Something's got to be done about slugging



  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    i dont care for BPs or ranks. Also why should it be the purpose to kill everyone slowly? Its the killers objective to kill survivors it doesnt matter how fast or how they kill them.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,124

    The fact that it can happen is wrong. Killers often say "You have X perk and Y perk to counter this situation" but we can't have every perk equipped that we need. There's bad matchups. If you bring healing stuff, oh it's a Plague so you lose. If you don't bring any anti-slug and they slug, oh well you lose. If you bring a flashlight and it's a Hag or Wraith, oh well they lose. Games are decided too much by matchup rng.

  • Zerog
    Zerog Member Posts: 27

    "Man my entire team got downed in minutes by a leatherface, could it be that we got outplayed?...nah there must be a problem with slugging yeah that must be it!"

  • irma_garr
    irma_garr Member Posts: 7

    The reason this strategy blows me away to begin with it's that it usually results in low scores for the killer too, which makes sense since it requires very little skill to accomplish. It's like facecamping and tunneling: Go ahead and do it I guess, but just know deep down that you're bad if this is the only strategy that "works."

  • Freddo_Bagginz
    Freddo_Bagginz Member Posts: 15

    So run something like borrowed time etc.... Stop crying on the forums and just learn different combinations... I don't understand why everyone complains so much about something that can be prevented so easily

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138
    edited October 2020

    There are only a few suggestions that warrant a nope from me.


  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Decisive strike, Soul Guard, Adrenaline, Unbreakable. Try that and see if that helps you make those leather face boys think twice about slugging.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Like.. use UB?

  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    So.. unbreakable and Soul guard just dont exist?

    You survs are just not happy unless the killer stands by and allows a 4 man escape 🙄

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    still hard with them and if he camping a body or the hook you do gens you don't feed a bubba or any instadown camping killers.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    When you balance SWF properly and maps we will talk of tunneling,camping,slugging and all the ######### you wanna be fixed.Meanwhile nope I will camp,tunnel or whatever I feel necessary

  • Paradoxadon
    Paradoxadon Member Posts: 5

    No and no either get good or actually paly objectives and stop teabagging or trying to Rez everyone. Survivor mains just need to quit thier bitching so basically if a killer does anything but move from spawn they are playing wrong? No just get your swf friends and play gens not teabag simulator PLAY THE DAMNED OBJECTIVE! as a killer main killers have one goal a d that is to kill you if you can't get away it's on you get better play both sides. At this point in the game no survivor has any right whatsoever to ######### about anything they are entitled go play something else as most of us killer mains have already as this game has become nothing more than survivor sided snores roasting teabag simulator let's just get rid of killers outright so everyone can roast s'mores and teabag in peace.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Agreed.... Sadly, some killers try to end it before it even begins, and they get their fun from that. I can't stand it. It's no fun at all. I like your idea about a faster recovery speed. My wife had this idea, and I'm with her. After being slugged for x amount of time ( say 15 seconds ) you get up automatically. Anytime you're slugged. I know that would cancel out unbreakable and no mither, but think about it. Killers would lose their minds. They would have to put in some skill, and effort to get kills. Take away unbreakable and no mither, and replace them with two different perks.

  • ThirdSealOPplzNerf
    ThirdSealOPplzNerf Member Posts: 360
    edited October 2020

    I think after all the years of survivor game play punishing killers for getting multiple hooks killer players decided their own cheesy game play. Nothing going to change buddy until things get changed

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    Slugging all 4 survivors at once isn't necessarily a strategy that takes a lot of skill, but it is a highly effective strategy. I would even go so far as to say it's a smart strategy because the majority of survivors throw their own strategy out the window when a teammate gets slugged. As a survivor main here's how most of the matches I see go where all 4 survivors are slugged at the same time:

    • Killer slugs 1st survivor and hides nearby using the slugged person as bait.
    • Another survivor runs up to heal the slugged survivor. Killer comes out of hiding and slugs the second survivor. At this point the other survivors had no way to know the killer was playing a bait game with the slugged person. There's not a slugging equivalent to kindred to let survivors know the killer is within a certain range of a slugged survivor. However, it's obvious this is what's happening when you see a second survivor get slugged the moment they get near the first one.
    • Regardless of how obvious it is any attempt to heal one of the 2 slugged survivors will just result in that person getting slugged themselves there is still a better than 50% chance another survivor will run up and do it anyway.

    It's not even uncommon for the 4th survivor to have seen all 3 others get slugged and still run up and try to heal one of them knowing they too will get slugged.

    In other words when a killer slugs (or camps) they know there's a very good chance they are going to get another 1,2 or even 3 kills out of it because there are so many survivors that are incapable of not coming in for the heal or hook anyway. If you are one of those survivors your altruism and self-sacrifice are duly noted. That doesn't change the fact it was pointless altruism. It was a futile self-sacrifice with zero positive effects for you or the team. It doesn't change the fact that this type of useless altruism rewards killers that play this way.

    So should something be done about it? Yes, but it isn't to punish slugging. Why punish a killer for implementing a strategy where survivors willfully and happily just hand them easy kills? What should be done is survivors should learn some important facts:

    • There is no requirement a slugged survivor has to be healed. Pointless altruism doesn't help anyone other than the killer.
    • When you factor in how long it takes a survivor to bleed out the rest of the survivors could knock out most, if not all, of the generators if the killer isn't willing to leave the slugged person. Guess what? If killers that employ this strategy started getting just 1 or 2 kills every match because survivors stopped rewarding the strategy you would see less of it.
    • If you are slugged and the killer is staying close then heal. If the killer does get distracted for a moment or two you can be back on your feet quickly.
    • If you run across a survivor that has been on the ground for an extended amount of time and hasn't healed at all just leave them. There is no point risking yourself to heal someone that couldn't be bothered to play intelligently.

    So I agree that something needs to be done about that type of slugging, but what needs to be done is survivors need to play smarter. They need to quit making it a winning strategy.

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427

    Please have a respectful discussion without any attacks or whatsoever. The discussion has to be closed if this continues! A few posts have been deleted and please remain on topic. If you have a different balance idea, you are free to open up a new thread with your idea.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    I get what you're saying about bloodpoints, but I hate the arguments that basically boil down to "killers should play the way I want them to because it's more fun for me."

    Killers are trying to have fun, too, and puttering around with potato survivors is pretty dull. Sometimes you want to try your best and be competitive, and wasting time entertaining the survivors or grinding out maximum bloodpoints feels more like a chore than something you're playing for fun.

  • throwaway1234
    throwaway1234 Member Posts: 11

    But That's the point of the game. That's the point to any pvp game where your character has abilities. You have to know the match ups and play to your strengths while knowing your weaknesses. You can't just have a perk or item equipped and expect the killer to be what the perk counters.

    Go jump on pokemon for a bit to learn about match ups more. They are good to learn

  • quoclong
    quoclong Member Posts: 24

    Slugging is ok to some extent. I've seen killers slug and let the full health slugged survivor bleed to death just so that he can search the map and get the 4k. I've also seen killers leave a guy on the ground for 2 mins and get angry that he dc and let the last survivor get hatch. Slugging is for pressure not to get your 4k.

    Secondly he mentions bubba. People mention just don't get close or pick up. Well... Bubba can multi down tons of survivors so that can be an issue (esp if basement hooked). A bubba can still probably get 2k by just facecamping. Other survivors won't get altruistic points and most likely depip if they gen rush and escape.

    Lastly people argue run unbreakable or soulguard etc. Telling a survivor to run perks just in case of something is not how this game should be. Players should be able to take whatever perks they want to have fun, not because they have to.

    Honestly there are too many toxic players on both sides. As a survivor I take DS and UB because there are way too many camping/tunneling killers (sadly at higher ranks). As killer u can be toxic by running ruin and undying or tunnel, camp or mori. As a killer I usually try to hook everyone first before I start killing. Yeah it causes me to lose more but I want everyone to have fun. My ego is not big that I think 4k makes una good killer or consider it a win.

  • exf310n
    exf310n Member Posts: 24

    The entire team shouldn't get slugged within 20 seconds. Allow the killer to pick them up, or get the killer in a chase. Your team mate can always crawl to a pallet as well. Unbreakable is perfect for this situation, as well as buffed med kits if you don't want to bring more perks just for countering slugging. Bubbas still aren't really difficult to loop while chainsawing. So keep running them around small objects whilst they chainsaw. And if they want to continue slugging, then you should just go to gens and avoid picking up your team mates. Pressure the gens, and hopefully the killer will leave your downed mates long enough for a heal.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Yeah no mither will probably guarantee they either slug you last or not at all

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    not really, if someones slugged they should fully recover and get to a area thats safer away from the spot they got downed. if your not slugged stop doing gens if 2 or more are downed and go pick someone up while avoiding the killer by playing stealthy.

    if your whole team gets downed you all either missplayed or the killer got very lucky

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Reading this thread gave me a chuckle, had to make a little comic about the altruism trap.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Slugging isn't the problem, it is the devs fault for buffing killer too much indirectly through a series of unnecessary survivor nerfs alongside too many killer buffs. Look at Freddy and Doctor. Huntress has never been touched since she was released and look how much survivors have been nerfed since then.

    Either play with friends or play ez mode killer if you don't like being slugged all the time.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    edited October 2020


    It’s already been repeatedly addressed that it does not matter HOW pristinely skilled a killer is. At high ranks survivors simply do not permit the killer the time needed to be picking up, and carrying, and hooking every survivor that is downed from a chase.

    Well... not if the killer DOESN’T want to lose.

    Slugging purely to be a troll is not ok. But slugging as a pressure strategy is 100% necessary. A killer that’s aware that other survivors are nearby after a down, or actually spots other survivors after a down, yet chooses to ignore them, is frankly highly likely to lose no matter how good at killer they are.

  • Rougual
    Rougual Member Posts: 526

    When I play Pig I serve John Kramer not The Entity. I refuse to use hooks and make the trial as terrible and stressful as I can for survivors.

    They either bleed out due to being abandoned by the other players of The Game, the RBT snaps them or they can escape.

    Sluggings part of the game.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    That’s kind of one of the points of No Mither. You break up the killers momentum if this strategy is noticed by being the survivor that intentionally runs in to take a down. The killer is kind of forced to not ignore you on the ground, giving your teammates a bit of a reprieve

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Smaller maps, huge deadzones, less loopable tiles on the redesigned maps, toolboxes made worthless, self-care, balanced landing, less gen progression bonus for hitting a great skillcheck, EGC, nerf to gen progression when multiple survivors working on a gen, and so many more.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited October 2020

    Yeah but... then they can't take DS,DH,UB and BT we can't have survivors not bring all their second chances and expect them to use perks designed to deal with what they are complaining about can we?

    Killers on the other hand .. oh boy, just take 9 perks into the game or shut up and get good.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    1. Maps were very survivor sided back in the days, small maps were needed.
    2. Fair enough.
    3. Are you talking about badham? That map seems to be doing fine.
    4. Needed.
    5. Needed, it made infinites on certain maps, and had a passive effect which other exhaustion perks didn't have.
    6. Not needed.
    7. Needed, survivors were able to hold the game hostage, and had way too much time to make altruistic plays.
    8. Needed.
  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    But not needed for the majority of the playerbase.

    EGC: A killer standing on a hill watching the doors or pacing back and forth a short distance makes it impossible to open a door.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    That seems like more of a door issue than a EGC issue, this has always been a problem.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Run soul guard or even no mither. These two perks counter slugging to the point of a free borrow time.

  • BodamEscapePlan
    BodamEscapePlan Member Posts: 75

    I feel like this is something a lot of players are ignoring. When I'm playing killer, you are making my job easy if you're going for the save so quickly. The players that wreck me usually know exactly how long their teammate can be on the hook or downed before they hit the next hook stage or bleed out -- and they utilize the time in-between to the fullest.

    There's a weird line you have to walk between predictability and not over-committing that I think all survivor players need to be successful at this game.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited October 2020

    The game already gives you a lot of perks to recover faster and the devs reduced the time to fully recover months ago, surely a lot of people can remember that.. recovering before that patch was a problem but now? not anymore. It can be called "balanced" although now devs are considering to give wglf a boost to that which i think it will break that balance in a very noticeable way.

  • Mystic_Flower
    Mystic_Flower Member Posts: 11

    Actually there r many ######### killers who camp, body block, and rly try to down everyone in 5 mins before hooking survs. They need to stop that. Even tho u can block any player, which btw, the game doesnt even let u opt out of crossplay, I should be able to make a choice whether I want to play with out of network players or not. 🙄

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    Uhh no? The only thing I don't approve of body blocking, Killers absolutely should not do that as it's holding the game hostage. Other than that you're describing a killer playing the game. I hate it when a SWF bodyblock me as a unit, I despise it just as much as getting camped as it's annoying and they always know where to find me in order to do it too. But I get it, they're creatively implementing ways to win the match.

  • nea_the_entity
    nea_the_entity Member Posts: 12

    Im just gonna say this I hate I mean HATE how I lose my rank just because I get tunneled an moried and I mean I can't do a gen and the killer obviously isn't gonna down another survivor anytime soon and another thing I hate how myers instead of trying to hit survivor he basically just stalks until he gets tier 3 and when it stops he stalks until he has it again. The game is not bad other than wait time, campers, sluggers, and toxic killers.

  • RisPot
    RisPot Member Posts: 5

    I once put the two iri add-ons on Bubba and had all 4 survivors literally run straight at me 30 seconds into the game. So I downed them all in a matter of like 15 seconds. Sometimes you don't need to slug, cause survivors think can outplay you before knowing your build. 2 were trying to do the sprint burst turn around bit, but when I downed one guy and got back all my charges, it didn't help them. I'm not saying it will be this way every time, of course. But take a moment to figure out the killer's build and adjust your strategy accordingly to avoid mass sluggings and the like.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690
    edited October 2020

    Reading the title, i can tell you a lot has been done.

    Desperate Measures, Unbreakable, Soul Guard, and WGLF (once the buff goes live). Killers get less points the less they hook people, so a 4k slug at the start barely nets you any points and a black pip at best.

    If you're slugged, crawl to a pallet to recover. if he tries to pick you up, any close teammates can do a pallet save. he doesn't pick you up? Your teammate (and by extension, you) has a defense if he tries to heal you. If you're the last guy left, try to stay out of sight. go for the first person slugged who should have been recovering in the mean time. If you can't, they can see your aura, you can try gesturing them to crawl to you if there's any reason you can't go to them.

    Also, 9+ hooks is an iri emblem. That's above and beyond the intended standard created by the emblems.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    I think they should remove the aura reading of people in the diying state from BBQ. That's all. You slug someone, ok, but perhaps you couldn't find him/her at the end of the game.

  • M1ghtyM4x
    M1ghtyM4x Member Posts: 85

    I agree but unfortunately you will never get killer players to admit it. They are so self-centered they think that they are the only ones who should be able to have fun with this GAME. They're "rules" they dont have to follow; the famous lines nearly all of them tout when you try to say ANYTHING about the game, only further proves how singular minded they are to allow them to play as toxic as they want without repercussions. This is why we have the game in the state its in now. NEITHER side is happy cause the other plays like jerks. Ive been killer and survivor and seen both sides play like this. I agree SOMETHING has to be done about slugging. I myself have posted on this topic myself which got the same reaction as this post has gotten. Most survivor mains will agree that its a problem, while most killer mains will simply say they can play however they want (which is true since as we've seen even when the devs put a mechanic in to deter killers from doing something they will do it anyways. The game is what it is. If it keeps going like it is though I have a bad feeling that it will be its own destruction. I dont know how a game can last when the entire thing is so fragile and it keeps ripping itself apart.

  • shakala
    shakala Member Posts: 30

    All of you who said to counter slugging, just bring DS and Unbreakable. Are you the same ones who's gonna cry out about survivors use 'meta' perks or whatever. I rarely run both. Killers please, what perks exactly do you want me to run?

  • CostJuggler6619
    CostJuggler6619 Member Posts: 2

    This is not a game problem, it's a skill problem. At least one of you should've had spine chill n said "oh he's coming" and then you guys should've ran off in opposite directions or hid. Even then, for him to successfully get all of you that fast, either you all need to work on your looping skills, or you were too concerned with rescuing eachother and screwed yourselves in the process. I suspect the latter, cannot tell you how many 4k's I've had because a team didn't want me to get one hook state and ended up losing the entire game in the process. It's called cut your losses.

  • throwaway1234
    throwaway1234 Member Posts: 11

    You will also never get either side to admit that they take this game way to seriously and take everything either side does to heart instead of letting it go. Both sides don't realize that it's just a fricking game and that the other side is also human but people also lose all humanity when online and think that they can be dicks since they are behind a screen.

  • cloudface
    cloudface Member Posts: 93

    Yes, I completely agree.

    There's a good middle ground to get to when it's decent survivors and you play well against them for a 4k with lots of bp though.

  • Ax3ra
    Ax3ra Member Posts: 4

    You want to do what now. They already nerfed pop and now you want to make the killer’s job harder?

  • FafnirsGreed
    FafnirsGreed Member Posts: 2

    This is really just a comment from a salty survivor main just get better at the game or bring in a perk to stop slugging complaining does literally nothing cuz it's never gonna change so figure it out