Undying + Ruin + Thrill of the Hunt?

Is that overkill? You obviously don't want survivors doing the totems too fast but I like that with undying you can see their auras (even though TOTH gives you noise notifications)

Opinions? Honestly I would just rather go with PGTW because it's a reliable perk that can't be taken away from you.


  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    The thing to keep in mind with that hex combo versus Pop, is that it doesn’t matter if the Hexes get cleansed. It still will have caused the survivors to waste a lot of time.

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    The thing is, when I run ruin, all the generators get done because I guess I Haven't learned yet how to pressure gens while doing a chase? It's kind of confusing to explain but I guess I should just start one-hitting and then going for a gen to scare the survivors off it?

  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436

    To be honest, I think you're focusing a little too much on perk builds.

    Like you said yourself, Ruin isn't working for you because you aren't applying enough pressure. No matter what perk build you run, you need to get your basics down before you can effectively utilize it.

    Try focusing on things like good macro play, mind games, understanding pallet spawn locations, etc. As you get better at the basics, you will find a perk build that you prefer :).

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    Killer is harder than I thought! I always feel bad if survivors end up escaping and then the bad feeling just gets worse so I play worse 8(

    I'm taking to watching Otz but I don't know who else to watch because I'm a survivor main, my main issue is pressuring gens and missing during my chases (I'm not sure what you mean by macro play, please explain!)

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Don’t feel bad. Killer IS hard sometimes.

    It’s necessary to learn ways to end chases fast, know which chases to abandon, and pay attention to where survivors are trying to lead you (usually away from the gens)

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Depends. This is actually my favorite Hex configuration running Spooky Myers. It lets me find the Survivors REALLY fast, usually lets me get an initial grab, and has good odds of keeping the Generators regressing as I run people around, homing in on them by the Auras. I know I'm in the minority, but I find this a VERY effective combo.

    Usually in the first 15-30 seconds you will hear an audible warning causing you to look the right direction and you will see an Aura even if out of Stalk range. :)

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    I wonder if it's a good build on Spirit? She zooms to people fast so that helps but her whooshing sound gives her away :\ Maybe I should try Myers. I leveled him up to thirty but I didn't play him to level 30.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    It was cruel, I had someone use it against me, it was at that time that I just decided to do gens because of how powerful it felt.

    Can be countered don't get me wrong but it is hard.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    If Ruin isn’t doing much this is a bad combo. You’re using 3 perk slots just for Ruin. Yeah totems will slow them down but if they do get Ruin out of the way you’ve only got 1 perk, or in this case it sounds like survivors are able to ignore Ruin anyway especially on larger maps where its harder to chase them off gens.

    Ruin isn’t worth 3 totems like that. Not for most killers.

  • hurryingok
    hurryingok Member Posts: 49

    Tru3 can be annoying, but a smart thing he always says is It's a 1v4, not a 1v1. A tricky part of the game is understanding when to drop a chase and get other survivors off their generators.

  • ImighthaveDS
    ImighthaveDS Member Posts: 18

    Otz is def good, but Fungoose is one of the best and really explains split pressure and rotation. He is by far the most dominate killer I've watched. The key being getting a hit or pallet within 15 seconds of starting chase, or rotating away.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Doesn’t Undying already give you the information that you need when they are cleansing your Hex?

    The cleansing time increase isn’t worth it IMO. Not when having Undying is going to further encourage survivors to cleanse regular totems even more, making Undying worthless, because there’ll be no totems for it to possible transfer to.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Not really, no. I want that audible notification so I immediately swing the correct direction (if I was looking the other way when they touch my totem). The extra time is usually enough for me to get there. This is because as Spooky Myers I tend utilize the center of the map extensively at the start to maximize my Wall Hacks while I'm doing the initial searches. I've failed to reach a Totem once with this configuration on the Mother's Dwelling Map (it is just huge) but aside from that if I decide to defend the Totem, I always get there before it blows if it is the first one being cleansed. It is that first Grab that I really want too.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It has diminishing synergy (Thrill/Undying have similar notification effects), but it's still workable. Personally I prefer Ruin/Undying/Retribution. No matter what, you have 2 10-second bursts of map-wide aura reading that can be far more valuable than an extra few second cleansing or an unmissable notification.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    I think, it should take you longer to cleanse hex totems at all or at least there should be more difficult skill checks.

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2020

    The key to playing killer or even survivor is best if playing both sides, because you know how the other side thinks most of the time. So as a killer, you can easily predict survivors and vice versa.

    Of course, I've never used Ruin, etc. so I've never had to manage gens and totems at the same time.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    You are using a VERY specific build to coincide with your point, I thought OP was asking in general. Undying reveals the survivor’s aura which is already giving you enough information IMO.

    If survivors are encouraged to cleanse regular totems via Thrill, that means your ability (as spooky Myers) to get there in time is low, compared to if you didn’t have Undying. Why? Because the counter to Undying is to cleanse regular totems and get them out of the way. Which also makes your Thrill worthless at that point.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I don't disagree with you that this build was selected for my own playing style. I'm counting on them cleansing those Totems. It helps me find them faster. Instead of Corrupt Intervention which slows the furthest Generators down by cutting them off for two minutes, I'm using something that simply helps me locate my targets quicker. I gave the context that I use this for Myers and why. I agree that Killers that have higher mobility will probably not find the same utility here as they don't need this kind of edge.

    But again, I disagree with you as my ability to get where I need with Spooky Myers is quite adequate. It is the FIRST Totem that they attempt to cleanse that will take the longest, and it is that Totem which I will be on before they are done. The key is that I will have found them, which is really my goal. Anything that happens after that is cake. If the Totems last, wonderful; if they get hit one by one, it is not really a loss and again, I don't care too much about them beyond being motion detectors. I only play Myers until I feel I am competent with him, so I can't speak to the efficacy of this build for the other Killers. But what I can tell you is that it works very well for me.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Watch fungoose for learning.

    And longlivmac if you just want to have some fun and be part of a family.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited October 2020


    Are you including Undying in your build? Because of so, then here is the question I have. Most people (the ones who play optimally) will cleanse away any totem (hex or not) they find on their way to a gen.

    Undying therefore has a smaller chance to transfer to another totem. Since you are already using 3 hex perk slots and two will most likely get cleansed... there is no totems left for whatever hex is cleansed next to transfer to, so the value of Undying then is basically very low, because the only thing Undying is left to do then is to give you those 2 second aura reveal, until it’s gone.

    Like, (IMO) you get more value out of it when you pair it with like 1-2 hex perks, which is why I said I think adding Thrill is overkill. Then again since you are talking about a specific build maybe that would be an exception.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Yeah, I usually run the Undying. Prior to that Perk I always ran Ruin+Thrill of the Hunt and got reasonable results. I find I get even better results with the Undying. One more "Lit" Totem means an greater probability (and sooner) that a Survivor jumps on one. That and I kind of dig the motion detector aspect of the Totems lighting people up even when I'm not stalking.

    The thing is I run either Spooky Myers (Scratched Mirror+Boyfriend's Memo) or a Maniac Myers (which is pretty much any Myers that can get to Tier-3). Spooky Myers just needs to find them fast and once I'm in range I never lose them. The Aura sensors on Totems spread around the map are useful for that first find, combined with the fact that one of them is going to jump on a Totem. Ruin in the mix ensures they want my Totems gone. When I'm playing Maniac Myers the Aura sensors are even more important because he can't wall hack. I have a greater chance of losing them. Again, I want someone to jump on a Totem, Thrill gives me the audible warning, I swing the right direction and run it down, usually getting a grab. Finding them quicker means juicing up to Tier-2 and then Tier-3 sooner.

    *I purchased Monitor & Abuse on the Shrine two weeks ago but due to some kind of bug I still don't have it. I'm looking forward to running:

    Hex: Undying

    Hex: Ruin

    Hex: Thrill of the Hunt

    Monitor & Abuse

    w/Dead Rabbit and Fragrant Tuft of Hair (that should be fun).

    The thing is I don't really NEED a lot when I'm playing Spooky Myers aside from Play With Your Food. Oddly enough it is Maniac Myers that needs the 3-Hex configuration more. Even so, I've gotten rather accustomed to using it. I find it very effective against SWF and to be honest, that is about ALL I fight these days.