Any tips for Oni and Spirit?

Just bought the Oni and Spirit last night and am having a bit of trouble learning their powers and what's good on them ECT ECT. I know some basic stuff, like stridor being good for spirit and infectious being good on oni, but if any of you oni or spirit mains got some tips or tricks I'd be glad if you shared them


  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,303

    I also recently purchased both. I sucked bad with Oni. Just couldn't for the life of me land demon strikes on console. Spirit I found easy at low to mid ranks but its hard now at rank 11. My Spirit tips would be, use a headset, you can hear pallet vaults, bone cleansing and what survivors are doing when you are approaching/chasing. Standing still at a pallet/vault fake phasing catches a lot of survivors out at low ranks, trick wears off against better survivors. Other than that, just assume and anticipate the movements of survivors. You are also NOT the wraith, so don't phase all over map, save it for gen approaches and chases .

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    Scott Jund is a former Oni main and has a pretty solid guide to playing him on YouTube.

    My recommended Oni build would be:

    • Scalped Topknot and a Duration-Boosting add-on (Topknot is Oni's BEST add-on).
    • Infectious Fright + Corrupt Intervention + A Detection Perk (BBQ / Discordance / Whispers) + Monitor & Abuse (or an additional stall perk like Ruin or Pop).

    *Infectious Fright is basically Oni's favorite perk and is a big enabler for his terrifying snowball potential. It's probably something every Oni wants in their build.

    **Corrupt Intervention helps Oni during his low-pressure early game while he's still gathering his power.

    Much like Myers, you want to build up your power ASAP. You may want to injure a survivor and then allow them to loop you for a lengthy period of time to charge Blood Fury with the orbs they drop. If you find several survivors early-on, injure one and ditch them to chase someone else who's healthy. Don't be afraid to use your power to down injured survivors if it could prevent them from getting to good loops (or could force them away from a good loop). And try to remember where injured survivors may have worked on gens or cleansed totems; they'll often have left a ton of blood orbs for you to absorb.

    For Spirit, OhTofu and Otzdarva have some good videos all about her (also on YouTube).

    I don't play her as much as other killers, so I don't have any well-known-to-be-great builds to share, but I can say this much:

    • Spirit's big thing is tracking by sound. Stridor is your best friend for counteracting Iron Will (Spirit's biggest weakness). A good set of headphones also go a long way when playing her.
    • Most of Spirit's add-ons are pretty strong, but the recharge-boosting ones can allow her to use her power more frequently for both chasing and map mobility.
    • Spirit is the queen of mindgames. I dislike when I see it happen, but you can sometimes stand still near a pallet or window to make a survivor think you're phasewalking. If they try to be sneaky and slow-vault back towards you, you can then immediately hit or grab them.

    Just get really good at tracking by sound and you shouldn't have too much trouble with Spirit.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,720

    I can tell you a few things about Spirit.

    1. Get a good headset. No, seriously. Spirit relies a lot on sound, hence its necessity.
    2. Other than sound, you're going to need to develop a good sense of both the map and survivor movements. Learn to predict where to go until your ears can guide you the rest of the way.
    3. Stridor is to Spirit what Shadowborn is to Nurse. It helps but if you start using it, you cannot play without it. It's the sole counter to Iron Will, so I won't blame you for it. You're going to need to adjust, especially if you play other killers.
    4. Phasing is a very useful tool due to its versitility. Don't be afraid to use it for mobility, but at the same time, try not to over use it. As a new Spirit, feel free to experiment to see what type of usage works for you.
    5. Spine Chill still gives you away while you're phasing. Remember that when you're trying to mindgame.
    6. Don't bother with undetectable/stealth perks on Spirit. Her ghostly moans and the glass creaking gives her away from around 16m, which while shorter than her 24m TR, isn't worth a perk slot imo. Furthermore, those within her TR can't hear her phasing, and if you have no TR...
    7. Her add-ons are absolutely insane. Duration, Speed, Activation, and Reappearance Speed are the ones you want to keep an eye on. Due to a developer oversight, duration add-ons also give faster recovery hence them being better than recovery is almost every way. Speed and Activation speed add-ons are a bit self explanatory. Her Reappearance Speed add-ons are... just insane. When you come out of phasing, you briefly (and I mean less than a second) keep your phasing speed. How is this helpful? She gets a longer lunge. With add-ons, her lunge is just ridiculous! Try it for yourself.
    8. This is less of a tip and more of a warning. Many guides (Tofu's included) are a bit outdated. Spirit used to lack a vault animaton, keep collision while phasing, among other things. The general idea of how to play the killer is still true, however.