General Discussions

General Discussions


Member Posts: 1,642
edited September 2018 in General Discussions

Can someone explain me why I have to face up to three high rank rank survivors while I am still hovering around rank 15-14? ######### is this madness?
How am I supposed to deal with this?

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  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @MegaWaffle said:
    Its because they are a SWF (survive with friends) group and if a high rank player is with his low rank friend then they can be matched with nearly any rank killer.

    Just one on the reasons people don't like SWF. Honestly rank should be removed completely.

    And what I am supposed to do against that? How can I disable playing against such SWF?

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    You cannot. It is probably the biggest complaint with this game, the community is very split on the idea of SWF and how to balance the game around SWF groups. Sadly little has changed so my only advice to you would be to move past this match and keep playing to get better yourself. It will happen to you many times as you play, and nothing is going to change we just have to accept it sadly.

  • Member Posts: 323
    Ranking up is just so easy now that literally every1 gets to rank 1 without a problem meaning that unless it's rank reset there's very few people around 15_14 and if game don't match you with higher ranks you gonna be sitting in lobby for ages.
  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @MegaWaffle said:
    You cannot. It is probably the biggest complaint with this game, the community is very split on the idea of SWF and how to balance the game around SWF groups. Sadly little has changed so my only advice to you would be to move past this match and keep playing to get better yourself. It will happen to you many times as you play, and nothing is going to change we just have to accept it sadly.

    After such a game I am done playing tbh.
    Guess I will simply quit the game next time, apparently it isnt truely bannable anyway

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @MegaWaffle said:
    You cannot. It is probably the biggest complaint with this game, the community is very split on the idea of SWF and how to balance the game around SWF groups. Sadly little has changed so my only advice to you would be to move past this match and keep playing to get better yourself. It will happen to you many times as you play, and nothing is going to change we just have to accept it sadly.

    After such a game I am done playing tbh.
    Guess I will simply quit the game next time, apparently it isnt truely bannable anyway

    Although I'm sure your match wasn't very fun if you just give up and walk away because of it then you will never become a better player yourself.

  • Member Posts: 293

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    After such a game I am done playing tbh.
    Guess I will simply quit the game next time, apparently it isnt truely bannable anyway

    Actually if you drop from games and the automated system picks up the pattern then you can get a temp ban , enough temp bans can lead to a perma ban . My advice is if you see 3 people pop into your lobby at the same instant , leave and wait 5 sec to make a new one . Right now if you don't want to deal with swf its the only real option as a killer .

    Personally I think they need to find a way for people to be able to eliminate swf if they wish , lobby option that doesn't allow it , removing it all together , or balance the game around swf instead of solo players , maybe even remove the exp and bloodpoint gains from a swf group thus deterring them from playing unless they just want to play with their friends .

    Sadly these ideas have been around for along time and no one seems to care about them or they are too difficult to implement . So swf becomes a larger and larger issue and more an more killers switch sides or just stop playing . This is why 6 month ago a survivor took 1-3 mins to get a match and a killer took 15-20 on average , not the role is reversed , not enough people want to play a killer when they feel like they don't stand a chance from the start . We just have to accept it or quit , its the only options the devs have left us .

  • Member Posts: 1,642
    edited September 2018

    @Grimbergoth said:

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    After such a game I am done playing tbh.
    Guess I will simply quit the game next time, apparently it isnt truely bannable anyway

    Actually if you drop from games and the automated system picks up the pattern then you can get a temp ban , enough temp bans can lead to a perma ban . My advice is if you see 3 people pop into your lobby at the same instant , leave and wait 5 sec to make a new one . Right now if you don't want to deal with swf its the only real option as a killer .

    Personally I think they need to find a way for people to be able to eliminate swf if they wish , lobby option that doesn't allow it , removing it all together , or balance the game around swf instead of solo players , maybe even remove the exp and bloodpoint gains from a swf group thus deterring them from playing unless they just want to play with their friends .

    Sadly these ideas have been around for along time and no one seems to care about them or they are too difficult to implement . So swf becomes a larger and larger issue and more an more killers switch sides or just stop playing . This is why 6 month ago a survivor took 1-3 mins to get a match and a killer took 15-20 on average , not the role is reversed , not enough people want to play a killer when they feel like they don't stand a chance from the start . We just have to accept it or quit , its the only options the devs have left us .

    Ah because the same party joins at the same time, could have though about that lol^^
    Thanks for the advice, I will try to do that now even though its kinda ridiculously

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    Or also have a set for if the majority of a swf team is high rank it looks and sets then on a high rank killer (how fun would it be to constantly be nursed)
  • Member Posts: 293

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    Ah because the same party joins at the same time, could have though about that lol^^
    Thanks for the advice, I will try to do that now even though its kinda ridiculously

    I agree , but it takes less time to get another group even if you have to do it 3 or 4 times to get a non swf group then the time and misery of being forced to play swf when you don't enjoy it . sadly it the only option given to a killer who doesn't want to play against swf .

    People only care about one side . swf groupies think they should be able to do what they want and play in a group with its advantages if they want , and I agree that they should be able to play with friends if they want . But if a killer doesn't want to play against a organized group they shouldn't be forced to either . And at this point the swf group gets all the perks as the devs ignore the flipside of it and force a killer to endure it . They don't even acknowledge or respond to questions about doing anything about the swf unbalance . If they have then I have yet to be able to find anything on it .

  • Member Posts: 187

    @Grimbergoth said:

    People only care about one side . swf groupies think they should be able to do what they want and play in a group with its advantages if they want , and I agree that they should be able to play with friends if they want . But if a killer doesn't want to play against a organized group they shouldn't be forced to either . And at this point the swf group gets all the perks as the devs ignore the flipside of it and force a killer to endure it . They don't even acknowledge or respond to questions about doing anything about the swf unbalance . If they have then I have yet to be able to find anything on it .

    However, you just pointed out thinking about it one-sided and then complain it is only against killers.

    In reality, it is not a balance issue, it is a game health and quality of life issue. Before you probably even heard of DbD the game had been released in March 2016 without SWF. Lobbies took forever to play because survivors would pop in and out trying to find one another to play with. Lobbies easily took 10-15 minutes because of this.

    From a player standpoint, I understand wanting to play with friends. Many games, including this one, are better with others. I can also understand there is a struggle. However, the one major thing you should not do is allow for a disable SWF matching or consistently dodge those queues.

    There are a few arguments here. As a killer is it unfair to go against a group? Yes, but all you would be doing is punishing those players because they want to play with others. They have to wait longer and may never find a game. In reality, most players would choose the easy option by disabling it. The grind would be easier, the toxicity would be less, but in exchange, you take away 90% of the player base.

    Separating the queues into SWF and non-SWF would kill this game. Might as well pack up and go find something else to play because this game would be on life support.

    Again, I understand it is unfair, but avoiding it like a disable SWF button would do is just as bad as the devs not addressing how to better build the game around it.

  • Member Posts: 540

    It swings both ways.. Sometimes you will play against really low level survivors when you are much higher rank.. I bet you won't come and make a post about it when it happens though

  • This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Matchmaking is broken , and it doesn't exist in swf

  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @redsopine1 said:
    Or also have a set for if the majority of a swf team is high rank it looks and sets then on a high rank killer (how fun would it be to constantly be nursed)

    This is how it is supposed to be. SWF already have the advantage of voice comms. Going against a beginner killer even with this advantage is just a big joke.

    Anyway, thanks for the tipp with the simultaneous joining @Grimbergoth . I tried it and it works pretty well so far. Waiting a few more seconds for a proper game is definitely worth it

    Thread can be closed now, got a temporary solution until matchmaking gets fixed

  • Member Posts: 293

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    This is how it is supposed to be. SWF already have the advantage of voice comms. Going against a beginner killer even with this advantage is just a big joke.

    Anyway, thanks for the tipp with the simultaneous joining @Grimbergoth . I tried it and it works pretty well so far. Waiting a few more seconds for a proper game is definitely worth it

    Thread can be closed now, got a temporary solution until matchmaking gets fixed

    Np at all , glad it helped .

    @Nightmare247 said:.

    However, you just pointed out thinking about it one-sided and then complain it is only against killers.

    Actually I have made several post about this , and I am not bias on the situation . Yes I think the swf mechanic is a problem as it is , and I have said they could remove it totally which would be unfair to those who want to play with friends , giving the killer to opt out would be one solution , and I have said that if they removed the exp and bp gains from swf it would stop a lot of the toxic groups as they gain nothing for it , but those just wanting to play with friends could . Just like if they balance the game around swf instead of the solo player it would hurt them . im not for making the game one sided for either one , just trying to get a fair game , or at least a close to fair game . Right now the swf dominate the games and its not fair to the killers and thus we have been loosing killer mains because of it . 6 months ago it would take 20 mins to get a game as killer , now it takes almost that as survivor and maybe 3 mins at most as a killer . that is because either killer went to being survivors or just stopped playing as you suggested .

  • Member Posts: 11
    In League of Legends it seperates solo/duo from the larger party ques (in ranked play). There’s nowehere near the same amount of people playing DbD as League at any given time, which would lead to crazy que times if something like this was implemented. 

    What about higher bloodpoint gains for the killer when going up against 3+ swf groups? 

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Socks said:
    In League of Legends it seperates solo/duo from the larger party ques (in ranked play). There’s nowehere near the same amount of people playing DbD as League at any given time, which would lead to crazy que times if something like this was implemented. 

    What about higher bloodpoint gains for the killer when going up against 3+ swf groups? 

    When I look at the satistics, the game staganted at 10k players (on steam) for quite some time, I dont see why we would get insane queue times with separate queues, now that we pretyt much doubled the player count.

    Sure if you give me twice the BP or sth like that, then I would even consider going against a bully squad a few times per day (not all the time though)

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    This is how it is supposed to be. SWF already have the advantage of voice comms. Going against a beginner killer even with this advantage is just a big joke.

    Anyway, thanks for the tipp with the simultaneous joining @Grimbergoth . I tried it and it works pretty well so far. Waiting a few more seconds for a proper game is definitely worth it

    Thread can be closed now, got a temporary solution until matchmaking gets fixed

    Np at all , glad it helped .

    @Nightmare247 said:.

    However, you just pointed out thinking about it one-sided and then complain it is only against killers.

    Actually I have made several post about this , and I am not bias on the situation . Yes I think the swf mechanic is a problem as it is , and I have said they could remove it totally which would be unfair to those who want to play with friends , giving the killer to opt out would be one solution , and I have said that if they removed the exp and bp gains from swf it would stop a lot of the toxic groups as they gain nothing for it , but those just wanting to play with friends could . Just like if they balance the game around swf instead of the solo player it would hurt them . im not for making the game one sided for either one , just trying to get a fair game , or at least a close to fair game . Right now the swf dominate the games and its not fair to the killers and thus we have been loosing killer mains because of it . 6 months ago it would take 20 mins to get a game as killer , now it takes almost that as survivor and maybe 3 mins at most as a killer . that is because either killer went to being survivors or just stopped playing as you suggested .

    I've played a few swf teams in my time on this and I found one of there weakness's the basement if you check gens near it and check regally you can catch them making a runner from it and down the one you hooked again till they die lessoning the teams strength
  • Member Posts: 187

    @Grimbergoth said:

    Yes I think the swf mechanic is a problem as it is , and I have said they could remove it totally which would be unfair to those who want to play with friends , giving the killer to opt out would be one solution , and I have said that if they removed the exp and bp gains from swf it would stop a lot of the toxic groups as they gain nothing for it , but those just wanting to play with friends could .

    The problem with your suggestions is the punish people for wanting to play together. That is my key point. If I want to play solo in this game I could get everything. I could be killer - play it solo now without issue. I can play survivor solo now, and I get left on a hook because I don't have a friend or a partner.
    However, if you make an opt out, now as a killer I have to wait 20 minutes while players jump in and out of my lobby trying to find their friends because the SWF queue has a huge wait time. If you don't think that is going to happen you should try to locate video and DbD steam/reddit posts from when the game came out and people begged for SWF. Their solution to no SWF was to lobby dodge until they met up with each other anyway.
    If you take away BP for this game you get rid of the reason to play it. You might as well make all the games KYF because there is no reason for anyone to pair up to play a match. Removing bloodpoints or rewards for playing with your friends is punishment.
    I am not sure if the statistic is still true, but the Devs said something like 70% of the games are played as some form of SWF. 2, 3, or 4 players. So now you are impacting all SWF even duos teams to target the 5% that are truly toxic?

    How about we make suggestions that don't punish players for wanting to play with friends? How about we target ways to improve the game around voice communications. For example, we give the solo survivors and all survivors more information. Give all players the way to see who is the obsession, make the character show running if they are in a chase, maybe show generator or crouch if working on a generator, etc. Just little symbols that give all survivors similar information. Once you give them the information it makes voice communications less impactful on the game. Sure the solo player or non grouped players need to pay attention more when the voice is not there, but it puts them on a level playing field.

    Then once those fixes are in place, you can add features, perks, and strengthen the killer to balance around the information that all survivors have. This is a win win solution versus penalizing the SWF teams. Then we don't have to discuss 5th perks or more bp or an opt out (ez mode) button for killers. This will make the quality of the game better for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 293

    and there is the issue in the swf mechainic , if they balance the game around it then fine but what about the solo survivors who will scream its unfair? if you enjoy playing in a swf group why would you need the exp/bp perks of it . If this is a casual group of people playing what a hour maybe 2 every few days together why is this a issue ? And you all are complaining of lobby dodging with swf as it is because killers are doing it . so what options do they have that wont kill the game for killers or solo survivors and allows them to balance around the voice coms of swf ? there isn't any that is what , because if they boost the killer then non swf groups suffer , if they lessen the abilities of survivors once again non swf groups suffer , they leave it as is and killers suffer . there is no win/win/win solution to swf . If your main goal is to play casualy with friends for fun then wouldn't taking exp/bp from swf seem the most logical that way they can base the balance and maps around the game instead of swf mechanic , this would leave swf still a option for those just wanting to have fun with friends , and as I have said without anything to gain it would lessen the toxic behavior that comes with the majority of swf .

  • Member Posts: 531

    @MegaWaffle said:
    Its because they are a SWF (survive with friends) group and if a high rank player is with his low rank friend then they can be matched with nearly any rank killer.

    Just one on the reasons people don't like SWF. Honestly rank should be removed completely.

    Yeah that would totally help. rolls eyes

  • Member Posts: 531

    @Grimbergoth said:

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    This is how it is supposed to be. SWF already have the advantage of voice comms. Going against a beginner killer even with this advantage is just a big joke.

    Anyway, thanks for the tipp with the simultaneous joining @Grimbergoth . I tried it and it works pretty well so far. Waiting a few more seconds for a proper game is definitely worth it

    Thread can be closed now, got a temporary solution until matchmaking gets fixed

    Np at all , glad it helped .

    @Nightmare247 said:.

    However, you just pointed out thinking about it one-sided and then complain it is only against killers.

    Actually I have made several post about this , and I am not bias on the situation . Yes I think the swf mechanic is a problem as it is , and I have said they could remove it totally which would be unfair to those who want to play with friends , giving the killer to opt out would be one solution , and I have said that if they removed the exp and bp gains from swf it would stop a lot of the toxic groups as they gain nothing for it , but those just wanting to play with friends could . Just like if they balance the game around swf instead of the solo player it would hurt them . im not for making the game one sided for either one , just trying to get a fair game , or at least a close to fair game . Right now the swf dominate the games and its not fair to the killers and thus we have been loosing killer mains because of it . 6 months ago it would take 20 mins to get a game as killer , now it takes almost that as survivor and maybe 3 mins at most as a killer . that is because either killer went to being survivors or just stopped playing as you suggested .

    I have never waited 20 minutes for a que as survivor or killer at any given time, are you from some small country with nobody around perhaps?

  • Member Posts: 293

    @Socks said:
    In League of Legends it seperates solo/duo from the larger party ques (in ranked play). There’s nowehere near the same amount of people playing DbD as League at any given time, which would lead to crazy que times if something like this was implemented. 

    What about higher bloodpoint gains for the killer when going up against 3+ swf groups? 

    that wouldn't work either I don't think . As a killer I would still lobby dodge swf groups . its about having fun and when going against toxic players over and over game after game is not fun to me . I can get bp and exp easy enough through a standard gain , but 10x bp wouldn't make me want to face the crap you deal with from the majority of the swf groups . And as I keep saying the majority of , not all swf groups are asshats but the larger portion of the ones ive encountered are . if my options are to play against them or don't , I choose don't , and that blame goes to the survivors that create this environment .

    this is not a new issue and its only growing , has been for quite a few months . All you hear about it is people saying they need to do something about it from both sides and then others saying its fine , the devs have ignored the subject . I don't really blame them because whatever they would choose to do is going to make one part of the community feel like its unfair . its not a simple balance a vs b situation . if a is survivor and b is killer you also have to remember that a- is solo survivor and a+ is swf survivor , so you have 2 groups on the one side . And this is where the issue is in the balancing aspect , you have 2 factions on one side , if it were a simple 3 separate factions to balance then it would be simple compaired to 2 factions on one side and 1 on the other .

  • Member Posts: 443

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @MegaWaffle said:
    Its because they are a SWF (survive with friends) group and if a high rank player is with his low rank friend then they can be matched with nearly any rank killer.

    Just one on the reasons people don't like SWF. Honestly rank should be removed completely.

    And what I am supposed to do against that? How can I disable playing against such SWF?

    you can't. It's awful pairings on the devs part. Nothing you can do about it.

  • Member Posts: 293

    @Usui said:
    I have never waited 20 minutes for a que as survivor or killer at any given time, are you from some small country with nobody around perhaps?

    back in may the killer ques were still up there other then peak times in the states , and yes I do live in the states . and if you played non peak hours then your que times were bad , ive been playing in 3 and 4 am est and getting matches on weeknights as a killer with less then 3 min ques . back in may I wasn't getting 3 min ques during peak time .

  • Member Posts: 980

    SWF isn't always toxic. I'd suggest playing every game you can just to get better. It might be frustrating, but going against the "I am a lonely basement dweller with no friends so I try to feel good about myself by bullying new players" SWF groups will really help you in the long run. Just don't worry about winning the match. Work on aspects of your Killer gameplay that need some polish.

    Lobby dodging is just giving into the fear. You can learn a lot more about playing Killer by going against these types of groupings than you will facing 4 solo queue'ers with less than 20 hours of playtime between them. It sucks, and can be very frustrating, but the matchmaking in DbD has been a hot mess since it started and the way they calculate it with SWF is ridiculous. SHould be based on the highest Ranking player. Then you wouldn't have this problem at all.

  • Member Posts: 187

    @Grimbergoth said:

    if you enjoy playing in a swf group why would you need the exp/bp perks of it . If this is a casual group of people playing what a hour maybe 2 every few days together why is this a issue?

    The BP is why many people grind the game and why even more play as SWF groups. Taking that away and forcing people to play solo queue is just forcing trash into the solo queue. Again teams will lobby dodge to find one another to earn BP. If they fix the grind issue, maybe there will be less problems, but a key benefit to SWF is earning those Bloodpoints. Popping party streamers and knowing you won't be just left hanging on a hook. Running offerings which grant stackables. Etc. If you eliminate BP from SWF it becomes a Jurassic Park Quote "They will find a way"

    So this is not a logical solution. Again punishing people for playing with friends is not an option.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I've been in some games where it takes 20 minutes to find a group to play with. Are there so few people left playing the game?

  • Member Posts: 293

    @Nightmare247 said:
    So this is not a logical solution. Again punishing people for playing with friends is not an option.

    in the current game what you speak of wanting to keep in the game is exactly what you just said wasn't a option . You just said the whole point to swf was the communication , the ability to know what is going on to be able to plan stackable benefits . Those are the exact reason that swf is unbalanced , the communication and organization that wasn't intended .

    You also remarked that its unfair to punish people for playing with friends , but that is exactly what you are doing to the killer . You are punishing them because you want to play with friends . If you take the enjoyment from the game for either side , guess what one side stops to play , where does that leave things in the end ?

    How many times have larger mmorpgs with faction systems in them see pvp unbalance and cause there to almost always be a one sided war and thus a one sided server . Here there is only one game and if it becomes one sided then you don't have a game to play . At least I am offering suggestions on things that can be done without ruining it , rather then to take a party line of don't nerf it or it ruins the game .

    I may be the most vocal on this currently , because I don't want to see the game go downhill , but I barely even play anymore because of the imbalance and toxic behavior , im sure im not the only one , not counting those who have just stopped . you can want this trend to continue so you get the most benefit but in the end you loose more if the trend continues .

  • Member Posts: 293

    @Crunchytime said:
    I've been in some games where it takes 20 minutes to find a group to play with. Are there so few people left playing the game?

    its more about toxic behavior driving people out and one side being overpowered in a organized swf group . Its just natural that if the power of one side is 80 and the other is 25 , people will migrate to the 80 , then you couple that with the toxic behavior most encounter and it takes all the fun out , so they lobby dodge or just stop all together .

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Socks said:
    In League of Legends it seperates solo/duo from the larger party ques (in ranked play). There’s nowehere near the same amount of people playing DbD as League at any given time, which would lead to crazy que times if something like this was implemented. 

    What about higher bloodpoint gains for the killer when going up against 3+ swf groups? 

    I've always thought that it should start at 2 swf and then scale up based upon the group size but you won't know how much or the size till post game.

  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @Elegant said:

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    @MegaWaffle said:
    Its because they are a SWF (survive with friends) group and if a high rank player is with his low rank friend then they can be matched with nearly any rank killer.

    Just one on the reasons people don't like SWF. Honestly rank should be removed completely.

    And what I am supposed to do against that? How can I disable playing against such SWF?

    you can't. It's awful pairings on the devs part. Nothing you can do about it.

    I got the advice to lobby dodge them. If survivors join at the same time, open a new lobby.
    It adds a few sec to the queue but after trying this for a few days, its working for me.

    I just hope that the devs fix the issue soon

  • Member Posts: 187

    @Grimbergoth said:

    You also remarked that its unfair to punish people for playing with friends , but that is exactly what you are doing to the killer . You are punishing them because you want to play with friends . If you take the enjoyment from the game for either side , guess what one side stops to play , where does that leave things in the end ?

    Here is where I think the biggest issue lies with your argument. SWF is a game mode - like queuing up as the killer. The two are totally different queues but end up meeting together. You are discussing punishing people in the game for a behavior that is out of the game. Now if you have modified or changed said files that change how dead by daylight is played, that can be seen and should be punished. Banning is the punishment for the changes to the files.

    However, no one is tampering with the game files. There is no way to tell if an SWF is 100% using communications. It is not built into the game and trying to punish someone, like taking away the BP that they earned, is not justified. That is like saying because someone is running an Antivirus on their system that they should not be allowed to queue solo and only can play KYF. It is something that has nothing to do with the game that is written and run by another 3rd party.

    Do killers get put at a disadvantage because of the use of the software? Yes, I never denied that there is an advantage that voice has in the game, but killer's are not being punished because of it.

    The other thing is that most of your arguments seem to originate around the idea that ALL SWF teams are:

    Player A: Ok, I am working on the Gen in the Big Red Barn....No heartbeat here. Player B: I am on the Cornfield Generator Still no...Wait there is a heartbeat...He maybe coming your way. Player C: I am here and I have eyes on the killer repeat Bogey at 10:00....

    In reality:

    Player A: And that is why the latest Spider-Man game is the best game to ever be created. Player B: I think....inaudible noise...Ma....Watson is..... Player C: Dude are you chewing again. Player D: Shut up everyone I am trying to hear what is going on around me. Player A: Screams....Its myers....oh.

    Most players in the game queue with 2-4 players because playing games is social. You talk about removing bloodpoints, but a majority of the player base would be punished for just chatting about endless stuff that does not help their game play.

    So when I say don't punish players for playing SWF, what I mean is find a better way than suggesting a removal of bloodpoints for their play style. What I suggested before was build in game features to improve all survivors...Solo included. Once that is completed then you can truly improve the killers and the game to take into consideration voice communications. Just saying "Opt-Out" or "Remove BP" is harmful to the game as a whole and does legitimately punish survivors.

    But remember, this is an Asymmetrical game. That means one side is already at a disadvantage and in this game it is the Killer. While the killer targets 1 person the other 3 could be doing generators, again putting the killer at a disadvantage to win which is part of the very nature of the game. There will never be a balance, just a swaying pendulum that shifts with changes.

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