with the other survivors but purposely only speaks Chinese so she doesn't have to deal with people's bull.
David- Has grown attached to the group of survivors and will often risky own life to make sure they get out safely even if it means taking all the heat himself.
When not in trials he likes hearing about the past experiences of his fellow survivors and telling them stories from his past too.
Kate- fierce and usually always determined to keep going usually ends up being a handful to deal with for the Killer.
When not in trials she usually plays her guitar and sing songs for the survivors to keep up their spirits. Surprisingly even the least sociable of the group join the interaction before returning to their non-social behaviour once it's over.
Adam- resourceful and one step ahead usually the most strategic of the survivors often the one coming up with a plan to help the group.
When not in trails usually just tries to learn a bit about his fellow survivors backgrounds almost always gets positive responses as people usually enjoy reflecting on home in the entity's realm. Has often asked Felix, Min and Yui for language lessons.
Jeff- Usually a jack of all trades in a trials and not a master of any. However he's one of the first few people who will come and help those in need.
When not in trails he usually takes the time to talk about his favourite about his favourite music with the other survivors and on multiple occasions has drawn each Survivor
Jane- compassionate and crafty whether she's helping out teammates or trying to escape the Killer she always usually comes out on top
While not in trials she usually tries to be inspirational to the others and get people talking and interacting with each other this works better for some than others.
Yui- Always there to help people out and make things really difficult for The Killers has even been able to convince the most stubborn of people to keep going.
When not in trials she usually talks about the her group back home very fondly. Has bonded with almost all the other female survivors. However is the closest with Min and Nea as they relate to how their Passions weren't really supported by family so they strive for it themselves.
Zarnia- sneaky and self-sacrificing will often help others even at her own detriment but is always one step ahead of the game.
When not in trials she usually asks everybody about their experiences in this place so she can understand and how it works as well as gather some info on The Killers.
Jake- always breaking Michael's god damn hooks every time Michael downs someone
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Claudette - Cares only for Claudettte. Won't think twice about sacrificing someone else to save herself.
Spends time at the campfire learning about other survivors weaknesses and how she can exploit them if need be.
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Felix - Uses items to their fullest potential and always plans ahead. Focuses on the objectives, but will jump in when someone is in a dire situation.
At the campfire he spends most of his time alone thinking about his life before the fog and trying to fill in the blanks as to what happened to his father and the other missing parents.
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Ash-Superaltruistic until the exit gates open. The one making every unhook but ditching as soon as the exit gates open.
Spends time trying to remember that god damn incantation.
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Ash uses the Botany Knowledge he learned from Claudette, to distil a boozy tincture that temporarily grants the status effect, 'In The Zone'.
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Lmao I felt that as a former claud main.