This is just an idea for a possible new chapter of this wonderful game. In this discussion I will describe the new killer and the new survivor I have created, as well as their stories and their respective perks. In addition, I will also describe what the new map would be.
I must warn that all this I am writing in Spanish and I am translating it with a translator because my English is not very good. Therefore, you may find translation errors.
Do not forget to comment your opinion. It would help me a lot.
I should also add that the percentages and other numbers that you will see in the descriptions of the perks are only examples and can be changed depending on how strong or weak they would be.
DESCRIPTION: A sinister killer able to disorient and attack without being seen the survivors thanks to its power Dark presence.
With its unique perks, Penumbra, Hex: Cat eyes and Nictophobia can reduce the reaction capacity of survivors and locate them more easily.
STORY: The stories told about Rotten Fish Bay never brought a good omen to the surrounding inhabitants.
One of these stories spoke of a man of unknown name who ravaged and cut the souls of all the inhabitants of the bay hundreds of years ago. This strange man was described as the same grim reaper, a horrible harvester of souls who sowed terror in the negative places, those places in which sadness and bad omen invaded the hearts of the inhabitants.
It was said that this man, armed with a meat hook that replaced an amputated hand, dragged the darkness with him wherever he went.
However, it is said that the day he arrived at Rotten Fish was the last day he was seen again. No one knows exactly who that man was or why he did what he did. But their presence continued to infest the bay, so people considered the place as cursed and decided to leave the place forever, praying that this terrifying man would never appear again in their lives.
POWER: Dark presence: Your only presence envelops in darkness the place where you are. However, so long in the shade have made your eyes get used to the dark, so you are not affected by it.
·Throughout the game, the map is considerably darker and the fog is considerably denser ONLY for the survivors.
·In the dark you are faster (117%)
·When an engine is repaired and its lights are turned on, the fog and darkness surrounding the engine disappears within a
radius of 12 meters.
·When you are in these zones of light, your speed is reduced (112%)
The darkness serves as a veil to attack the survivors.
·During a chase, by staying out of a survivor's field of vision for 10 seconds your power will be fully charged.
·With your power loaded, when activated, you can Hide your presence for 15 seconds.
·During these 15 seconds you will not have a terror radio (which is 30 meters by default) and the red mark will disappear. In
addition, you will hold your breath, your steps will not be heard and your weapon will also make no noise when attacking.
·You can stop hiding your presence at any time. Your power bar will stay where it was.
·Successfully attacking a survivor also automatically removes from Hide your presence.
·To Hide your presence you do not need a cast time. You hide yourself automatically when you press the power button.
-Penumbra: Being one with the dark gives you an advantage. The darkness is your friend and will help you. Increase by 25/50/75% the sound of the breathing of healthy survivors who are near and not in pursuit. Increase by 1/2/3 meters the distance at which you can hear their breathing.
"My fear gives me away".
-Hex: Cat eyes: Like a feline in the dark you complicate the vision of those you want to hunt. While your hex totem is active, the view of 2/3/4 survivors will become a first person view.
"Have you missed, little boy? Do not worry. I will guide you through the darkness".
-Nictophobia: If you do not face your nightmares, your nightmares will come after you. The survivors who are in places with light (around a repaired motor or of structures with light bulbs that ignite when the motor of the place is repaired) will reveal their aura to the killer in a radius of 20/30/40 meters.
"If you do not go after him, he'll come after you".
DESCRIPTION: A strong fighter capable of using her strength to survive. With his unique perks, Deep sigh, I will resist to the end and Don't touch me let she to recover faster from exhaustion and endure to be knocked down when others could not.
STORY: Jana Wellington received her black belt only the day before her mother reported her disappearance.
That day, Jana went out with her Taekwondo companions to a popular disco in the place to celebrate her recent achievement.
Jana had a great time as she danced to the music and flirted with some of the local boys while drinking one and another glass of alcohol. For a moment in the early morning, she decided to go out alone for a moment in the nightclub to smoke a cigarette. She walked far enough so that no one could see her, fearing that her mother would find out. What she did not know was that her mother was not what she needed to worry about. While smoking at the entrance to an alley, a fist hit the back of her neck, leaving her unconscious.
When he woke up, he was inside a van in which four animals looking like men looked at her in a lascivious way. When the four guys showed their little friends, Jana realized what was going to happen.
So it was...
For more than forty minutes, Jana was subjected to one of the most horrible violations that could have happened to any girl. His clothes were torn completely. The girl's body no longer tried to resist. The alcohol had weakened her too much and the only strength she had left was spent in the first ten minutes. Resisting only made things worse for her, as it further brutalized the monsters that were destroying her inside and humiliating her. They did not stop. One ended and another began. Then they repeated. By both holes and with the most degrading postures. Jana believed that her end had come.
However, during this, the driver of the van, unable to resist the lust, left the steering wheel in full motion, which caused the van to leave the road.
The impact was such that Jana bolted from inside, hitting her head on the ground.
The first thing she noticed when she woke up was that she was dressed and her clothes were not in tatters. However, he did not recognize the place where he was. She saw the coast in the distance. However, everything was very dark, as if it was no longer in his world.. He started walking trying to find the road. But he did not find it.
-Deep sigh: The years of training have allowed you to have better resistance. After obtaining the Exhaustion status, you can recover while you are running at a speed of 25/50/75% of normal.
-I will resist to the end: Your determination allows you to endure even the toughest blows. When you are in the state of Exposed or the killer blow of the killer can throw you to the ground (for example, the chainsaws or the pink addon of the Clown) you have a 30/40/50% chance of holding the blow without falling to the ground.
-Don't touch me: A strong instinct for survival keeps you strong. Once per game, when the killer throws you to the ground, you can press the active skill button. Once pressed, the killer will not be able to pick you up from the ground or execute you for 10/15/20 seconds.
STORY: The old Rotten Fish Bay has been abandoned for years. The place was besieged by an inexplicable evil from which there were no survivors. The people of the surroundings never approach the place. However, some brave people who have dared to approach make sure they feel a horrible feeling inside when they approach. Some even, during the dark nights of the place, have affirmed to have seen slightly the silhouette of a man who carried a hook in his hand.