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Message to meta build running survivors



  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    It is true, if you're not running spirit or nurse at a high level game, you simply have to slug.

    At least tell me why I'm wrong instead of saying "not true".

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    I am a nurse main, but on other killers that I play as much as nurse(like pig, a low tier killer) I don't slug often.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    As long as you down people quick enough, youre good. Thats why I main nurse.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    They use them, because you get no advantage not using them. You will still get camped / tunneled / mori"d etc. The killer does not care most of the time, he is even happy if he does not get ds'ed.

  • MasterGrit
    MasterGrit Member Posts: 331

    I hope next chapter has hugh balance change

    perks key mori etc.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    Ruin, Undying, bbq, disco as legion. What a meme build. Dude, think twice when you posting laughable threads.

    And btw, you're so scary...going to uninstall now...

  • frysauce01
    frysauce01 Member Posts: 30
    edited October 2020

    Red rank killer main here. I don't have an issue with how anyone in this match played, nor with how they chose their perks (although the survs kinda potatoed, and I do think some perks need some rebalancing on both sides).

    However, the survs should uninstall. Not because they love meta perks, or because they play over-agressively: but because they DC'd. DCing isn't cool at all. Don't do it kids. Go find a less toxic habit like cigarettes or black tar heroine.

  • ast2astRegMgr
    ast2astRegMgr Member Posts: 124

    I air on the side of don’t complain about my builds and play style and I won’t complain about yours. Keys don’t bother me. Mori’s don’t bother me. It all boils down to who’s lucky enough to use what they brought to get them outta the game. I’m probably 60/40 playing a little more killer than survivor. I think both side have an awesome arsenal at their disposal. This game is so competitive. When we all first started out all the meta perks in the world wouldn’t have gotten us out of a match but as we learn an evolve with the game we get better. I remember when I couldn’t run a killer for more than ten seconds but now I do pretty good. Not a god looper by any means but if killer makes a mistake I can go a little longer, but if he gets me quick then either he’s a better gamer or I made a mistake. Just a game better luck next time. As far as these perks that exist I run ds bt and DH and as killer I run what I have at my disposal. We all Know that any one or more of these perks could be in play. Eventually we gonna complain so much that the developers are gonna nerf this and that that the game will become so damn boring nobody’ s gonna wanna play. I love all these crazy perks. I’ve ds’ed my way out of a match before and I’ve also had a survivor use it on me to escape. Was one better than the other. No. I was lucky in one situation and unlucky in the other.