code "nice" for some nice points ;).

you are welcome.-
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this real if so how many points I know happy 1001 you get 100,100 bloodpoints/
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I can vouch for this one. This one is a real code
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Would be cool if you could get a chance to redeem free characters and if you already have said character they should give you shards instead
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that be cool but I buy the chapters on release normally them give shard if you own them be cool but trying to keep up with the bloodpoint code because the grind is real.that's why waiting for he next double BP event to use the cakes I got but who know when if ever that going to happen.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on1 -
I can feel the grind. Especially since I had to use all my Fourth year cakes on Dwight because I almost had him prestige 2 when the event was going on. Luckily my little dweet is prestige 3 now I can rest in peace
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If you’re 16 or younger, this code will be so totally funny maaaan. If not, it’s pointless, <100 pts
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HAPPY1001 is also a valid code rn for 100100 BP
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this for the one I don't have p3 yet my Felix and Cheryl and my ghostface other other mains are p3 I had my Dwight p3 a long time ago.
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Oh man that's a lot of people at p3. I have my Meg sitting at p2 50 till I get Dwight to p3 50
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one I have P3 are my mains
survivors: Dwight,Nea,Laurie,Bill,David,Kate,Jeff,Jane,Ash,Nancy,Yui soon to be Felix and Cheryl
KIllers:Myers, Spirit,Legion(Susie) soon be Ghost Face
I got Freddy and Pig P3 but I don't main them use then much I also got the clown p2 but also don't use him much.
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Geez that's a lot of grinding. I like to pair WGLF with escape cakes and bloody party streamers. Hell it even helped with the 4 year cakes. I aimed for protection hits rather than safe unhooks because I rather put my own life on the line rather then my teams
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why I have most my killer with bbq help with the grind you know what else would help double Bloodpoints event this hollow bright event not going to cut it need add double Bloodpoints event on top.
survivors need a get more bloodpoints after a match WGLF not cutting it for survivors lie bbq killers
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I find WGLF a nice way of earning extra bloodpoints for not that much work especially when paired with an Escape Cake or a Bloody Party Streamer. It needs more benefits to it because overall it's a good perk just lacking the necessary stuff to make it a great perk
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this true this feel like poor man bbq to me tho why I don't run it like bbq.
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Tbh I love running bbq not only for the extra bloodpoints but for the information it give for killers hooking survivors. I feel like if you heal a survivor then all the other survivors auras should be revealed to you for a limited amount of time. Make it like a mini bbq that you have to put in work to use
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that would make it a little better to run.
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People can find things funny over the age of 16 ya know?
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Don't defend brands too much but since this is railing on another brand: The only good Silent Hill game after Team Silent disbanded (they did 1-4) was PT and they killed it. They refuse to release the Silent Hill games on any platform except the HD remasters on PSNow, where you have to either subscribe to the service or pay one hundred U S D to buy the bundle of two games (rarely chosen because the voice remasters were hated by so many people). We got a hint that there might be a new game coming out and it turned out to be a Silent Hill themed slots machine, in an encapsulation of their filthy "We own your wallet" rep that not even we, the old guard, could have imagined them stooping to.
I am as livid over the skin prices as much as anyone, but I'm pretty sure that "anyone" includes Behavior. I would LOVE to see how much they had to pay for the rights, God knows if they're even breaking even.
Anyway if you go into tutorial mode for Survivors, walk backwards around the generator, and then miss three skill checks while repairing it, you should hear a sound to indicate you've unlocked Godmode and can give yourself unlimited BP. But don't do that immediately, it also unlocks the ice wall and you can get the key, and that unlocks Banjo and Kazooie as (respectively) Survivor and Killer. Also you can see Mario naked but I never got why people wanted to see Mario naked I MEAN very real code do this now
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on0 -
Blood points for no work: Nice
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😊 I thought this was a joke thread. I tried it out finally ..just in case... and lo and behold! I got free BP's....and not just any amount of BP's..I got Felix's favourite number! 😄
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Correction: maturity of a 16 year old or younger, it’ll be funny DeR her DeR
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It's nice that they're doing this but I really wish they would just fix the grind.
Side note: I cant believe I just sat through the loading screen for that.
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So much of the Internet despite being grown adults have the maturity of a 16 year old or younger.
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But its Felix's favourite number of BP's. Wasnt that fun enough to bother with loading...? 🤡