What killers do you think are the ones that can eat DS safely?

What killer do you think should avoid DS at all costs and what can eat it in case if it is possible and finish that survivor quickly? Don't discuss "moral" aspect of that, let's just talk purely about the practical aspect of that. Also, don't bring up Phead since he's a special story.
To me there are only 3 killers who (I personally) don't give a damn about DS and if survivor tries to force it, just eat and kill them:
- Nurse
- Spirit
- Blight
Basically these are the only killers who can end a chase with a survivor in a single usage of their power and almost instantly close the distance between them. Blight is the hardest to pull that off, but his reach is the greatest and he is the HARDEST to avoid.
Pyramidhead. I just leave a trail under the survivor and pick them up to force them to be tormented. It's a bit of planning ahead.
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don't bring up Phead since he's a special story
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Clown, because I can throw gas to reduce the distance they gain. Same base idea. Better?
(Overread the sentence, sorry I'm tired :D)
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Blight because he can immediately down you again.
Spirit because she can immediately down you again.
Nurse because she can immediately down you again.
Deathslinger because he can immediately... okay you get the idea.
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Pretty much ANY Killer can safely absorb a DS if they choose the right time in the game. The current form of DS actually causes me to Tunnel more, i.e. just to get them out of the way early. I'd rather take that stun early while I have the most Generators left and I'm running the Survivors to my beat.
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I agree with your list and wanna add ma boi Oni if Wrath is ready to go.
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I really wouldn't mention clown.The slowdown the survivors get from the gas is pretty much nothing compared to the stun you get from DS
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Freddy and Doc. Both are very good at slowing the game down, so DS doesn't hurt. As long as i get them 20-30 seconds later, which is usually the case, it doesn't hurt. But it always depends on the situation and weither or not there is a strong loop near by. 5 second stun can be nothing at all, or a lot of time. Hag wouldn't be bothered either, as long as the DS happens inside of her web.
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how the ######### can deathslinger catch up after the 5 sec stun again?
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Just Nurse and Spirit. DS needs a buff because of this issue amongst other issues. Five seconds isn’t enough to get away from these two.
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the american way
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It depends. A full tryhard team? Yeah, no. 20 seconds ×3 is 60 seconds of free gen time from the stuns alone, even ignoring the time it takes to catch up and down them again, which would reasonably be another 3(30×4)=360 seconds, assuming the survivors hold W.
That being said, just the occasional DS? Well, then the answer is whatever strong killer you want to choose. Nurse, Spirit, Huntress, Billy, Blight and Slinger would be my main guesses.
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Hag and Trapper usually can too depending on trap placements and survivor pathing.
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I'd also add that picking a DS survivor off a gen or out of a locker is almost always good value as no chase is required.
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Deathslinger added to your list
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And that would be they way to get 20 of 22 killer in the dump.
Same logic as if the devs would buff all killer up to swf death squads and leave casual swf and solo in the dirt.
Edit: to get good with Nurse takes dozens to hundreds of hours so it should be rewarded. Spirit on the other hand .... Just look at the forums and you know the overall opinion on her.
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The obvious pick is Clown. Throw a bottle down, pick up the survivor, eat the DS. Then murder.
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Anyone if the survivor using it is bad at looping. Except for endgame obviously.
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Plague when corrupt is up, ds stun doesn't take her out of it
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For me it's the doc. He brizzle fizzle my screen everytime in the moment, when I need to hit the skillcheck. 😣
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