Is the blight just a “reboot” of legion?
I was reading looking at blight and he just kinda seems like a reboot of legion or am I mistaken and he’s actually his own thing?
Best Answer
Blight is closer to Billy than Legion. He moves the same speed as Billy’s chainsaw sprint with similar steering between slams. Blight has the movement advantage of being able to instantly start a Rush (versus a 2 second rev up), course change at walls, allowing him to do maneuvers Billy can’t like hairpin 180 turns going up stairs and sharp multiple 90 degree changes. Of course Billy’s advantage is he instant-downs healthy survivors on a hit while sprinting.
Legion is different from both. They are slower than Blight’s Rush while in Frenzy but they have excellent maneuverability plus get Killer Instinct tracking and inflict Deep Wounds for slow down. On the other hand they can’t down anybody while in Frenzy and their Frenzy has a longer cooldown between uses.
Blight has nothing to do with Legion. His power also works very different.