Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Is this bannable?

I have a GTX 760 card, and I have been experiencing random game crashes. I am not asking for technical support, as I have tried everything possible, from updating/rolling back drivers, to lowering my in-game settings to the lowest settings. 

I don't want to get accused of rage quitting and receiving temp/perm bans for "DC'ing", so I am trying to resolve this issue, as I know this also ruins the fun for survivors when I DC due to crashing as a killer.

My question is; will I get banned if I follow the troubleshooting steps in this link?

Thank you for any information.


  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Once you reach a % of games you've disconnected from (and assuming people have reported you) your account would be flagged and someone would review it. As I myself do not work for BHVR in any way I would assume they can distinguish the difference here and no ban would be issued, especially if you are actively trying to fix the problem.

  • KaNGoL
    KaNGoL Member Posts: 20
    I hope that's the case, but this also wastes points for myself, and co-survivors/survivors when I crash mid-game. Not to mention the wasted offerings. 

    I just don't want to modify game files to fix the issue, if it will be picked up by the anti-cheat software for doing so.

    Thank you for the reply, however.
  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    One thing is.. when they first put that DC ban process in, they mentioned that game crashes were not counted. Not sure if this is still the case however.

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433
    There's a difference between DCing and the game crashing. The game client clearly knows to differentiate between a dc and a crash, hence you recieve a crash report pop up. So no worries there. Issue comes when game cannot differentiate between a ragequit and a legit disconnection. 
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Was expecting the pigeon meme :(
  • KaNGoL
    KaNGoL Member Posts: 20
    I actually followed the instructions in that link, and have not crashed since, (knock on wood). I just really hope I don't get banned for modifying a file to turn off vsync.

    It says at the top that it isn't bannable, but I just really don't feel comfortable with it. However, I was actually able to play for several hours with no issues, for the first time since switching to PC.