Solo Q isn't fun.

Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

I have been playing this game for a long time, currently with 3400 hours. I play solo 95%+ of the time because every time I introduce someone new to the game they just quit because the grind is honestly ridiculous and not fun.

I've played Killer, SWF and solo q and solo q is the most frustrating role in this game.

My build lately has been Kindred, Iron Will, Spine Chill and a random perk.

I want to be able to use perks that I actually find enjoyable, not be forced to use the ones that are necessary to survive, either because my team mates decide to farm me from the hook, or sandbag me, or refuse to heal me and let me bleed out or don't save me from the hook at all.

Honestly think some perks should become base kit for solo players (example of kindred and deliverance).

I see all these discussions about nerfing SWF. I believe a lot of people strictly only play SWF because of how much of a painful experience solo q is.


  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614


  • Lucas96
    Lucas96 Member Posts: 40

    This is why I’ll never take off Spine Chill. There’s no way I’m being the first down. I can’t rely on randoms. My current build is Iron Will, Spine Chill, Resilience and Wake Up. It’s great for both in game and endgame. I love opening that exit gate super fast when I’m the last survivor standing. I don’t bother looking for the hatch anymore, unless I know where it is.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Gameplay can be addictive yet frustrating at the same time. Obviously you want something that's addictive to you to be enjoyable/healthy so the thread and the massive hours op has put in the game makes sense to me.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,010

    Eh. I've personally been enjoying solo queue (or DBD as a whole) a lot more recently. More than I have in years.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906

    Solo queue is hell on earth.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I enjoy solo queue occasionally. You don't have to run full meta to do well in it, but just having a couple "good" perks would probably make the game more enjoyable. Personally, I like to run with Dead Hard and/or Adrenaline in almost every build I play with.

    You said it yourself though: You're burnt out. Go take a break and maybe come back to the game when playing it doesn't feel like a weight is being placed upon you

  • HEX_MalusGrey
    HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231
    edited October 2020

    I have played SWF twice and it is indeed more fun then Solo Q. But also unfair against the killer.

    From my personal experience: Many survivors have a close look on what the others are doing and behave the same way!

    I have the most fun when i go rampage on altrustic, take protection hit's for others and run after them for healing. The others will start to do the same and probably die and the match is lost. But it's much more fun to lose in this way as to have them all idle around and doing bones and chests.

    What we need are more tutorials, especially by youtubers who explain how to behave in what situations.

    5 gens done, someone got downed?

    99 the gate, don't open it!

    Someone is on hook in front of the gate but has a lot time left?

    99 the gate, then go for the unhook!

    Someone is being chased?

    Don't run after him for unhook, do gens!

    Someone got hooked near you and you are on a gen?

    Wait for 5 seconds after the hook, then leave gen for unhook. The killer will always stick around for a moment and search for survivors. Don't waste time and don't be an easy target. It is incredible annoying if you have to leave a gen because someone was hiding again right behind the hook and then get downed in seconds because the killer was smart enough to look around. That is noob play.

    You have been repairing a gen with another survivor but nowe the killer is after you?

    DON't run into the same direction and let the killer chase 2 at ones! It doesn't matter who is first at this pallet. You will only block each other. Split up and change direction.

    But rule Nr1 : DO NOT IDLE AROUND. Bones and chests give a few BP, but do nothing for your pip or the matches outcome. Do gens instead.

    There is so much stuff to look for and to learn, but you can not teach them while the match is running.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I can also enjoy solo q, the issue is that a lot of times that fun can be cut out not because of my performance but because of a bad team.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,826

    Idk, I really like solo queue. I find that the game is scarier solo and that it puts more pressure on you to be observant. I love making good plays to save randos and imagining their reactions too :D

    If you haven't given it much of a try, I would recommend giving Aftercare a shot and ditching Spine Chill. Spine Chill is an outstanding perk, but I find it makes the game a lot less fun and scary. Rather than having to scan your surroundings when you're on a gen, you can basically just hold M1 wait for the cat to light up. Aftercare's great fun and great in solo queue. It gives you a little mini game to focus on for powering up your perk (namely unhooking and healing people), and the information it gives back to your team is extremely useful. The closer to the end of the game you get, the more likely you will see your team and they will see you at all times, which makes coordination a lot easier. Potatoes will be potatoes, but still.

    I find that I can usually get by without Iron Will in solo queue too. It's really nice to have, but it's usually enough to just loop well and bring a medkit. A typical build for me in solo queue might be something like WGLF, Aftercare, Kindred, and We'll Make It. Depends what perks I happen to have unlocked for a given character, of course. If I don't have WGLF, Alert and WoO are two useful ones to swap in. WoO gets a bad rap as a "beginner perk", but even if you know the maps by heart it's still useful in solo queue for knowing which pallets your teammates have already burned when you're in a chase. Alert is useful for the same reason, but to use it that way it requires more memorization and spatial awareness.

    Basically, my point is, don't be afraid to shake up your build a bit and see how it goes. Worst case you'll have to play a bit more cautiously, but you'll still be able to survive!


    Perks aside, though, if you're just not having fun, taking a break is also a fair idea. Or you could look for SWF buddies on the forum!

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I get that. Have you tried reaching out to other good players and tried to create a little duo SWF or something? Having at least one teammate you can rely on each match would be good

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The game is balanced around solo queue.

    It wasn´t intended to be played as SWF team with Voice coms.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I have, all the new ones I was able to get into the game gave up because of the grind. Idk anyone else who plays this.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    This isn't about balance, it's about being unfun because of your team mates when playing solo.

  • TheOwl
    TheOwl Member Posts: 185

    With all due respect, I disagree with your view that the developers balance the game around solo survivors. Long ago, it was, but the devs are well aware of the popularity of SWF now, and a large amount of the changes coming into the game seem to be in response to this and seem to keep in mind that people like to play in groups. 

    It may not have been the developers' intention for people to play with voice chat, but it has been happening for years, and there is no way that they are not considering this fact when making balancing decisions. 

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    That’s why? I never run spine chill. You should be honored to be chased first. Why would that = being the first down?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Then why don´t they introduce ingame voice com, so everyone can play on the same lvl?

    We now have dedicated servers. Adding voice com wouldn´t be a problem.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    solo queue can be rough. It’s not that your teammates “suck.” Sure, you might get a game with someone who is more new to the game, that’s inevitable.

    You could be paired with 3 very good players in solo queue. Maybe someone goes down early because they thought the killer would try to mindgame instead of playing like a search and destroy bot. Maybe you all spawned on one side of a map, but far enough apart to not create adequate gen pressure. Maybe you all got a ######### flip on a map.

    in a SWF though, you can fix all of that. You know where to spread out, which totem spawns have been checked, etc.

    Unfortunately, I don’t think many people have fun in this game anymore, especially vets. You might have fun playing with friends, but the game itself, eh. It’s not fun playing against someone who camps and tunnels someone out of the match. It’s not fun to be ran around the map as killer.

    Playing DBD is the gaming equivalent of being “stuck” in a bad relationship

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I play both Killer and Survivor. While I do get to play with some of my friends from time to time, about ninety percent of my Survivor matches are done as a Solo. I hate to be the odd man out but overall I've been fortunate enough to have largely positive experiences. I'm currently Rank-10 on the verge of becoming Rank-9. I'm hoping to hit the Purple Ranks before the reset.

    Survivors are only as good as the rest of their Team, so I have advanced faster as a Killer. But that being said, I think Solo is playable.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I'm in red ranks right now so I don't know if the experience is different at green/purple.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Well I would expect the games in the Red Ranks to be extremely challenging and cutthroat. At that point, you are facing the most efficient Killers (whatever their methodology may be). I can understand your frustration, but I also understand the Killers. The problem of SWF gets more and more pronounced at that level. There are a larger number of SWF fighting in the Red Ranks, and thus Killers probably fight almost every match as if they are fighting Seal Team-6.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    My issue isn't killers though, my issue is my team mates.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    My Myers is now Red Rank, so perhaps we will end up in a match from time to time. If so, please give me some feedback if something felt too over the top. You have my permission to name me here in the forum if we do end up in a match. I often wonder about how my matches look/feel to my opponents. I record my matches from my side and I'm always interested in seeing it from the Survivor side.

  • HEX_MalusGrey
    HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231

    IT IS. 100%

    Red ranks know how to teamplay, know how to loop without getting downed in seconds and even use their comms in a tactical way so you know what is going on, as well as doing gens. Not every red rank is a pro, but they don't idle around the entire game or start the trial by searching the hatch or whatever. I do much better in a good team as in "Okey i did my first gen, everyone else is on hook. Do i rescue them or wait for the hatch" situations. In the end i get to the rescue and maybe get tunneled for it. This just isn't fun.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090
    edited October 2020

    "Red ranks know how to team play" no they don't lol. A lot of red ranks also go down in seconds. And like I said, the issue is SOLO PLAYERS not swf, so comms arent a thing.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I really doubt I'll ever notice if it's anyone from here or not, your best bet is just asking post game if you're on pc

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    I don’t want to put too much emphasis on rank but I’m wondering this too. There can be bad games but when I’m solo and paired up with other rank 1’s to 4’s I hardly see people leaving through the exit gate without helping to go for a save during endgame and if the situation is appropriate there is solid body blocking to help out etc.. I also live by running Bond to help with resetting after injuries and also borrowed time just in case they don’t have DS and I had to go for the save.

    I used to run Spine Chill all the time but my thoughts on it have changed and I think it’s extremely overrated. Don’t get me wrong it has it’s uses but it makes me laugh seeing 3-4 people all running it.. little scaredy cats😋 lol

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Well, I never used to use it at all.... partially because I thought it was overrated and partially because I kept forgetting to keep an eye the display so it was wasted. Of late, I bring it every time. Why? The number of stealth Killers I face has been climbing every day. I suspect this is because there are more SWF every day and stealth Killers are more effective against them, taking away a lot of their 5th Perk (Comms). To put that in perspective, stealth Killers make up less than half the total Killers and yet they make up 75% of my matches on a bad day, and at least 50% on a good day. I run into the following most often:




    I also run into Myers frequently but I blame that more on it being October. :)

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    Spine Chill can ruin really fun moments too.. My friend was streaming and I’m using the point to warn her because my comms were off so she started butt dancing to mess around back at me but little did she know.. hahaha it was an hilarious series of events..

    To be fair she didn’t see him right in front of her face but still🤣

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Personally as someone who was in red ranks, I'll suggest you to play on purple/green. they may not be great but they are more altruistic. At least the people around my server.

  • SnackPac
    SnackPac Member Posts: 11

    If you want to have fun as solo play from ranks 18-9 and it'll be easy escape almost every game

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Yeah... I usually play with my brother 99% of the time. Just tried playing solo queue and it's just so, SO bad. Quit after one game. There's a pepega doctor that I run at and he gets confused, that even I can '360' (I'm horrible at it) and am confident I could loop for the whole game.

    I look at my teammates and of course there's a mandatory urban evasioning Nea, a Dwight that looks like its his first game and a Meg that throws pallets, holds Shift + W and doesn't look behind her. The Doctor simply goes around the pallet and hits her...

    I'm rank 1 and am very experienced. Please stop queuing me with other very inexperienced players. It's not fun, it's boring. Fix the matchmaking system and introduce core mechanics so that solo survivors get more of the advantages SWF get and buff killer in some way in return.