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What kind of original characters do you want?

NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

I see a lot of posts on here talking about what kind of licensed characters they would want, but I have always found the game's original killers and survivors to be far more interesting. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome to see Myers and Pyramid Head chasing me, but I think the lore surrounding the game and it's original characters are amazing. So that brings me to my question: What kind of original characters do you want to see?

Personally, my favorite killers so far have been the ones that are from long ago historical periods. Plague, Huntress - Oni in particular, So I would really enjoy seeing a Knight killer. The idea of playing as- or being chased by - a monster in full plated armor sounds awesome. A Plague Doctor killer would be cool too, but I'm not sure if we'll get one considering we already have Doc and Plague. Survivors are a little harder to talk about, since as far as I can tell they're all modern times, but a historian or detective survivor sounds cool.


  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Give me a multi-bodied killer that actually has that part of their power. Either have two different people control the two bodies, or allow the sole killer player to swap between the bodies at will. Give us the killer that Legion should have been.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    We have The Nurse, and The Doctor... Where's the The Podiatrist?

    For survivor, I would like a male Japanese delinquent, kinda like Jotaro Kujo, but obviously not as broken.

  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493

    An actor, and they’d probably be british, cause like, shakespeare and all. Any who i’ve suggested this like 100 times. Here’s the perks.

    Echo’s Voice - After healing another survivor the perk activates. When 12/14/16 metres of the killer you make the noise of the injured survivor you healed for 15/20/25 seconds. 

    Echo’s Voice has a cool down of 80/70/60 seconds.

    Prop Mastery- After searching a chest, Prop Mastery Activates. While active you can close the chest while an item is inside and get another item. The item will have 30/50/70% charges.

    Prop Mastery has a cool down of 60/50/40.

    Prop Mastery works with all chest related perks.

    Exit stage left.

    Years of acting has given you the knowledge of where to be and how to get there. 

    Vault 30/40/50% faster. 

    Exit stage left has a cool down of 30/25/20 seconds.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    I want a farmer survivor and a merchant Killer who can borrow other killers power.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Monsters. Not people with issues that get cursed or mutated, I'm talking straight animals. All we got is demogorgon and they're licenced. I wanna see how BHVR would handle a creature.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Definitely would like a survivor based on the douchebag/ alpha b*tch stereotypes in horror.

    Basically perks that are very self serving you would have to make sure they can't be used to intentionally screw over your team (As much as it would fit the theme of the character it would be terrible for gameplay)

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I want a goth/emo looking guy. No, Jeff doesn't count.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I'd really like to see a Medieval-themed chapter. Mainly because I want a spooky-castle map, but having some kind of undead knight (could even be Headless-Horseman-esque) as a killer might be fun too.

    Otherwise I think some kind of puppet or marionette monster would be an interesting visual style to explore.

    I guess I don't really care much in the ways of new powers, just future aesthetics that I'd like to see in the game.

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515
  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Someone that uses some kind of insects as a power.

    Bees would come to mind, but even if they use those for Candyman, an original Killer with another kind, like locusts, would be appreciated.

    Other idea would be a photographer or some kind of pyromaniac (I have some basic concepts in creations on those ideas)

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,214

    I would love to see a fallen angel-type of Killer, or at least someone with delusions of such grandeur, but I know that will literally never happen due to religion being such a heavy topic.

    Beyond that, I really want to see this creature:

    become fully fleshed out.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    Yare Yare Daze

    but that would be interesting to have an Marine Biologist as a survivor

  • Bloodwidow
    Bloodwidow Member Posts: 190
    edited October 2020

    Would like a psychotic, goth survivor who is addicted to the dark side and use selfdestructing perks.

    Another beast killer or the headless horseman would be nice, too.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I think a banshee would be pretty cool. it could be a ranged based killer that damages you if you are exposed to her scream for too long. she could even have a AOE ability that can be activated if multiple survivors are in range and it takes 1 health state away from each of them.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I love the idea that it connects to another killers lore, another reason I enjoy Oni so much, but sadly I don't think we're ever gonna get a monster killer. As far as I understand, it'd be quite a bit to code and animate. Even Demo is still humanoid in shape.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    Yeah, but imagine if they do make something like it, Demo would be in serious competition for my main

  • ArtoTime
    ArtoTime Member Posts: 35

    Two things, either one, an Assassin type killer. Not like Assassin's Creed, but an Assassin with a legacy, rumors. And yes, it would be a stealth killer.

    Secondly, a medieval killer. A highly praised with, a strong, high legacy, and a very talanted one, similar to Kazan Yamaoka (The Oni).

    Also, if Sci-Fi we're to be a thing, a Post-Apocalypse survivor, similar to Negan from TWD would be awesome, with a make shift DIY weapon.

  • Doctor_Grizz
    Doctor_Grizz Member Posts: 85

    Thick goth gf as a Survivor and a Voodoo Priest as a Killer. I have spoken.

  • MasterGrit
    MasterGrit Member Posts: 331
    edited October 2020

    Oni in samurai armor and not fat.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    A girl who sets things on fire with the power of her mind. Kind of like Carrie. I just want to burn people. I'm sure you understand.

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    Considering the the entity and its world is a living thing, and the realms are "how you would think they are" something that would be really cool to see is...some sort of "Cancer", and independent being that lives of of the same environment the entity created. It doesn't harvest hope and fear because it was told to but because it too live of it. Maybe for the entity the cost is lower than the rewards and so it keep its there, Maybe the entity doesn't know it is there, or doesn't care that its there.

    The desing is up to them, but it would definitively be a lot less mysterious than the entity itself. and the killer would be its herald, i'd like for it to affect the maps, like how adiris spawns those fountains, but instead the very walls and ceiling, ground and air would be corrupted, bulging and contracting, twisting and blinking. As the herald would be an "incarnation" of this "corruption", it would have pretty good movement. being able to materialize from the corruption maybe? or from those corrupted?

    Something i'd like is, maybe have the survivors being able to get afflicted with it, making them not only more fragile but more agile, See better less often or more stealthy but louder. have it me inconsistent upside and down side. kinda like the Blight plants, maybe it came from them? maybe they came from it.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,092

    I want a beast Killer, a Werewolf would be amazing!

  • LegionOfDumb
    LegionOfDumb Member Posts: 623

    My killer choice has always either been an Extra Terrestrial creature, a rotting Zombie, or a Knight.

    Survivor wise, some kind of Groundskeeper would be neat, god knows they always get screwed over in horror movies.

    Also I know this is more about Original Killers/Survivors than Original Realms, but I wish they'd make a realm based on an old Graveyard or run down Carnival

  • Arial
    Arial Member Posts: 134

    A killer that broadcasts their kills, with a stalk(film) ability that increases when the survivors are aware of you and running away and gains tokens(views) as you progress. Possible perks would be Co-Host(involving the entity's help) and Special Guest(an obsession perk).

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,369

    Man I just want a male survivor that's skinny, maybe a somewhat similar aesthetic to Jeff's. Look who am I kidding, I just want to see someone who looks like me in the game, it's so rare to actually see a male character in a game that isn't chubby, muscular, or average.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    A pyromancer throwing fireballs.. anything with some cool special effects..

  • Scythe629
    Scythe629 Member Posts: 17