We're gonna live forever change proposition:

I know countless ideas have been posted before but I just feel like right now, the way the perk is made just promotes farming for the tokens.
Here is my suggestion :
1. Increase the max tokens from 2/3/4 to 4/6/8. You'll see in my following suggestions why.
2. Keep the actual ways of getting tokens but instead of having them give 1 token have them give 2.
3. Add new ways to get tokens.
Examples: - Escaping the killer after a chase worth of 1.5k points(not saying this should be the number) gives 1 point.
- Completing a generator awards 1 point.
- Opening an exit door awards 1 point.
- Stunning the killer awards 1 point.
There could be other ideas and stuff but for now I bring up just those.
Alternatively they could make it like this
1. Increase the max tokens from 2/3/4 to 8/12/16.
2. Keep the main ways of getting tokens but instead of them giving 1 have them award 4.
3. Add the ways from above but change the 1 to 2.
4. Add another way that awards just 1 point. For example : Healing other survivor (self care doesn't work) awards 1 point.
All I said above could be done with the main max tokens but with half tokens and quarter tokens.
I think it would make the perk more usable without having to farm tokens. Sure you still get the most that way but there are other ways for it too.
What do you think?
Edit: I haven't added a thing on this change. By making the perk require more tokens for the total it would mean that each token would give less %. For example for the 4/6/8 each token would give 12.5% and for the 8/12/16 each token would give 6.25%. The thing is each way of getting tokens right now keeps it original value by giving multiple tokens. For example an unhook would give either 2 or 4 tokens accordingly which still equals to 25%.
That would be to complicated. Right now its nice and simple. Let´s keep it that way.
4 -
People would get tokens for doing the objective instead of saving people. Why bother getting that survivor off the hook, if i can just stay at my objective and finish it? Also, when do you draw the line? Do i have to do the whole gen alone to get a token? Just finish it? Do x amount? If i do the gens with others does everyone get tokens or only 1? What about the gate?
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@Tsulan said:
People would get tokens for doing the objective instead of saving people. Why bother getting that survivor off the hook, if i can just stay at my objective and finish it? Also, when do you draw the line? Do i have to do the whole gen alone to get a token? Just finish it? Do x amount? If i do the gens with others does everyone get tokens or only 1? What about the gate?
Ok so it's still ur objective to escape and having others by your side only makes that easier so going after them still stands... not to mention it still awards 1/4 of the max amount of tokens.
You just have to be on the said generator when it's completed to get a token same for the gate.1 -
Would like to see this implemented in the game. Often see people with 'We're Gonna Live Forever' in my matches and the majority seems to farm hooks, without borrowed time (could be that I just happen to be extremely unlucky, but I doubt that). So yes, give people who want to use the perk more options to gain tokens other than unhooking which results in unsafe unhooks at many times.
3 -
@JoannaVO said:
Would like to see this implemented in the game. Often see people with 'We're Gonna Live Forever' in my matches and the majority seems to farm hooks, without borrowed time (could be that I just happen to be extremely unlucky, but I doubt that). So yes, give people who want to use the perk more options to gain tokens other than unhooking which results in unsafe unhooks at many times.This is one of the reasons I suggested this but not the only one. It's already hard as it is to get tokens without having others get in trouble... or yourself for that matter. Compared to the killer the tokens here are harder to obtain. And even with what I suggested it's not guaranteed you'll always have full tokens worth of extra points but you'll start to average a higher percentage.
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@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
Would like to see this implemented in the game. Often see people with 'We're Gonna Live Forever' in my matches and the majority seems to farm hooks, without borrowed time (could be that I just happen to be extremely unlucky, but I doubt that). So yes, give people who want to use the perk more options to gain tokens other than unhooking which results in unsafe unhooks at many times.This is one of the reasons I suggested this but not the only one. It's already hard as it is to get tokens without having others get in trouble... or yourself for that matter. Compared to the killer the tokens here are harder to obtain. And even with what I suggested it's not guaranteed you'll always have full tokens worth of extra points but you'll start to average a higher percentage.
That´s the whole point. Survivors should get an incentive to go for unhooks (preferably save ones) instead of only doing gens. Risk something and get a reward. Killer tokens are way harder to obtain btw. Because the killer has to hook every survivor to get 4 tokens. Survivors just need to get hit near a injured survivor to get a token. You don´t even have to unhook. Make a risky save, get hit after unhooking = 2 tokens. That´s supposed to be harder than hunting down 4 different survivors?
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@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
Would like to see this implemented in the game. Often see people with 'We're Gonna Live Forever' in my matches and the majority seems to farm hooks, without borrowed time (could be that I just happen to be extremely unlucky, but I doubt that). So yes, give people who want to use the perk more options to gain tokens other than unhooking which results in unsafe unhooks at many times.This is one of the reasons I suggested this but not the only one. It's already hard as it is to get tokens without having others get in trouble... or yourself for that matter. Compared to the killer the tokens here are harder to obtain. And even with what I suggested it's not guaranteed you'll always have full tokens worth of extra points but you'll start to average a higher percentage.
That´s the whole point. Survivors should get an incentive to go for unhooks (preferably save ones) instead of only doing gens. Risk something and get a reward. Killer tokens are way harder to obtain btw. Because the killer has to hook every survivor to get 4 tokens. Survivors just need to get hit near a injured survivor to get a token. You don´t even have to unhook. Make a risky save, get hit after unhooking = 2 tokens. That´s supposed to be harder than hunting down 4 different survivors?
The huge difference being the fact that the killer perk does something else apart from giving bloodpoints?
And no it's not hard to hook every survivor. Sure it might be hard to kill all of them but to hook each of them at least once? Yeah I doubt it. Tell me when it's the last time u didn't hook all survivors at least once?
And survivors already have an incentive to go for hooks, bloodpoints and tokens . And I wasn't against the idea of having the killers get easier tokens but after all this discussion isn't about that perk is it? Also I still don't agree with ur opinion. It's all yours but I'm not going to change my pov just because u might want me to do so.
Also it's not fun in any word to have someone farm you just for their tokens. Basically that's what the other options would be there for.0 -
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
Would like to see this implemented in the game. Often see people with 'We're Gonna Live Forever' in my matches and the majority seems to farm hooks, without borrowed time (could be that I just happen to be extremely unlucky, but I doubt that). So yes, give people who want to use the perk more options to gain tokens other than unhooking which results in unsafe unhooks at many times.This is one of the reasons I suggested this but not the only one. It's already hard as it is to get tokens without having others get in trouble... or yourself for that matter. Compared to the killer the tokens here are harder to obtain. And even with what I suggested it's not guaranteed you'll always have full tokens worth of extra points but you'll start to average a higher percentage.
That´s the whole point. Survivors should get an incentive to go for unhooks (preferably save ones) instead of only doing gens. Risk something and get a reward. Killer tokens are way harder to obtain btw. Because the killer has to hook every survivor to get 4 tokens. Survivors just need to get hit near a injured survivor to get a token. You don´t even have to unhook. Make a risky save, get hit after unhooking = 2 tokens. That´s supposed to be harder than hunting down 4 different survivors?
The huge difference being the fact that the killer perk does something else apart from giving bloodpoints?
And no it's not hard to hook every survivor. Sure it might be hard to kill all of them but to hook each of them at least once? Yeah I doubt it. Tell me when it's the last time u didn't hook all survivors at least once?
And survivors already have an incentive to go for hooks. Bloodpoints and tokens nonetheless. Still I don't agree with ur opinion. It's all yours but I'm not going to change my pov just because u might want me to do so.That question is easy to answer: almost every match. Why because survivor dc the moment they get downed. Killer doesn´t get tokens from that survivor.
Also BBQ gives the killer an incentive to leave the hook. Would you prefer it, if the devs take that away?0 -
I made a similar suggestion but for a different perk.
"No Mither will grant a 100% bonus to the user’s individual bloodpoints if that player escapes"
So instead of putting your teammates at risk, you are putting yourself at risk. And it could stack with WGLF for a 200% bonus.0 -
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
Would like to see this implemented in the game. Often see people with 'We're Gonna Live Forever' in my matches and the majority seems to farm hooks, without borrowed time (could be that I just happen to be extremely unlucky, but I doubt that). So yes, give people who want to use the perk more options to gain tokens other than unhooking which results in unsafe unhooks at many times.This is one of the reasons I suggested this but not the only one. It's already hard as it is to get tokens without having others get in trouble... or yourself for that matter. Compared to the killer the tokens here are harder to obtain. And even with what I suggested it's not guaranteed you'll always have full tokens worth of extra points but you'll start to average a higher percentage.
That´s the whole point. Survivors should get an incentive to go for unhooks (preferably save ones) instead of only doing gens. Risk something and get a reward. Killer tokens are way harder to obtain btw. Because the killer has to hook every survivor to get 4 tokens. Survivors just need to get hit near a injured survivor to get a token. You don´t even have to unhook. Make a risky save, get hit after unhooking = 2 tokens. That´s supposed to be harder than hunting down 4 different survivors?
The huge difference being the fact that the killer perk does something else apart from giving bloodpoints?
And no it's not hard to hook every survivor. Sure it might be hard to kill all of them but to hook each of them at least once? Yeah I doubt it. Tell me when it's the last time u didn't hook all survivors at least once?
And survivors already have an incentive to go for hooks. Bloodpoints and tokens nonetheless. Still I don't agree with ur opinion. It's all yours but I'm not going to change my pov just because u might want me to do so.That question is easy to answer: almost every match. Why because survivor dc the moment they get downed. Killer doesn´t get tokens from that survivor.
Also BBQ gives the killer an incentive to leave the hook. Would you prefer it, if the devs take that away?And if they dc how is that my fault. Why don't you suggest the devs to do something about it? It's not an excuse for not having a change to we're gonna live forever.
Even if it does it doesn't mean they will. There's a difference. Not to mention that if the killer won't leave he still can get tokens out of the other survivors... the survivors can't do the same.0 -
@NiteN_⑨ said:
I made a similar suggestion but for a different perk.
"No Mither will grant a 100% bonus to the user’s individual bloodpoints if that player escapes"
So instead of putting your teammates at risk, you are putting yourself at risk. And it could stack with WGLF for a 200% bonus.I like this suggestion. +1
0 -
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
Would like to see this implemented in the game. Often see people with 'We're Gonna Live Forever' in my matches and the majority seems to farm hooks, without borrowed time (could be that I just happen to be extremely unlucky, but I doubt that). So yes, give people who want to use the perk more options to gain tokens other than unhooking which results in unsafe unhooks at many times.This is one of the reasons I suggested this but not the only one. It's already hard as it is to get tokens without having others get in trouble... or yourself for that matter. Compared to the killer the tokens here are harder to obtain. And even with what I suggested it's not guaranteed you'll always have full tokens worth of extra points but you'll start to average a higher percentage.
That´s the whole point. Survivors should get an incentive to go for unhooks (preferably save ones) instead of only doing gens. Risk something and get a reward. Killer tokens are way harder to obtain btw. Because the killer has to hook every survivor to get 4 tokens. Survivors just need to get hit near a injured survivor to get a token. You don´t even have to unhook. Make a risky save, get hit after unhooking = 2 tokens. That´s supposed to be harder than hunting down 4 different survivors?
The huge difference being the fact that the killer perk does something else apart from giving bloodpoints?
And no it's not hard to hook every survivor. Sure it might be hard to kill all of them but to hook each of them at least once? Yeah I doubt it. Tell me when it's the last time u didn't hook all survivors at least once?
And survivors already have an incentive to go for hooks. Bloodpoints and tokens nonetheless. Still I don't agree with ur opinion. It's all yours but I'm not going to change my pov just because u might want me to do so.That question is easy to answer: almost every match. Why because survivor dc the moment they get downed. Killer doesn´t get tokens from that survivor.
Also BBQ gives the killer an incentive to leave the hook. Would you prefer it, if the devs take that away?And if they dc how is that my fault. Why don't you suggest the devs to do something about it? It's not an excuse for not having a change to we're gonna live forever.
Even if it does it doesn't mean they will. There's a difference. Not to mention that if the killer won't leave he still can get tokens out of the other survivors... the survivors can't do the same.Killer can get 1 token maximum per survivor. Survivors can get max tokens from 1 other survivor.
0 -
@McCree said:
@NiteN_⑨ said:
I made a similar suggestion but for a different perk.
"No Mither will grant a 100% bonus to the user’s individual bloodpoints if that player escapes"
So instead of putting your teammates at risk, you are putting yourself at risk. And it could stack with WGLF for a 200% bonus.I like this suggestion. +1
And it might Change the meta like how almost all killers use BBQ there might be at least 1 survivor with no mither every game
1 -
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
Would like to see this implemented in the game. Often see people with 'We're Gonna Live Forever' in my matches and the majority seems to farm hooks, without borrowed time (could be that I just happen to be extremely unlucky, but I doubt that). So yes, give people who want to use the perk more options to gain tokens other than unhooking which results in unsafe unhooks at many times.This is one of the reasons I suggested this but not the only one. It's already hard as it is to get tokens without having others get in trouble... or yourself for that matter. Compared to the killer the tokens here are harder to obtain. And even with what I suggested it's not guaranteed you'll always have full tokens worth of extra points but you'll start to average a higher percentage.
That´s the whole point. Survivors should get an incentive to go for unhooks (preferably save ones) instead of only doing gens. Risk something and get a reward. Killer tokens are way harder to obtain btw. Because the killer has to hook every survivor to get 4 tokens. Survivors just need to get hit near a injured survivor to get a token. You don´t even have to unhook. Make a risky save, get hit after unhooking = 2 tokens. That´s supposed to be harder than hunting down 4 different survivors?
The huge difference being the fact that the killer perk does something else apart from giving bloodpoints?
And no it's not hard to hook every survivor. Sure it might be hard to kill all of them but to hook each of them at least once? Yeah I doubt it. Tell me when it's the last time u didn't hook all survivors at least once?
And survivors already have an incentive to go for hooks. Bloodpoints and tokens nonetheless. Still I don't agree with ur opinion. It's all yours but I'm not going to change my pov just because u might want me to do so.That question is easy to answer: almost every match. Why because survivor dc the moment they get downed. Killer doesn´t get tokens from that survivor.
Also BBQ gives the killer an incentive to leave the hook. Would you prefer it, if the devs take that away?And if they dc how is that my fault. Why don't you suggest the devs to do something about it? It's not an excuse for not having a change to we're gonna live forever.
Even if it does it doesn't mean they will. There's a difference. Not to mention that if the killer won't leave he still can get tokens out of the other survivors... the survivors can't do the same.Killer can get 1 token maximum per survivor. Survivors can get max tokens from 1 other survivor.
Yeah uhm no they can't. At most they can get 2 from 1 other survivor.
0 -
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
Would like to see this implemented in the game. Often see people with 'We're Gonna Live Forever' in my matches and the majority seems to farm hooks, without borrowed time (could be that I just happen to be extremely unlucky, but I doubt that). So yes, give people who want to use the perk more options to gain tokens other than unhooking which results in unsafe unhooks at many times.This is one of the reasons I suggested this but not the only one. It's already hard as it is to get tokens without having others get in trouble... or yourself for that matter. Compared to the killer the tokens here are harder to obtain. And even with what I suggested it's not guaranteed you'll always have full tokens worth of extra points but you'll start to average a higher percentage.
That´s the whole point. Survivors should get an incentive to go for unhooks (preferably save ones) instead of only doing gens. Risk something and get a reward. Killer tokens are way harder to obtain btw. Because the killer has to hook every survivor to get 4 tokens. Survivors just need to get hit near a injured survivor to get a token. You don´t even have to unhook. Make a risky save, get hit after unhooking = 2 tokens. That´s supposed to be harder than hunting down 4 different survivors?
The huge difference being the fact that the killer perk does something else apart from giving bloodpoints?
And no it's not hard to hook every survivor. Sure it might be hard to kill all of them but to hook each of them at least once? Yeah I doubt it. Tell me when it's the last time u didn't hook all survivors at least once?
And survivors already have an incentive to go for hooks. Bloodpoints and tokens nonetheless. Still I don't agree with ur opinion. It's all yours but I'm not going to change my pov just because u might want me to do so.That question is easy to answer: almost every match. Why because survivor dc the moment they get downed. Killer doesn´t get tokens from that survivor.
Also BBQ gives the killer an incentive to leave the hook. Would you prefer it, if the devs take that away?And if they dc how is that my fault. Why don't you suggest the devs to do something about it? It's not an excuse for not having a change to we're gonna live forever.
Even if it does it doesn't mean they will. There's a difference. Not to mention that if the killer won't leave he still can get tokens out of the other survivors... the survivors can't do the same.Killer can get 1 token maximum per survivor. Survivors can get max tokens from 1 other survivor.
Yeah uhm no they can't. At most they can get 2 from 1 other survivor.
Not really, taking a hit near a hook for a survivor or taking a hit near a injured survivor in general (healing etc.) grants you a token, so you could technically get all 4 tokens just from 1 survivor.
3 -
@JoannaVO said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
Would like to see this implemented in the game. Often see people with 'We're Gonna Live Forever' in my matches and the majority seems to farm hooks, without borrowed time (could be that I just happen to be extremely unlucky, but I doubt that). So yes, give people who want to use the perk more options to gain tokens other than unhooking which results in unsafe unhooks at many times.This is one of the reasons I suggested this but not the only one. It's already hard as it is to get tokens without having others get in trouble... or yourself for that matter. Compared to the killer the tokens here are harder to obtain. And even with what I suggested it's not guaranteed you'll always have full tokens worth of extra points but you'll start to average a higher percentage.
That´s the whole point. Survivors should get an incentive to go for unhooks (preferably save ones) instead of only doing gens. Risk something and get a reward. Killer tokens are way harder to obtain btw. Because the killer has to hook every survivor to get 4 tokens. Survivors just need to get hit near a injured survivor to get a token. You don´t even have to unhook. Make a risky save, get hit after unhooking = 2 tokens. That´s supposed to be harder than hunting down 4 different survivors?
The huge difference being the fact that the killer perk does something else apart from giving bloodpoints?
And no it's not hard to hook every survivor. Sure it might be hard to kill all of them but to hook each of them at least once? Yeah I doubt it. Tell me when it's the last time u didn't hook all survivors at least once?
And survivors already have an incentive to go for hooks. Bloodpoints and tokens nonetheless. Still I don't agree with ur opinion. It's all yours but I'm not going to change my pov just because u might want me to do so.That question is easy to answer: almost every match. Why because survivor dc the moment they get downed. Killer doesn´t get tokens from that survivor.
Also BBQ gives the killer an incentive to leave the hook. Would you prefer it, if the devs take that away?And if they dc how is that my fault. Why don't you suggest the devs to do something about it? It's not an excuse for not having a change to we're gonna live forever.
Even if it does it doesn't mean they will. There's a difference. Not to mention that if the killer won't leave he still can get tokens out of the other survivors... the survivors can't do the same.Killer can get 1 token maximum per survivor. Survivors can get max tokens from 1 other survivor.
Yeah uhm no they can't. At most they can get 2 from 1 other survivor.
Not really, taking a hit near a hook for a survivor or taking a hit near a injured survivor in general (healing etc.) grants you a token, so you could technically get all 4 tokens just from 1 survivor.
Technically but not from just unhooking. And still don't think it would be a bad idea to have more option on how to get tokens. Since the person above was complaining about the killer one. They could also have other options... like the survivor one after a chase of like 1.5k if u hit down the survivor u get a token or smth
0 -
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
Would like to see this implemented in the game. Often see people with 'We're Gonna Live Forever' in my matches and the majority seems to farm hooks, without borrowed time (could be that I just happen to be extremely unlucky, but I doubt that). So yes, give people who want to use the perk more options to gain tokens other than unhooking which results in unsafe unhooks at many times.This is one of the reasons I suggested this but not the only one. It's already hard as it is to get tokens without having others get in trouble... or yourself for that matter. Compared to the killer the tokens here are harder to obtain. And even with what I suggested it's not guaranteed you'll always have full tokens worth of extra points but you'll start to average a higher percentage.
That´s the whole point. Survivors should get an incentive to go for unhooks (preferably save ones) instead of only doing gens. Risk something and get a reward. Killer tokens are way harder to obtain btw. Because the killer has to hook every survivor to get 4 tokens. Survivors just need to get hit near a injured survivor to get a token. You don´t even have to unhook. Make a risky save, get hit after unhooking = 2 tokens. That´s supposed to be harder than hunting down 4 different survivors?
The huge difference being the fact that the killer perk does something else apart from giving bloodpoints?
And no it's not hard to hook every survivor. Sure it might be hard to kill all of them but to hook each of them at least once? Yeah I doubt it. Tell me when it's the last time u didn't hook all survivors at least once?
And survivors already have an incentive to go for hooks. Bloodpoints and tokens nonetheless. Still I don't agree with ur opinion. It's all yours but I'm not going to change my pov just because u might want me to do so.That question is easy to answer: almost every match. Why because survivor dc the moment they get downed. Killer doesn´t get tokens from that survivor.
Also BBQ gives the killer an incentive to leave the hook. Would you prefer it, if the devs take that away?And if they dc how is that my fault. Why don't you suggest the devs to do something about it? It's not an excuse for not having a change to we're gonna live forever.
Even if it does it doesn't mean they will. There's a difference. Not to mention that if the killer won't leave he still can get tokens out of the other survivors... the survivors can't do the same.Killer can get 1 token maximum per survivor. Survivors can get max tokens from 1 other survivor.
Yeah uhm no they can't. At most they can get 2 from 1 other survivor.
Not really, taking a hit near a hook for a survivor or taking a hit near a injured survivor in general (healing etc.) grants you a token, so you could technically get all 4 tokens just from 1 survivor.
Technically but not from just unhooking. And still don't think it would be a bad idea to have more option on how to get tokens. Since the person above was complaining about the killer one. They could also have other options... like the survivor one after a chase of like 1.5k if u hit down the survivor u get a token or smth
I definetly agree with you on the fact that there should be more ways, and I explained above why, but I don't think generators should be involved. I mean, you do have to do something for the (if gained 4 tokens) 100% extra bloodpoints, which is just like a Escape Cake which you didn't have to pay 4,000 bloodpoints for. If I use the perk, and I have a good match in which I'm altruistic I get around 20,000 bloodpoints, that doubled for all the matches I've played is a pretty decent reward for just unhooking and taking a few hits near injured survivors, which I do anyway without having the perk.
0 -
I think WGLF definitely needs something. I don't know if the proposed rework would work but as a survivor, it is really difficult to get tokens and when you try to get them, you put other survivors at great risk.
The only tweak it needs is heal tokens.
%100 healing= 1 token.
You can reach %100 by healing different survivors. What I mean by that is that lets say you found a survivor but he already healed himself %25 so you get to keep your %75, if you find another survivor and heal her up to %25, you get a token.
It would be better I think.
1 -
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
Would like to see this implemented in the game. Often see people with 'We're Gonna Live Forever' in my matches and the majority seems to farm hooks, without borrowed time (could be that I just happen to be extremely unlucky, but I doubt that). So yes, give people who want to use the perk more options to gain tokens other than unhooking which results in unsafe unhooks at many times.This is one of the reasons I suggested this but not the only one. It's already hard as it is to get tokens without having others get in trouble... or yourself for that matter. Compared to the killer the tokens here are harder to obtain. And even with what I suggested it's not guaranteed you'll always have full tokens worth of extra points but you'll start to average a higher percentage.
That´s the whole point. Survivors should get an incentive to go for unhooks (preferably save ones) instead of only doing gens. Risk something and get a reward. Killer tokens are way harder to obtain btw. Because the killer has to hook every survivor to get 4 tokens. Survivors just need to get hit near a injured survivor to get a token. You don´t even have to unhook. Make a risky save, get hit after unhooking = 2 tokens. That´s supposed to be harder than hunting down 4 different survivors?
The huge difference being the fact that the killer perk does something else apart from giving bloodpoints?
And no it's not hard to hook every survivor. Sure it might be hard to kill all of them but to hook each of them at least once? Yeah I doubt it. Tell me when it's the last time u didn't hook all survivors at least once?
And survivors already have an incentive to go for hooks. Bloodpoints and tokens nonetheless. Still I don't agree with ur opinion. It's all yours but I'm not going to change my pov just because u might want me to do so.That question is easy to answer: almost every match. Why because survivor dc the moment they get downed. Killer doesn´t get tokens from that survivor.
Also BBQ gives the killer an incentive to leave the hook. Would you prefer it, if the devs take that away?And if they dc how is that my fault. Why don't you suggest the devs to do something about it? It's not an excuse for not having a change to we're gonna live forever.
Even if it does it doesn't mean they will. There's a difference. Not to mention that if the killer won't leave he still can get tokens out of the other survivors... the survivors can't do the same.Killer can get 1 token maximum per survivor. Survivors can get max tokens from 1 other survivor.
Yeah uhm no they can't. At most they can get 2 from 1 other survivor.
Not really, taking a hit near a hook for a survivor or taking a hit near a injured survivor in general (healing etc.) grants you a token, so you could technically get all 4 tokens just from 1 survivor.
Technically but not from just unhooking. And still don't think it would be a bad idea to have more option on how to get tokens. Since the person above was complaining about the killer one. They could also have other options... like the survivor one after a chase of like 1.5k if u hit down the survivor u get a token or smth
You get tokens for unhooking, blocking (getting hit while the killer carries someone), protecting, hitting the killer with a pallet when he carries someone and even flashlight saving.
Isn´t that enough?0 -
@JoannaVO said:
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
Would like to see this implemented in the game. Often see people with 'We're Gonna Live Forever' in my matches and the majority seems to farm hooks, without borrowed time (could be that I just happen to be extremely unlucky, but I doubt that). So yes, give people who want to use the perk more options to gain tokens other than unhooking which results in unsafe unhooks at many times.This is one of the reasons I suggested this but not the only one. It's already hard as it is to get tokens without having others get in trouble... or yourself for that matter. Compared to the killer the tokens here are harder to obtain. And even with what I suggested it's not guaranteed you'll always have full tokens worth of extra points but you'll start to average a higher percentage.
That´s the whole point. Survivors should get an incentive to go for unhooks (preferably save ones) instead of only doing gens. Risk something and get a reward. Killer tokens are way harder to obtain btw. Because the killer has to hook every survivor to get 4 tokens. Survivors just need to get hit near a injured survivor to get a token. You don´t even have to unhook. Make a risky save, get hit after unhooking = 2 tokens. That´s supposed to be harder than hunting down 4 different survivors?
The huge difference being the fact that the killer perk does something else apart from giving bloodpoints?
And no it's not hard to hook every survivor. Sure it might be hard to kill all of them but to hook each of them at least once? Yeah I doubt it. Tell me when it's the last time u didn't hook all survivors at least once?
And survivors already have an incentive to go for hooks. Bloodpoints and tokens nonetheless. Still I don't agree with ur opinion. It's all yours but I'm not going to change my pov just because u might want me to do so.That question is easy to answer: almost every match. Why because survivor dc the moment they get downed. Killer doesn´t get tokens from that survivor.
Also BBQ gives the killer an incentive to leave the hook. Would you prefer it, if the devs take that away?And if they dc how is that my fault. Why don't you suggest the devs to do something about it? It's not an excuse for not having a change to we're gonna live forever.
Even if it does it doesn't mean they will. There's a difference. Not to mention that if the killer won't leave he still can get tokens out of the other survivors... the survivors can't do the same.Killer can get 1 token maximum per survivor. Survivors can get max tokens from 1 other survivor.
Yeah uhm no they can't. At most they can get 2 from 1 other survivor.
Not really, taking a hit near a hook for a survivor or taking a hit near a injured survivor in general (healing etc.) grants you a token, so you could technically get all 4 tokens just from 1 survivor.
Technically but not from just unhooking. And still don't think it would be a bad idea to have more option on how to get tokens. Since the person above was complaining about the killer one. They could also have other options... like the survivor one after a chase of like 1.5k if u hit down the survivor u get a token or smth
I definetly agree with you on the fact that there should be more ways, and I explained above why, but I don't think generators should be involved. I mean, you do have to do something for the (if gained 4 tokens) 100% extra bloodpoints, which is just like a Escape Cake which you didn't have to pay 4,000 bloodpoints for. If I use the perk, and I have a good match in which I'm altruistic I get around 20,000 bloodpoints, that doubled for all the matches I've played is a pretty decent reward for just unhooking and taking a few hits near injured survivors, which I do anyway without having the perk.
That's exactly why I suggested the addition of more tokens. So the tokens from a generator wouldn't be as important as the others. Check out the edited post. Maybe it wasn't clear what I intended
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@Delfador said:
I think WGLF definitely needs something. I don't know if the proposed rework would work but as a survivor, it is really difficult to get tokens and when you try to get them, you put other survivors at great risk.The only tweak it needs is heal tokens.
%100 healing= 1 token.
You can reach %100 by healing different survivors. What I mean by that is that lets say you found a survivor but he already healed himself %25 so you get to keep your %75, if you find another survivor and heal her up to %25, you get a token.
It would be better I think.
Any reason you think it wouldn't work? Check out the edited post. Maybe it makes more sense and you'll like it more now. Not sure if u understood it before so yeah.
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@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@JoannaVO said:
Would like to see this implemented in the game. Often see people with 'We're Gonna Live Forever' in my matches and the majority seems to farm hooks, without borrowed time (could be that I just happen to be extremely unlucky, but I doubt that). So yes, give people who want to use the perk more options to gain tokens other than unhooking which results in unsafe unhooks at many times.This is one of the reasons I suggested this but not the only one. It's already hard as it is to get tokens without having others get in trouble... or yourself for that matter. Compared to the killer the tokens here are harder to obtain. And even with what I suggested it's not guaranteed you'll always have full tokens worth of extra points but you'll start to average a higher percentage.
That´s the whole point. Survivors should get an incentive to go for unhooks (preferably save ones) instead of only doing gens. Risk something and get a reward. Killer tokens are way harder to obtain btw. Because the killer has to hook every survivor to get 4 tokens. Survivors just need to get hit near a injured survivor to get a token. You don´t even have to unhook. Make a risky save, get hit after unhooking = 2 tokens. That´s supposed to be harder than hunting down 4 different survivors?
The huge difference being the fact that the killer perk does something else apart from giving bloodpoints?
And no it's not hard to hook every survivor. Sure it might be hard to kill all of them but to hook each of them at least once? Yeah I doubt it. Tell me when it's the last time u didn't hook all survivors at least once?
And survivors already have an incentive to go for hooks. Bloodpoints and tokens nonetheless. Still I don't agree with ur opinion. It's all yours but I'm not going to change my pov just because u might want me to do so.That question is easy to answer: almost every match. Why because survivor dc the moment they get downed. Killer doesn´t get tokens from that survivor.
Also BBQ gives the killer an incentive to leave the hook. Would you prefer it, if the devs take that away?And if they dc how is that my fault. Why don't you suggest the devs to do something about it? It's not an excuse for not having a change to we're gonna live forever.
Even if it does it doesn't mean they will. There's a difference. Not to mention that if the killer won't leave he still can get tokens out of the other survivors... the survivors can't do the same.Killer can get 1 token maximum per survivor. Survivors can get max tokens from 1 other survivor.
Yeah uhm no they can't. At most they can get 2 from 1 other survivor.
Not really, taking a hit near a hook for a survivor or taking a hit near a injured survivor in general (healing etc.) grants you a token, so you could technically get all 4 tokens just from 1 survivor.
Technically but not from just unhooking. And still don't think it would be a bad idea to have more option on how to get tokens. Since the person above was complaining about the killer one. They could also have other options... like the survivor one after a chase of like 1.5k if u hit down the survivor u get a token or smth
You get tokens for unhooking, blocking (getting hit while the killer carries someone), protecting, hitting the killer with a pallet when he carries someone and even flashlight saving.
Isn´t that enough?So basically you get tokens for unhooking(that being if the killer isn't camping), when taking a hit with any other survivor close to you and hitting a killer with the pallet when he carries a player which let's be honest rarely ever happens. The flashlight saving don't award tokens. I've done it countless time and it never added to my tokens. You should also check out the edited post because maybe you didn't understand what I wanted to do here either XD.
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@McCree said:
@Delfador said:
I think WGLF definitely needs something. I don't know if the proposed rework would work but as a survivor, it is really difficult to get tokens and when you try to get them, you put other survivors at great risk.The only tweak it needs is heal tokens.
%100 healing= 1 token.
You can reach %100 by healing different survivors. What I mean by that is that lets say you found a survivor but he already healed himself %25 so you get to keep your %75, if you find another survivor and heal her up to %25, you get a token.
It would be better I think.
Any reason you think it wouldn't work? Check out the edited post. Maybe it makes more sense and you'll like it more now. Not sure if u understood it before so yeah.
Increased tokens can mess up with the game's economy. You might think that I don't want survivors to earn more bloodpoints so that they can't buy insta heals etc. but in reality, if the survivors can get %400 more bp, killers can play a couple of survivor rounds and get their powerful ultra rare addons etc.
Completing generators, opening exit gates do not fit into the perk's idea. We are gonna live forever as its name implies, forces you to help your teammates directly. Yes, generator completing, opening exit gates are also beneficial but it feels like they are not related to the perk.
I believe counting healing as a token is the only thing this perk needs.
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@Delfador said:
@McCree said:
@Delfador said:
I think WGLF definitely needs something. I don't know if the proposed rework would work but as a survivor, it is really difficult to get tokens and when you try to get them, you put other survivors at great risk.The only tweak it needs is heal tokens.
%100 healing= 1 token.
You can reach %100 by healing different survivors. What I mean by that is that lets say you found a survivor but he already healed himself %25 so you get to keep your %75, if you find another survivor and heal her up to %25, you get a token.
It would be better I think.
Any reason you think it wouldn't work? Check out the edited post. Maybe it makes more sense and you'll like it more now. Not sure if u understood it before so yeah.
Increased tokens can mess up with the game's economy. You might think that I don't want survivors to earn more bloodpoints so that they can't buy insta heals etc. but in reality, if the survivors can get %400 more bp, killers can play a couple of survivor rounds and get their powerful ultra rare addons etc.
Completing generators, opening exit gates do not fit into the perk's idea. We are gonna live forever as its name implies, forces you to help your teammates directly. Yes, generator completing, opening exit gates are also beneficial but it feels like they are not related to the perk.
I believe counting healing as a token is the only thing this perk needs.
Did u read the edit on the op?
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@McCree said:
@Delfador said:
@McCree said:
@Delfador said:
I think WGLF definitely needs something. I don't know if the proposed rework would work but as a survivor, it is really difficult to get tokens and when you try to get them, you put other survivors at great risk.The only tweak it needs is heal tokens.
%100 healing= 1 token.
You can reach %100 by healing different survivors. What I mean by that is that lets say you found a survivor but he already healed himself %25 so you get to keep your %75, if you find another survivor and heal her up to %25, you get a token.
It would be better I think.
Any reason you think it wouldn't work? Check out the edited post. Maybe it makes more sense and you'll like it more now. Not sure if u understood it before so yeah.
Increased tokens can mess up with the game's economy. You might think that I don't want survivors to earn more bloodpoints so that they can't buy insta heals etc. but in reality, if the survivors can get %400 more bp, killers can play a couple of survivor rounds and get their powerful ultra rare addons etc.
Completing generators, opening exit gates do not fit into the perk's idea. We are gonna live forever as its name implies, forces you to help your teammates directly. Yes, generator completing, opening exit gates are also beneficial but it feels like they are not related to the perk.
I believe counting healing as a token is the only thing this perk needs.
Did u read the edit on the op?
Oh I didn't see the edit part, read the whole post again instead.
It would make much much more difficult to get tokens and make the perk over complicated. I mean we can discuss this but I don't see devs making this change.
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There's no need to change We're Gonna Live Forever, just like BBQ & Chili doesn't need to either. We don't have to keep asking to change how things works always. Feels unnecessary.
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If they want people to make safe saves with WGLF then it should give a flat 1000BP bonus post trial for every safe unhook. Then people will try to make those unhooks safe so they get more BP AND it encourages them to keep saving after they get 4 tokens.
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@Delfador said:
@McCree said:
@Delfador said:
@McCree said:
@Delfador said:
I think WGLF definitely needs something. I don't know if the proposed rework would work but as a survivor, it is really difficult to get tokens and when you try to get them, you put other survivors at great risk.The only tweak it needs is heal tokens.
%100 healing= 1 token.
You can reach %100 by healing different survivors. What I mean by that is that lets say you found a survivor but he already healed himself %25 so you get to keep your %75, if you find another survivor and heal her up to %25, you get a token.
It would be better I think.
Any reason you think it wouldn't work? Check out the edited post. Maybe it makes more sense and you'll like it more now. Not sure if u understood it before so yeah.
Increased tokens can mess up with the game's economy. You might think that I don't want survivors to earn more bloodpoints so that they can't buy insta heals etc. but in reality, if the survivors can get %400 more bp, killers can play a couple of survivor rounds and get their powerful ultra rare addons etc.
Completing generators, opening exit gates do not fit into the perk's idea. We are gonna live forever as its name implies, forces you to help your teammates directly. Yes, generator completing, opening exit gates are also beneficial but it feels like they are not related to the perk.
I believe counting healing as a token is the only thing this perk needs.
Did u read the edit on the op?
Oh I didn't see the edit part, read the whole post again instead.
It would make much much more difficult to get tokens and make the perk over complicated. I mean we can discuss this but I don't see devs making this change.
I still don't see how it would make the tokens much more difficult to get when those actions like unhooking/protecting hit and stuff like that still give 25% per action. It's literally the same thing but with more ways to get stuff. If you aren't that good at math just go with what I said trust me. It's right number wise. And while yes it could be a bit more complicated as a perk the general demise of it would be basically.. you do stuff and get bonus points.
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@Khalednazari said:
There's no need to change We're Gonna Live Forever, just like BBQ & Chili doesn't need to either. We don't have to keep asking to change how things works always. Feels unnecessary.I just suggested a change that would only give more to the players not take away. I don't see why there's a problem with that. Also people can ask whatever they want as it's part of the freedom of speech. If they have a different opinion on that they can share it. There's no need to try to silence others.
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@thesuicidefox said:
If they want people to make safe saves with WGLF then it should give a flat 1000BP bonus post trial for every safe unhook. Then people will try to make those unhooks safe so they get more BP AND it encourages them to keep saving after they get 4 tokens.I mean that could work too but like still I really think that having more ways to get tokens would be beneficial.
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I would like more percentage.
So I get 4 ,this full stack so I get 100percent bonus
Allow more so I get more bonus
As it is once i reach 4 i see no reason to go out of my way to save someone at possibly cost of my life. However until I get 4 I always drop what I'm doing to save.0 -
@HeavenlyClassic said:
I would like more percentage.
So I get 4 ,this full stack so I get 100percent bonus
Allow more so I get more bonus
As it is once i reach 4 i see no reason to go out of my way to save someone at possibly cost of my life. However until I get 4 I always drop what I'm doing to save.Does nobody pay attention to what I write? That's why I said you'd have more tokens. Still a max of 100% but with more ways to get tokens.
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@McCree said:
@thesuicidefox said:
If they want people to make safe saves with WGLF then it should give a flat 1000BP bonus post trial for every safe unhook. Then people will try to make those unhooks safe so they get more BP AND it encourages them to keep saving after they get 4 tokens.I mean that could work too but like still I really think that having more ways to get tokens would be beneficial.
Nah, it's too complicated. If you want token for WGLF you make saves or take hits. Simple.
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@thesuicidefox said:
@McCree said:
@thesuicidefox said:
If they want people to make safe saves with WGLF then it should give a flat 1000BP bonus post trial for every safe unhook. Then people will try to make those unhooks safe so they get more BP AND it encourages them to keep saving after they get 4 tokens.I mean that could work too but like still I really think that having more ways to get tokens would be beneficial.
Nah, it's too complicated. If you want token for WGLF you make saves or take hits. Simple.
How is it complicated. It doesn't make you have to do new stuff. You literally would just get tokens from doing usual actions. I don't understand your mindset.
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@McCree said:
@thesuicidefox said:
@McCree said:
@thesuicidefox said:
If they want people to make safe saves with WGLF then it should give a flat 1000BP bonus post trial for every safe unhook. Then people will try to make those unhooks safe so they get more BP AND it encourages them to keep saving after they get 4 tokens.I mean that could work too but like still I really think that having more ways to get tokens would be beneficial.
Nah, it's too complicated. If you want token for WGLF you make saves or take hits. Simple.
How is it complicated. It doesn't make you have to do new stuff. You literally would just get tokens from doing usual actions. I don't understand your mindset.
Everyone is telling you the same thing. Tokens should only be awarded for risking something by unhooking or protecting someone else. Not for doing your normal objective.
Maybe the devs pick up your idea and give survivors another perk that gives bonus tokens for completing gens.0 -
@Tsulan said:
@McCree said:
@thesuicidefox said:
@McCree said:
@thesuicidefox said:
If they want people to make safe saves with WGLF then it should give a flat 1000BP bonus post trial for every safe unhook. Then people will try to make those unhooks safe so they get more BP AND it encourages them to keep saving after they get 4 tokens.I mean that could work too but like still I really think that having more ways to get tokens would be beneficial.
Nah, it's too complicated. If you want token for WGLF you make saves or take hits. Simple.
How is it complicated. It doesn't make you have to do new stuff. You literally would just get tokens from doing usual actions. I don't understand your mindset.
Everyone is telling you the same thing. Tokens should only be awarded for risking something by unhooking or protecting someone else. Not for doing your normal objective.
Maybe the devs pick up your idea and give survivors another perk that gives bonus tokens for completing gens.I don't get why you'd go against it. It doesn't give u any in game advantage and considering how many killers and survivors there are having more bloodpoints gained on average is better. If you want easier tokens for killers then so be it I can easily come up with a similar update to the perk but I just don't understand why you feel like it should be dangerous to get extra points when u're literally playing with 3 perks as a survivor.
You're literally risking by giving up a perk for those thing. Why do you think you need an additional risk. There are countless perks that could make it so you'd have a different outcome in many situations and u give those up for some bloodpoints. I don't think you'd need an extra problem. And I've had countless matches where I barely had 1 token. Not because I didn't go save but because for example the killer is camping(LF,HB, Myers with EW3 ready and so on), because others get there before I do, or the said survivors dc suicide on hook. Also disconnects affect us too so meh.
If you want me to make an update to the killer perk too say the word and I'll do it.1