As a survivor, would you get mad if this happened to you?

I would just laugh at them tbh
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Not at all, this is funny
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Oh. I should keep doing it then since they find it humorous.
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I mean, you would probably do it if everyone else would be saying it is not ok to do that anyway. Since you are doing it in the first place.
I just want to remind you that 14yr olds are not allowed to play this game.
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It's not the usual bm. This is just messing around playfully.
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I think it's super hostile to hit people while they're hooked. I wouldn't perceive it as someone joking around -- I'd think they had serious anger issues.
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I find it funny so I probably wouldn't be upset.
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Idk man, that's pretty good.
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Would I get mad? No, I'd be laughing, it takes an awful lot to get me mad and nothing that happens in game can really do that (except if it's Bloodborne but we'd better not talk about that).
I just tab out of the game and go get a drink or something, same as when I'm being slugged to death - it's really not worth getting worked up about stuff like that.
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Just laugh, because it shows that you outbeat the killer so much that you p***ed them off 🤣.
Ggs my guy
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Actually, it was an effortless 4k at 5 gen. The game was over at 2 minutes. All 4 survivors were down 1 minute into the game. An Unbreakable delayed the game for an extra minute. Here's the game if you're curious
Anyway, I just did it because I wanted to see what it looked like from the survivor's perspective, which was possible because it was a streamer.
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Ohhh you're the killer lol. Well for an easy 4k such as that I don't see why celebrating would be toxic.
Ggs my guy
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I would just alt tab and go about my day.
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That's hilarious. Lmao
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How effective this bm was you ask?
I mean... you got me and probably everyone else wondering if the IQ or the age of the nurse is higher, but why should you care what she did? Just tab out ,watch a youtube video or do something else and let her waste her time.
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You must have had to be toxic for him to be able to do that..
100% funny, Nurse power !🤗
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I couldn´t get mad at that, it looks way too funny, sorry^^
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Hilarious, I want to come across a Killer that does this.
I wouldn’t be mad. It’s petty, if anything, but too funny.
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The spinning around like a madman is actually cool because it reminds me of a scene from Jacob's Ladder (original, not remake. Great horror film).
When you start hitting on the hook it stops being funny. Not anger inducing, though, just eye roll inducing.
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Lol alright
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I wouldn't get mad. In fact, I would clip it and make a youtube video about it called "Super spinning nurse" , which would have really bad edm music in the background as it shows them spinning for a solid 3 minutes
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think that stops kids from playIng? I mean people don't want fnaf in the game because they don't want kids playing sorry to say this but they already here.
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I'd "congrats on yer first 4k" postgame and leave
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I'd be jelly because I couldn't do that as I'm a console player
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That's pretty funny.
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I am going to be honest. That was the first time I got to see what it looked like and I laughed so hard. It looked way too funny.
I mean, there's nothing stopping you from doing it now. Could you do it? I want to see the results. Lmao.
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Honestly I'd laugh at it for the first 30 seconds. After that it starts getting old and too heavy into the BM territory.
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I'm normally tabbed out and watching youtube/netflix by the time I'm slugged with no option to get up and only tab back in again to die faster on hook. I'd probably be thinking 'yikes' and that's it tbh.
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I love it.
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I hope someone bms just like that to me
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by that logic there are more kids than adults in this game.
What the nurse did here is the same thing like tbagging.
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Wait... Spinning around like a fidget spinner is considered bm?