Lithe is more used than DS......said the devs

I just want to do this dumb achievement but game doesn't work and forced me to slug because "dedicated"
Good thing DS is less used and less popular than Lithe, said a Dev.
2 hours and still trying this achievement.
Your name sums up my entire emotion
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The thing is that the devs still take all of community as their base for claims from what I heard.
They always average over all ranks which makes nearly every statement they post watered down to irrelevance.
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When did they say that? If it's true, they probably meant on all ranks and console, since Feng Min is for free on there I think.
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That Idk but I wonder if they just lied to us about the usage of X perks or they really don't play the game the same way we all do.
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They said it a while ago, a few months ago I believe, even Otzdarva started bringing a mori for lithe users when they said that.
And yeah, Feng is free on ps4, I'm not sure on xbox.
Also I believe it was when people said that DS is more popular and they said something close to "Lithe is more used than DS"
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Ok but how is this the achievement to complain about it with? You literally never have to hook someone.
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The achievement and DS are two topics but DS is less used than Lithe according to the devs, which is a complete lie.
Also get dedicated and you either slug or hook, which happened to me.
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The developers as far as I know have NEVER shown the perk use statistics at all for survivors so they very well could have been lying.
They also have never said HOW survivor perks are calculated.
Is it based off of if the perk is in the game at all(Meaning 4 DSes count as one)?
Is it based off of how many time that perk appears(4 DS count as four)?
Does it only count the DIFFERENT players using it(4 players using 4 DS count but only once no matter how many games they play)?
Each of these gives a different answer but the developers refuse to even tell us which(If they even use any of these methods) they count for survivor perk usage rates let alone the number itself.
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That is something we will have to find out, how they do their stats.
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It makes sense lithe is used more then DS. Feng is free on console.
What people often don't realise that their personal experience means very little in the grand scheme of things.
How many hours do you have? 1000? 3000? With an avarage of 40.000 players on steam that's about 4,5 years worth of experience every hour. And that's on pc alone.
You're a grain of rice in an all you can eat buffet of the Entity.
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Literally just played against these exact guys lol
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1000 matches are more then enough to make your own statistic. Lithe next to balance landing are two of the rarest exhaustion perks i see ingame. SB and DH are much more common. Never used lithe. Vaulting hitboxes are way to messed up for that. Just today again. I vaulted the windiw in the green roundell at asylum. I already had my feet at the ground and the killer had to go around the corner but he still managed to hit me with 1m distance between us. Should have been impossible but nope. I still got downed.
On another occasion a huntress got me with her axe when i already was in the next room.
Thinking of it. Has anyone noticed the lag being worse the past weeks?
Every single time i down a survivor he clips and then is 50cm-1m further away from where i downed him. It's totally messed up.
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So you're pointing out what? They had DS in a situation as a killer you don't care if they have it?
I understand what you were trying to point out, but it's just more pointless whining about DS/Unbreakable.
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They said that BEFORE everyone started consistently tunnelling and DS/UB became the meta thing.
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Lie or not, the devs ought to start looking into HOW a perk is used, not How Often.
Like, Lithe isn't a perk easily abused. Killers have means to counter it at least some. But DS? If you are good and you play fair as killer it's punishing you for being good, and if you are toxic it doesn't do much for the survivors, lbr.
Noed is a similar icky topic. Like, i can understand noed if you got a challenge or are new and need to learn the ropes. but if you are playing any killer that has auto-expose (bubba, ghostface, iri-huntress etc) you should not be able to use it to begin with.
Or OoO. On it's own, in soloQ, it's fine, annoying depending on the player using it, but fine. But in a group? either you play completely toxic and sweaty as killer, or you don't have a chance at all.
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Not overly while unbreakable's use has increased DS usage from all forms of media on the game I(And many others) have seen has remained the same.
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The high Usage of Lithe was for all Ranks and Platforms. So it makes sense that it is higher than DS, because Feng is free on some platforms and in general it is a useful Exhaustion Perk for those who dont want to walk because of Sprint Burst.
For Red Ranks, if I remember correctly, they said that Self Care is the most used Perk, BUT this is already a few months ago and as @PigMainClaudette has stated, Killers tunnel a lot more in Red Ranks than before (if I would have to guess, it is because of the Rank Reset which means that worse Killers are brought to Red Ranks and stay there, because they dont get put back that much).
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About 2k hours on ps4(when you were able to see your hours last year) and about 500ish on pc
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Sample size of 1.... That's not how statistics work.
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I think the key word they can leverage to say it's truth is "used"... If you think about it if 4 survivors bring DS it will get USED a maximum of 4 times. Lithe can be USED many times by just one survivor, meaning if 4 were to have lithe it would be used a dozen or more times...
Tricky politician talk goes a long way in avoiding telling a straight truth.
6 - that was a rhetorical question.
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Or people just don't understand that "used" refers to every rank in every platform and that the few dozen games they play at rank X on platform Y don't reflect the millions that are played across every rank and every platform.
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I see more Kindred than DS these days, but that doesn’t mean that Kindred is a more popular perk than DS overall. It just means that I, personally, see it more. I’m one person, on one platform, in one region, in one particular rank bracket, playing solo which automatically excludes 4 man SWFs from my lobbies when playing survivor. So my experience is far from universal, as is yours.
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Oh lol I thought you were dead serious, I'm not young and can't tell if being serious or not.
That actually makes sense, in my region I usually see DS/unbreakable at least twice or thrice per match, I might start doing an experiment.
50 matches as the killer and 50 as survivor to see the most used perks on both sides.
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You just F-ed my brain but it is true.
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OMG you haven’t done an achievement in TWO hours, OMG. Somebody needs to at peanits or almo ASAP. You poor thing. Hang in there bud! <3 <3
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You'd have to do 100 each... to be fair
I'm also thinking of doing something to this effect but with specific stats to record... and I'm starting with games that I put on YouTube (get the easy ones done first)
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Wasn’t it “more used than dead hard” they actually said?
On the PC version that’s definitely not true. In fact I’m surprised that you don’t have a single DH in there, I get about 3 per game on average with the last likely having sprint burst.
Come to think of it crossplay is on now and I dont see that many console gamers using Lithe.
I really have to question some of their stats. They claimed swf wasnt that common but from my experience yes it is.
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100 each still isn't anything to write home about.
You can record every single game you ever played in the last 4 years and it will still pale in comparison to the whole thing
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Fair enough
But it would be better then saying what the dev's did
"Heres some stats... but dont read into them... they suck"
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I believe it was Lithe, I remember the "Lithe" part because of Otz's chat going crazy when lithe was being used.
And yeah, I'm also surprised that no exhaustion perks were used especially dead hard since it's also very common now a days.
Specific stats? Like what kind if I may ask?
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Must've been a fun experience right? They weren't toxic to me or anything but hopefully you did better than I did.
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Lithe is the best exhaustion perk though. Can use it completely healthy, at a loop, purposefully, and paired with other perks can create an effective ghost build.
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I mean even if lithe was used more no one has a problem because lithe isn't the be all and end all its a good perk but it ain't broke like ds is
I know lithe is common on mobile purely because you accidentally move the joystick a inch too much or autolock by accident. Your sb gone so ppl often prefer lithe as they can control it plus you get 7000 shards on mobile for the tutorial you can get 2k shards pretty ez so most ppl will buy feng first.
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Lithe is better than say Sprint Burst because the Survivor can choose to run normally most of the time without triggering it. Lithe only goes off when you choose to trigger it. Granted you have to always be mindful of your surrounding and keep that Vault's position as part of that internal HUD but in combination with the factors for looping and where they come up, I always get more out of Lithe than I do the others.
Consider poor Sprint Burst types. They want to jog to the next Generator or move quickly but can't because the second they run, they have exhausted their main ability. So they have to WALK. :)
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Times that (doesn't need to be accurate... recording then watching would be best though)
First chase started (if you are not the first survivor to start a chase then say when your first chase was)
First hit
First down
First hook
First gen completion
Then total numbers for
Heals (pickups are included)
I will do one of mine for an example soon and post it somewhere here
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you have just shown the inherent flaw in statistics. you can take any group of numbers and MAKE them look like anything. The quote everyone is trying to scream about is "Lithe is used more than DS." This can be interperted in many ways, 1) Lithe is equipped more than DS or 2) Lithe is used in the matches more than DS. the first can be true by it being a popular exhaustion perk but i think the DEVS meant the second option. DS may be equipped by not used in matches as much as lithe. why? killers don't always tunnel, killers slug the one with ds etc. thus it is how the devs stacked the numbers... you are doing it differently.
Also 1000 matches of your personal time is a set that can be used but it is not equal to the set of numbers the devs use. To draw comparisons between your numbers and theirs you must be looking at the same set of numbers from the same vantage as I showed above.
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Stats are generally taking over all ranks and all regions and platforms.
They do however also take rank into account at times for say rank 20-15 and ranks 5-1 to see if there is any difference.
Regions and platforms well you're one may see higher usage of some perks than others. This is why personal stats don't really show anything.
Say in one day over 100 matches you play in that time 1 million different players joined the game. Now only 30k are on your platform and region. Play 100 games you see as killer only 400 survivors out of those numbers. This means you will not see the other 999,599 players or only see 0.04%. Its a minute figure to go by.
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If they want, they can give it all to me and my habit of over-analysis. I'll take it as a challenge while I paint more of my way-too-many 40k miniatures!
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I think this is a good moment to nerf DS hard. Since its used in every match and its frustrating for new players.
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Compromise: Make tunnelling near impossible or bannable. It's also frustrating for new players.
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But tunneling is just the killer doing his objective. What else is he supposed to do? He has no secondary objective like survivors do.
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True, only dead hard and sprintburst are used in every game. Lithe and BL are very rare.
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You're both missing the fact that you don't play at every rank or on every platform.
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No I mean didn't they say that "Lithe is more popular than Dead Hard", rather than "Lithe is more popular than DS", because I remember everyone complaining about dead hard and then they say according to their stats etc Lithe is a more popular exhaustion perk.
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I think I can explain why this may be true but I could be wrong.
Feng min is a free character on console, I don't know about pc. So obtaining lithe is tremendously easier on console than ds. Ds also comes from laurie who's licensed, so you HAVE to pay money for her, which not everyone is willing to do. PLUS ds is almost never in the shrine.
Lithe isn't common at high ranks, so I assume that most lithe players are mid to high rank. Ds is extremely rare at mid to low ranks but very common at high ranks which is why it may seem like ds is more common to high rank players. It also doesn't help lithe that it's one of the less effective exhaustion perks.
Sorry this was really long, I don't even know if I was right lmao.
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Each side has 4 objectives. They happen to be called the Emblems.
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That's the exactly point. We shouldn't keep three blink nurse because it's easier for beginners. At the same time we shouldn't keep current DS, because newbies can't run the killer.
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However the devs get their information I would like to see a filter option. If you screened this data by red ranks only, I will guarantee DS is used more than lithe.
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lol.... I have been wanting to gather my own stats in the game for awhile
But then apathy takes over
Also if some of us do get our own stats we then can compare and contrast them and come up with new ideas (maybe)