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I've created a new perk. Please I recommend you to click here to read the full discription.

LuckyJewel Member Posts: 127
edited October 2020 in Ask the Community

Unlock a potential in one's aura reading ability. The wiggle status progress of a carried survivors can be determined by the intensity of their auras at a distance of up to 32 metres.

Each time you take a hit from a killer while the survivor is being carried, grunts the carried survivor 5/8/11% bonus progression for their wiggle status.

Let me know if this new perk is useless, fair or overpowered.

Best Answer

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830
    Answer ✓

    "Unlock a potential in one's aura reading ability. The wiggle status progress of a carried survivors can be determined by the intensity of their auras at a distance of up to 32 metres." - this should apply to Breakout in my opinion.