Solo queue teammates are a joke

After 3 hours of playing in solo today (was rank 2, now I'm one pip away from rank 5), almost every game my teammates would either:
sandbag me, don't take any hits,
do nothing and crouch in a corner,
or leave me to hit second stage on hook
I find solo queue way more stressful/not fun/boring than killer, and I'm rank 2/1 killer...
Solo is unplayable, something needs to be done about weak teammates
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Yes it's too stressful being tunneled, your teammates sand bagging you and doing nothing. I find killer more entertaining, but killer queue is too long at daytime.
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That's why I don't play solo anymore :P
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I wouldn't too, but I'm too lazy to find a good swf squad.
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I just have some friends who meet up on discord once in awhile. Most of the time I play killer these days. Or I play something else
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honestly killer side is way more entertaining, but the queue times are a big no no for me atleast
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I'm rank 8-9 and I hardly wait more than 1 min. Could be my location and the time of day I play.
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I had a slugged Nea with unbreakable in front of me while I was dying on the hook. Seconds away from death and she was my only hope. The moment she got up she ran away from me and started working on the closest gen.
Killer was across the map.
We all died.
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Thats nothing to do with solo queue. Players in general are just really bad at playing this game. I get constantly redranks that would be skill-wise around yellow ranks.
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I'm rank 2/1 and waiting times are terrible at day
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I don't think so. While I do play with my friends when I can, most of my time as a Survivor is played in the Solo Que. I do run into potatoes and subpar Players, but I've been carried myself and fought alongside some truly incredible players. People who sandbag are cheating, and that is a different issue. People who don't carry their weight, well that happens. They will improve in time.
I think it is important not to hold strangers to the standard of a SWF who are in constant communication (most of the time) or crack teams that simply know their jobs like Seal Team 6. The plight of the Survivor is that you are only as strong as the weakest member of the team. Therein lies the challenge and the fun.
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I had 3 games where 2 surv dc and the game ended in 2 min
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The best thing you can do is find some people to play with. I played solo for over 3 years and started playing SWF a few months ago and the game has just moved more towards SWF. That's not going to change, and despite not liking it at first, it is fun to play with other people.
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They should at least add a bloodpoint bonus for solo
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Any on Xbox wish to team up lemme know. 6-9p EST NA
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I mostly play solo, I run in to some potatoes but mostly I get good teammates, I guess I must just be lucky.
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You are indeed!
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If you cant consistantly do well in soloq you are bad at the game ol.
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They may be a joke, but I'm not laughing.
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Haven't played survivor in a while, so I got sent back to the minor leagues by rank reset. Its hilarious going from rank 4 to rank 20.
It's fun watching the solo potatoes on kindred. They're allergic to gens, leave the gens to crouch in the corner when the killer is a map away, they're scared to unhook. Only good news is that the killers cant catch me.
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I escape almost all the time, or do very well and get more than 20 k bp's. The thing is I don't have any fun playing with solo que teammates.
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lmao...someone's nose is really growing.
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I've noticed weekends are the worst for solo q but during the week it's not so bad.
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It is tough. I have had both kinds of games. Either I get great teammates, know the game, understand the strategy, do gens, safe unhooks, loops.
Or I get hooked after a decent loop and 3 teammates are creeping in the edges of the map.
And if that is the case, I am going for my 4% and hoping the next game are those great randos I adore.
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4 good survivours is extremely boring tho id rather play with 3 bots as then the game has any sort of challenge.
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well you have to be below average to do bad consistantly so that would translate to being bad lol
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What are your suggestions? In nearly 3 years of playing DBD on my part, this has always been an issue. Probably always will be, too. SO, I just adapt my play to the play of the pub Survivors....i.e. I end up playing 'Lone Wolf Nea' most of the time.
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Depends, if the killer is bad then yes. But if both killer and atleast 2 surv are good then you get to fully experience dbd. And also builds, I love to use some healing builds
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I enjoy helping my teammates, it's one of the funniest, wholesome things in dbd. I bought felix just for desperate measures, so my healing build is completed.
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Good Deal! I enjoy it too, but when brain-dead pubs are going to run all Kamikaze at the hook as soon as someone gets hung up, and then spend the rest of that real short game trading places on said hook......nopers! I'll rack up all the points that I reasonably can, then try to GTFO.
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The amount of good players in this game is incredibly low most people arent bad just average. To get even 3 good players into a single match would be an incredibly long queue youll search even longer for games that are satisfactory. The average skill level of the playerbase naturally rises to an extent but it could be raised with actual useful tutorials ingame.
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The only thing that motivates me to play this game is SWF, I cba for killer or solo queueing.
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Solo Q become more and more worse over the years. It wasnt that bad back then but this was because of the strenght of survivors and the bad position of the killer.
The Developers talked about changes in the future and beside some small changes and perk changes (how they most likely "balance" the game) nothing has changed.
You can play as often as you want. You will realize how silly bad soloq can be. Theres still more bs to see. That's why I quitted the game. Playing killer was never an option for me beside the fact that playing killer against those groups are very easy and not challenging. Solo survivors destroy theirself. You don't have to do many things to sabotage them.
I waited over 3 years for some great changes. based perks for killer and survivor. Like Brutal Strenght base kit, base blood warden (maybe 30 secs), base bond or kindred for survivors. More informations for survivors. A better tutorial or hints during the loading screen. What teaches you as killer mindgaming, moonwalking, faking, right decision making like: chase the nearest survivor so a survivor further away has to unhook and make its way over the whole map and back to the gen. pallet looping, faking a pallet throw or window vault, doing dulls drive by AND if theres enough time so that those 14 seconds won't cost you the game.
Nothing. I'm done since 2 months. And if you prefer the survivor gameplay you should switch the roles or quit the game. It's better for you and your mental health :)