Deathslinger - No Terror Radius??

Did they rework his terror radius even smaller in the last handful of patches? Every time I play against him, he has no terror radius until he starts a chase, just like EW1 Myers. They all run M&A, since he was designed with a smaller terror radius for some reason, but the last 3 I've faced don't have one at all. No Tinkerer or Dark Devotion in the matches, either.
Is this a bug?
He has the illusion of having no terror radius because you instantly start running when he comes close. You only get to hear about 4m of terror radius before the chase actually begins.
Plus that his terror radius is pretty quiet.
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Yeah it's one of the most frustrating things about him. With m&a it's meant to be 16m but there's a huge difference between Myers at 16m, Hag with m&a at 16m, and then this guy. He feels more like 8m.
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In one round, it would only play after he was almost in melee range. Why does ranged Myers not have a terror radius?
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And also it doesn't help that they made generators OMEGA LOUDER.
But it's not just deathslinger for me, maybe I'm just hard of hearing but The Oni, Demogorgon, and some of the original chase tracks are super hard to hear from 32m until the killer is like 24 or even some cases 16m away.
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Yes, almost all of the new killers have absurdly hard to hear terror radii sounds. The Blight is the latest addition and he's the worst one--if he's 6 meters or 28, it sounds the same.
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Are they using M&A AND the addons that reduces TR while aiming down the sights?
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Sounds are really bugged for both sides right now. Sometimes, the terror radius can be very faint and you're next to the killer. Particularly noticeable inside structure. It's gonna be a more glaring issue on the new killers who have already a quiet TR.
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Devs nerfed Pig's 28m terror radius, but they dont mind this. No idea what they are thinking. Probably, they are just still selling this killer.
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Pig has stealth, and the lunge attack. Plus the RBT.
Hag can teleport, sometimes even silently.
Huntress has her humming, but has an addon for insta-downs from any distance
Caleb has an insta-down add on too, but that is much more restricted than Anna's... He needs to score the sharpshooter counter (so at least 15 meters) reel someone in and hit them. which even in dead zones isn't necessarily possible depending on what add ons are used.
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She is 10% slower than survivors in her stealth mode. TR take time to completely fade. Good luck calculating when to crouch with 32m radius. Also, survivors can have spine chill and waste it all.
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so, you are saying that M&A is bad in Deathslinger, who can't crouch because you assume people DON'T use their eyes, but Okay on pig who can crouch because people use their eyes? what?
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He has a few add ons that lower his TR when he is aiming down sights, perhaps that is what you encountered.