Can we have Voldemort as a Killer

ringwinning Member Posts: 552
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I know he's not the traditional horror villain but he:

--murdered hundreds if not thousands of people

--was intent on murdering a child

--genuinely looks terrifying to some people (Ralph Fiennes did him justice imo)

--led a group of very twisted people which some may consider psychologically horrifying

--tortured potential survivor characters

--was literally so dark and twisted that people didn't even want to say his name

I don't know I just think it would be cool and tbh JK Rowling seems like she'd do anything for a cash grab at this point (if some people have read her twitter they would see that) so maybe it's not viable but it would be fun.

EDIT: More things

--Literally split his soul into seven pieces so he wouldn't die (which, by the way, you need to murder to do)

--They could call him something quirky like "The Nameless" or whatever

--The generation that grew up with Harry Potter (my generation) is old enough to consider this series nostalgic and may actually smile when they see him listed as a killer

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