WGLF Change Proposition:

I know countless ideas have been posted before but I just feel like right now, the way the perk is made just promotes toxicity.
Here is my suggestion :
1. Increase the max tokens from 2/3/4 to 4/6/8. You'll see in my following suggestions why.
2. Keep the actual ways of getting tokens but instead of having them give 1 token have them give 2.
3. Add new ways to get tokens.
Examples: - Escaping the killer after a chase worth of 1.5k points(not saying this should be the number) gives 1 point.
- Completing a generator awards 1 point.
- Opening an exit door awards 1 point.
- Stunning the killer awards 1 point.
There could be other ideas and stuff but for now I bring up just those.
Alternatively they could make it like this
1. Increase the max tokens from 2/3/4 to 8/12/16.
2. Keep the main ways of getting tokens but instead of them giving 1 have them award 4.
3. Add the ways from above but change the 1 to 2.
4. Add another way that awards just 1 point. For example : Healing other survivor (self care doesn't work) awards 1 point.
All I said above could be done with the main max tokens but with half tokens and quarter tokens.
I think it would make the perk more usable without having to farm tokens. Sure you still get the most that way but there are other ways for it too.
What do you think?