Bubba Terror Radius


This is a dumb question but I can't find an answer anywhere. I know bubba has a 32m terror radius, but I swear I can never hear him until he's right up on me. Does anyone else have this problem? Played against 3 bubba's in the last two days who I've had this problem with, and none were using perks that make them have a smaller radius or go undetectable. Am I missing something or just really unobservant when it comes to bubbas?


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,053

    I have no issues with Bubba's terror radius, can hear it loud and clear. Are you sure they weren't using any stealth perks / addons?

  • Gangrena
    Gangrena Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2020

    I recently added Monitor&Abuse to my perks and it works better than expected. Some survivors really only realize im there when the chainsaw roars.

    Edit: Well, without any stealth perks, i think the only way to get em by surprise is to make them think im going after someone else and didnt saw them, exemple: going for a hook save. Not to say some experienced bubba might pinpoint your location several seconds after B&C.