Thought of a new killer


Hey DBD community, just wanted to share my thoughts as a new player that mains killer. I bought this game 2 weeks ago and reached Rank 1 just recently so I've experienced quite a lot of things.

I really do enjoy this game and the community (apart from a toxic person here and there) has been really polite and good fun. There are a few gripes and frustrations (from a killer point of view) that I have with the game design that I wanted to discuss. I am curious to know if I am alone in these thoughts or I just need to "git gud".

#1 Comms break the game. 99% of the games that are toxic are SWF's with mics. It completely and utterly destroys the balance of the game to the point where it's on exploit/cheat levels of advantage. I don't really see a way to fix this because I think SWF is a neat idea and people should be able to play with friends but the information comms provide is literally game breaking.

#2 Generator completion speed. This is probably controversial but in my one-sided experience (in the higher ranks) generators get done way too quick. This forces killers to play and run the same meta builds with the same killers every match. There is no room to be creative or play low tier killers or experiment with new builds because instead of playing 'chase and catch the survivor' I have to play 'babysit the gens'. 

#3 Level design and chases. I don't particularly like this point because I really enjoy long chases but survivors have way too many tools to evade the killer. If I am vsing an equally skilled survivor as I am a killer a chase can take around 20-40 seconds from healthy to dying and then another 10 to hook. This is only a problem because of generator speed because if 3 survivors are working on gens during that chase (which in high ranks they are) it means roughly 2 gens worth of work has been done in a single chase. Although I really love long mind game chases I have to give up after about 15-20 seconds and babysit a gen or it's game over. 

I don't really have a solution to these issues as I only have about 100 hours under my belt but would appreciate your thoughts and ideas. Maybe I just suck and got lucky to get rank 1 but it would be good to hear from other killers and the survivor point of view too.

Thanks :)

Note: I don't expect to get 4 kills every game. If I get 2 I consider that a good match because it means I got about 8-9 hooks that match, 3 is a win and 4 is a stomp. My issue is that on equal skills levels the killer is at a big disadvantage and lucky to get 1 kill.