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Vote to remove post game chat

Vankruze Member Posts: 536
edited September 2018 in General Discussions

Let's face it human beings are curious by nature so saying "just leave the lobby when the game is over" won't really solve the issue (because people just won't do it) so let's discuss removal of post game chat completely? You give trolls a platform to abuse a situation they will do it, take away their toys and they are just left sitting there with a face like a smacked bum. I know if I were apart of the ACM this is something I would be pushing for it makes sense to me.

Can you imagine sifting through thousands of reports about "he told me to kill myself" "he said he hopes my mother gets cancer" bla bla bla okay they are horrible things and in a perfect world they should be banned but let's be practical here just take away said opportunity to do it in the first place and you no longer have a problem but a solution. If you did it for both lobbies you could actually remove an entire section of reportable offenses. Friends are using discord and steam anyway and I am sure if two people want to argue they will add each other to steam and go at it in steam chat. If one doesn't want to be harassed they can always not add them or just block them on steam.



  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Trolls are defeated by not giving them attention.
    No really, they thrive on any kind of feedback, so giving none is what's best.
    Chat has a hide function: As soon as you see trolling, just close it and re-open it the next lobby.

    It's good how it is now.

  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346

    You already can do it.
    Press that arrow thing on the right next to the chat.

  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346
    edited September 2018

    @Vankruze said:
    so saying "just leave the lobby when the game is over" won't really solve the issue

    What issue?
    It's the internet. You new to that or what?
    You expect to get a love letter after you beat the other side or something? xD
    Of course there will be some salty /raging people sometimes who can't control themselves, that's not something new. But they can't really do anything, so there's no real "issue". Report them/ close chat and move on.
    What will removing chat accomplish? Help prevent snowflakes from crying because some nobody called them something mean? Jesus...

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @Hellbilly said:

    @Boss said:
    Trolls are defeated by not giving them attention.
    No really, they thrive on any kind of feedback, so giving none is what's best.
    Chat has a hide function: As soon as you see trolling, just close it and re-open it the next lobby.

    It's good how it is now.

    @Grey87 said:
    You already can do it.
    Press that arrow thing on the right next to the chat.

    The problem is that the chat always shows back up the instant you re-open the game.

    It's better to just immediately leave and not give them a chance to say anything but I'd be okay with the chat being removed too. I don't think there's much point to the chat considering how pissy people act in this game.

    That's not a problem unless you're more lazy than a sloth.
    Leaving is indeed a better choice IF you're one who can't resist the urge to check and/or respond.
    It's not the better choice if you still want to check on your BP earnings and whatnot.
    But it's not okay to remove it: Had a lovely talk with a 2 groups of Survivors yesterday.
    Wouldn't have happened normally.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Ryuti said:
    I actually really enjoy end-game chat. I get a lot of really nice interactions with people I otherwise wouldn't have. But I know not everyone has the same type of experience, so I'd rather push for a way to permanently hide the chat, and maybe make it a bit more obvious that's what the button does, rather than removing it all together.

    Yes, having the "hide" setting be saved is the better option. I don't know why the developers didn't make it like that from the start.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I vote no - simply because you could just ignore it, hide it, or leave the lobby once the match is finished. Neither of these are hard to do - I've had good conversations with survivors and killers at the end of a match why prevent that because you chose to stay in chat and read it?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Vankruze said:

    The point is this is a waste of the devs time to even be dealing with crap like this in the first place! Just remove the chat and in turn remove harassment category problem solved. Are you paying attention or just want to create your own version of what actually got said?

    How about a compromise, a way to have chat disabled permanently other than to say gg automatically for you. It'd be a check box that just says disable chat, click the box and voila no more chat. Which would leave chat for those that want to talk NICELY (hopefully to anyone in the chat.)

    They could even add in say a block feature so if you keep getting those same jerks chat would be blocked post game for them when you look at it. You could talk freely to everyone else but their flaming would be invisible.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Ryuti said:
    I actually really enjoy end-game chat. I get a lot of really nice interactions with people I otherwise wouldn't have. But I know not everyone has the same type of experience, so I'd rather push for a way to permanently hide the chat, and maybe make it a bit more obvious that's what the button does, rather than removing it all together.

    Yeah, this is why I’d like it on PS4 as well. Besides the point you made, people will just tirade on your accounts messages. If it can stay in the game, I’d gladly take that.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Vankruze said:
    Let's face it human beings are curious by nature so saying "just leave the lobby when the game is over" won't really solve the issue (because people just won't do it) so let's discuss removal of post game chat completely? You give trolls a platform to abuse a situation they will do it, take away their toys and they are just left sitting there with a face like a smacked bum. I know if I were apart of the ACM this is something I would be pushing for it makes sense to me.

    Can you imagine sifting through thousands of reports about "he told me to kill myself" "he said he hopes my mother gets cancer" bla bla bla okay they are horrible things and in a perfect world they should be banned but let's be practical here just take away said opportunity to do it in the first place and you no longer have a problem but a solution. If you did it for both lobbies you could actually remove an entire section of reportable offenses. Friends are using discord and steam anyway and I am sure if two people want to argue they will add each other to steam and go at it in steam chat. If one doesn't want to be harassed they can always not add them or just block them on steam.


    So you’d rather your steam account board got bombed?

  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677

    @Ryuti said:
    I actually really enjoy end-game chat. I get a lot of really nice interactions with people I otherwise wouldn't have. But I know not everyone has the same type of experience, so I'd rather push for a way to permanently hide the chat, and maybe make it a bit more obvious that's what the button does, rather than removing it all together.

    I don't think that would stop anyone who wants to be toxic from doing so if it's just a matter a clicking a button.

    What I think should be done is simply a mute function, possibly a toggleable one that is saved accross matches, so if you end up with the same toxic player, at least you don't have to keep muting that particular player. This way, the toxic players can write all they want, it will never be read, which I think is an efficient way to defuse the issue, even on a greater scale. Why do I think might benefit on a greater scale? If you consider it, when people know they're can be muted it they're less likely to be spouting vile and toxic words. Can they go bombard your account with comments, sure if it's enabled. But if they do they should be reported to Steam or what other platform they do it on, which will hurt them more, as receiving a ban there will prohibit them from using that service altogether. So I think a toggleable mute function would be the best course of action.