Nerf SWF's with Discord

TheCoolDBDGamer Member Posts: 92
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Nerf SWF's Devs Please, It's unfair for the solo Killer to face 4-man survive with friends with Discord Communication as Killers need to have fun too.

A top-tier Killer who can pretty much only m1 is useless against a communicated 4-man SWF with Discord.

At red ranks all you face is discord swf and it is annoying and extremely frustrating to play against, especially as a good Killer.

Also fix the generator speeds.


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,076

    "At red ranks all you face is discord swf and it is annoying and extremely frustrating to play against, especially as a good Killer."

    This is false.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,076

    But its easier to say "I lost because they were in an SWF" (even if they were not) than saying "I lost because I am bad".

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    I'm solo surv and with red ranks tryhards its unplayable. So long live SWF :)

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    What's your kill rate?

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    It's basically a technical impossibility to stop people from using voice communications completely in today's world. Would you make it so no 3rd party programs could be run at all? Even at one of the most intrusive BIOS level anti-cheat systems (That Riot's Valorant uses) can't stop most system level comms not to mention being ineffective against hacking even in that game (Though I guess you could say its less prevalent than a lot of other popular games). Even if that was possible - what stops people from having their smart phones on their desk next to them running the Discord Application to get the same effective voice comms. Or just a very basic group call?

    First Potential Bad Solution: Perfect Matchmaking system that can somehow perfectly account for individual performance, performance with a single other person AND if that skilled or unskilled individual gets into a group with 3 other survivors of varying skill levels. What's the formula that helps pick the "perfect" killer for that 3 man of 8000 hours, 1000, 5 hours + one 500 hour random to have a balanced game on a magically balanced map for the right killer / perks and addons (Basically a few billion possible factors).

    Second Potential Bad Solution: Stick all SWFs into their own separate queues meaning you need to be Duos or 4 Mans only. 3 Mans "should" not be stuck with a single solo in this magical world queue either. Queue times would increase as the player base is split further (Crossplay vs Crossplay Off playerbases currently which sort of worked against their own purpose of making crossplay to increase queue times etc). What places that killers into this queue? Do they opt for it or are they just forced into this pool once they hit a certain rating? Either way those queue times will be horrendous again and you will see people leave in droves when the queues are 10~20+ mins consistently, not just for a few like when the hidden MMR system was activate (It's currently off).

    The only potential solution in my eyes: Give some form of communication and infomation share to even the solo queue players and accept that it is part of the game instead of trying to ignore that it is happening. Rework perks, perks and addons with that as the baseline assumption instead of looking at "80% of solo queue survivors get rekt - better nerf killers".

    For example starting with survivor perks like Object of Obsession and make it so the ability to see the killer at every range is gone. The killer can now see your aura at 50m or further but the other survivors can also always see your aura. The killer's aura is revealed to all survivors for 4/5/6 seconds if you are running Object of Obsession and the killer begins a chase with you.

    Similar reworks will need to be made usually in the favor of killers once "teamwork" becomes inherent in the game through info share whether it be through preset text emotes (Text wheel) or communicative icons for shorthand to prevent "mute all" and "Toxic screeching" scenarios by giving the game open voice or text chat (though that would be the simpliest option).

    Balancing the game starts at making solo queue survivors stronger through their ability to coordinate and info share with one another like voice chat - whether they can work together or cooperate or not is not important as long as they have the potential to. Then they can balance against SWFs in a meaningful manner instead of ignoring their existence.

  • maderr
    maderr Member Posts: 251

    Lol in red ranks, facing SWF is not "all the time". SWF might be 10% of your games.

    You mainly face duoQ or soloQ. Just get gud.

    I play killer myself and you can clearly 3k almost every game in red ranks. Sure when you will face a decent SWF you will get rekt and get 1K, maybe 2K if you have played well but then, most of the games are winnable as a killer.

  • TheCoolDBDGamer
    TheCoolDBDGamer Member Posts: 92

    At rank 19-20 4k's 90%

    At rank 13-10 4k's 40%

    At rank 10-5 4k's 10%

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    40% and 10% kill rates at non red ranks. " good killer" tho

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    Judging your games just on 4k or no 4k is a bad mentality. You should look at games as how you did through the match... did you get a lot of hooks, did you kill 2 or 3 people and the last surv got somewhat lucky and found hatch or got a gate open. Just because you didn't get a 4k doesn't mean they are a swf. I would be willing to say that about 75% of your games are either all soloq or duo.

    Also, since you did say you only 4k about 10% of your matches in non red ranks shows that you don't have enough knowledge about the killer side of the game. Alot of this will come from just playing. And any killer, no matter how new to the game they are, can get to high green ranks easily. So if you find yourself struggling to stay in purple/red ranks its , again, your lack of skill/play time.

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832
    edited October 2020

    Hello People of the fog, here are the patch notes for today's update

    • We nerfed Pig again
    • Spirit has been nerfed
    • Spirit has been buffed
  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    Spirit Can now see survivors while phasing.

    Huntress hatchets now insta down on head shots. Due to hit boxes everything is a head shot.

    Killers can now break pallets that have not been dropped.

    Killers can now move hooks and gens with a 30 second cool down between moves.

    We nerfed clowns bottles to now heal survivors that are injured.

    If a claudette stands still for 5 sec she becomes invisible like the wraith.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    I personally dislike it when I meet a full SWF most of the time when they play seriously.

    It is frankly pretty boring, as they do gens without much resistance, since they tend to be pretty good loopers, know exactly when I drop chase, where I am, their friend guides the chase to an area away from the rest, etc. Catch them out and all their stall perks come into play. They don't need information perks, they have each other.

    People will most likely just go like, just be good - as I am not sure how to become good from these matches, as I have no clue how to create the pressure to get them off gens.This doesn't mean I never defeat a SWF, but it is mainly due to their mistakes and greed over anything else. If they split up properly, identify the 3 gen areas and play decent enough... gens will be flying.

    If people believe I only need 3 and 4ks they are wrong, I don't mind losing at times. Yet I also like to have the idea that I have an effect on the game, rather than just can I capitalize on their mistakes and not make any myself. I am by no means a master killer, but it just feels like loop practice rather than anything else and a negative rank score. It is frankly just not that much fun.

    Survivors are not only favored at the top, once people get pretty alright and get all the information they need... if they are facing a similar skilled killer, they are the power role. I meet solos or solos mixed with duos and I instantly have a slower game, still lose those as well at times.

    Can they do anything about coms, no... but getting told I am a rat, bad player, not a challenge, boring... by the people that are making the game easier for themselves by using 3rd party communication tools. Meh...

    Defend it all you want, but playing with coms is easy mode for the survivors and it negatively affects the game balance. Add in the wonky matchmaking system and it becomes lopsided.

    They need to make a better matchmaking system, have the size of your party push you up in the bracket or on the level of the best member, instead of averaging it out among a SWF and I bet there would be less complaints.