SWFs on PS4

I'm a killer main on PS4, and since hitting green ranks, I'm finding more and more matches are very skilled, well coordinated survivor friends. I've got years of time in the game, but I just can't get out of green rank 9, and constantly de-pip back to 11. I always try to play fair, don't camp/tunnel, and the only meta perk I use is BBQ, for the bloodpoint stacks. I don't like HEX perks because they get broken in minutes, and I prefer perks that help overall around the map, like Enduring, Brutal Strength and Lightborn. I don't even care about getting 4Ks, but recently I've had to sweat so hard just to get 1K, against these teams. It's just frustrating, and I even more so because I love the game. I just feel like I've hit a brick wall with the game, and unfortunately find myself disconnecting more or going AFK out of sheer frustration.


  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Who cares about playing fair you're there to kill these people not help them escape, and it sounds like you may need to change your build around or test out different killers to find one that suits you, I would run corrupt intervention to get a early slowdown on the game and try to build a little pressure before gens start popping

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    The faster you throw away that survivor rule book you have the better you will do at killer and move up in ranks.

  • GamingBrix
    GamingBrix Member Posts: 11

    I know, I guess you're right. I'm just always watching streamers saying you shouldn't play like this or that, and getting toxic messages from survivors criticising my perks, how I play, etc... I just don't want to be labelled a bad player. The problem is I'm tired of playing nice just to feel like a productive member of the community, because nobody else does.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    When you get the salty messages you were doing the right thing, learn to bathe in the salt and you will enjoy this game more than you ever have , when I get salt I jump into the messages with them just eating it up and it pisses them off more, I do whatever it takes to win the situation no matter how mad they get

    One time years ago I faced a no mither Sabo squad at springwood and they were using the house with garage basement area to try and occupy me while one guy was gonna do gens, unfortunately for them I'd seen it before and I left the house as soon as I realized what they wanted , found the gen jockey and facecamped him out of the game then I ended up killing the rest of them who now had to focus on gens instead of keeping me downstairs to Sabo the front or back hook everytime I come out with someone , I got a ton of salt calling me a ######### player for facecamping when they were using that bullshit strat just because I figured them out they got mad is what it was and they didn't get a chance to bully me

  • spirit72
    spirit72 Member Posts: 227
    edited October 2020

    Playing 'fair' doesn't mean that you have to play 'nice'. I'm PS4 too, and the best thing I ever did was set my messaging rules to 'friends only'. The amount of Survivor Salt thrown my way dropped by roughly 100%.

    There are really only a few things a Killer really should avoid most of the time: Hook camping, intentional tunneling, intentional slugging. At the same time, I must and will adapt my in-game 'ethics'(for lack of a better term)to those of the Survivors. If they are going to resort to d-baggery....well, that too is a multiplayer game. :)

    Also, you might re-visit hex perks in general, because a few of them can be very useful. They tend not to last the whole match, and some of it ends up being 'luck of the draw' as far as which totems end up being active, but they can be important in the early game. Ruin, for instance, can keep the gen rush at bay while you get as many hooks as you can before they find it. If you're playing Trapper or Hag, trap the crap out of your totem...both right in front of it, as well as the most likely approaches. The time that a Survivor spends looking for an active totem is time that they are not spending on starting a gen.

    Another thing re: SWF is that those groups are not invincible. A lot of them have standard 'meta' perk loadouts, as well as a 'standard' way that they approach the game. They don't seem to spend a lot of time on contingencies, and they also seem to expect that the Killer will be 'standard' too. They expect you to be running Ruin, for instance. They expect BBQ. Try playing around with alternate perk builds that will shake this up. Monto on YT is perfect for this. I think you'll find that, most of the time, if you can take the Survivors off of their 'script' and confuse them, there's a good chance that they'll fall apart.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Fair killers finish last.. :^)

  • GamingBrix
    GamingBrix Member Posts: 11

    That's a good idea, I think I'll start playing more aggressive and just set my PS4 messages to friends only.

  • GamingBrix
    GamingBrix Member Posts: 11

    Maybe it's worse on console, but almost every match is SWFs using meta perks like Decisive Strike, etc... and body blocking, teabagging, flashlight clicking, locker stunning, etc... It's just really frustrating. It really doesn't give me much room to play nice, and maybe applying a bit of camping and tunneling, along with map pressure might really help me.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    If you run into alot of that I would run Hag with Franklin's and just trap their item everytime they drop it and I might even run STBFL with it just for the body blockers or people that think they can pick the item back up in my face. It just kinda depends on how I'm feeling that day I guess

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    I play PS4 killer and I know how you feel but I don't let it get to me heck I've had people call me a bad player for stacking it in my favour with perks and add-ons but that's because I played smart or looking for someone I slugged near a hook suddenly means I'm a camper or a person gets at me for taking them out or asking how old I am simply because I find the fact they rage quit after stepping into my bear trap and getting grabbed by me funny

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    If they're salty enough they might send the message as a friend request, just a heads up

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Hey if we ever meet my username is redsopine1 and it would be nice to have a bit of pre or endgame chat if u know it's you sometimes I like to troll a survivor by acting in character for my killer or make them think it's another one.






    Just to troll

  • spirit72
    spirit72 Member Posts: 227

    Map control is everything for a Killer. Patrolling gens and keeping Survivors away from them as much as possible is key. They can't gen rush if you're on the gens like white on rice...that becomes more true after they've started a couple.

    --Don't be baited by running Survivors too much. A good rule of thumb is no more than 15 seconds chasing one Survivor. No hit? Move on.

    --If you identify one Survivor that is a weak link, take them out post-haste. Do it without tunneling, but get them gone. The Survivors' prospects dim with each person they lose.

    --If the Survivors are going to rush hooks, welcome them with open arms. If you get several hits and maybe another Survivor down in exchange for an unhook, that is a trade in your favor.

    --Remember that Survivors can(and regularly do)hang themselves by not paying attention to the manner in which they start gens. If they start all of the gens on one side, they reduce the map area that you have to cover by 50%. At the start of the match, survey the field...there will usually be a cluster of 3 gens that are fairly close together. That is your 'last stand', so to speak.....protect those three at all costs. If there is not an obvious cluster, choose three that are still fairly close together, especially if they are near the center of the map. If the Survivors want to start the outlying gens, don't argue with them too much. When they're down to 1-2 gens remaining, they will be in big trouble. This works particularly well with Trapper and Hag, but works with the other Killers as well. I get 4x's regularly by just letting the Survivors tighten their own noose like this.

    -Use NOED with no apology. If Survivors cannot be bothered to take out totems as they encounter them, then they deserve to be one-shotted at the end of the match.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    edited October 2020

    It’s a controversial topic, but my games improved dramatically once I adopted regular slugging. In fact I slug straight the gate. I.e. the first survivor I down I usually slug, and try to quickly find someone else.

    This is especially true if I spot another survivor straight away after any downs, or I know for a fact that others are in the area. As a general rule I like to try a one on the ground, one on the hook, one in a chase strategy, meaning 3 survivors are occupied unable to work on gens.

    As you go up higher and higher in ranks, the time spent picking up a survivor, then carrying them to a hook, and then actually hooking them, is time a killer can’t afford to lose EACH and EVERY time a down occurs.

    Another strategy is when seeing survivors together, I injure as many as possible before committing to a chase with one of them. The goal being that perhaps the injured survivors out of a chase will preoccupy themselves with healing each other.

    The main takeaway here is try to always think of ways you can waste the OTHER survivors time while you are in a chase with another.

    One last thing. As tough as SWF are (and they’re aggressive on PS4), they’re also very predictable, and you should already be able to guess their perks very early in the match.

  • spirit72
    spirit72 Member Posts: 227

    "It’s a controversial topic, but my games improved dramatically once I adopted regular slugging. In fact I slug straight the gate. I.e. the first survivor I down I usually slug, and try to quickly find someone else.

    This is especially true if I spot another survivor straight away after any downs, or I know for a fact that others are in the area. As a general rule I like to try a one on the ground, one on the hook, one in a chase strategy, meaning 3 survivors are occupied unable to work on gens."

    What you've described above is not Slugging, IMO. It's only slugging when you're attempting to down all 4 Survivors to effectively end the match, in lieu of hooking them. It's not poor gameplay on your part to take advantage of errors that the Survivors make.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906

    The hell with being nice. If this is how they're playing then you've got to fight fire with fire. Take the gloves off and be equally aggressive.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    And if they send a nasty message via friend request (racist, obscene, etc) use the link to report it to PlayStation. PS doesn’t play around with those things.

  • spirit72
    spirit72 Member Posts: 227

    Very True. I reported one player who told me post-match 'Gimme your addy and I'll empty a whole clip into you IRL!'. PSN banned him within 30 secs of the report.