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Solution to Pyramid Head

Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

The "Why"

I'm aware that the devs are trying to change Pyramid Head very subtly to encourage PH players to go for other more bold strats beyond the extremely safe strategies of waiting for a pallet drop or vault to use punishment of the damned under threat of force through M1. So, you don't vault or drop the pallet you get hit with M1, if you do you get hit with punishment of the damned, and currently in the live build there's not really any counterplay to this. (Dropping pallets early isn't exactly counterplay, since that's a limited resource which is also determined by RNG).

I am also aware that whatever the devs are doing on the PTB, it's not exactly working. From what I've heard it doesn't exactly stop the problem, and if nothing else only shifts the time when Pyramid Head cancels his power, since he can still cancel it during the animation the change is effectively useless. Of course I haven't been on the PTB myself, so I can't vouch or verify for this, but the general consensus from what I have heard is a less than lackluster enthusiasm for whether or not this will actually do anything to solve the problem.

The "what"

Hence my idea. It's an extremely simple concept which I think is more than fair considering the alternative. Cutting right to the quick: Punishment of the Damned no longer affects survivors while they are vaulting.

On the surface this may seem like a drastic change, I know, but really take a second to think about this. This only affects survivors locked in animation, survivors who have no means of defense because they are physically stuck performing an action (vaulting only) and only during the frames of the actual vault. This provides survivors with a proper means of defense beyond dropping pallets early, one that requires proper timing, some mindgames, proper planning, etc.

NOTE: This still means that survivors can be caught by punishment of the damned before and after the vault, both times when survivors have control over their actions and at least have a chance to make a quick dodge or juke left or right.


I seriously highly doubt that this will have a lasting negative effect on Pyramid Head's viability, especially considering the decreased cooldown the devs want to give him on failed uses of Punishment of the Damned. Which really realistically means that we're going to start seeing PH's zone for free by constantly spamming the M2 attack through loops and walls.

All this does is it provides a tiny bit of counterplay for the survivors, and forces PH's to be more meticulous (and in the end, more skillful) about when and how they use their power. Rather than relying purely on the crutch of survivors being stuck in animation. (Which by the way, they would still be able to do with this change because this does not change the fact you can still hit survivors who are dropping pallets. Again, it only protects survivors while they are stuck in animation vaulting).

Of course there's a chance I could be overestimating how useful these "invincibility frames" will be, they'll total to a really, really, short amount of time (at least on fast vault, so it may be more viable to medium vault, but again that also comes with it's own risks) so it's possible that it won't really add up to much anyway. Though I think it's still worth looking into considering the things that aren't working on the PTB.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    You are recommending the Pyramid Heads ability to affect survivors like flashlight stuns affect killer. The result doesn't change, the killer would just need to get good at the timing to hit them right as they finish vaulting just like how survivors learned to time their flashlight stuns.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited October 2020

    Except unlike your analogy, his power still works 90% of the time? You can still hit anybody through all kinds of walls, loops, assets, etc. "New player idea" my ass you immediately jumped to a conclusion without actually taking the suggestion seriously.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Alextheflykat
    Alextheflykat Member Posts: 21

    My only problem with that is that I think that should have to affect everything. Like you said, the survivor has no means of defense, so why would only p-head feel a nerf? Doctor can't zap you, killers shouldn't be able to hit you, the only thing left is to be able to grab the survivor in the animation. And then the survivor can just slide back and forth until you leave them alone. I think the fact that you're thinking about it is awesome, I just don't think this may be the best of solutions.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited October 2020

    I think this is definitely a stretch, taking the logic and reasoning which I have applied to Pyramid Head very specifically and put them onto killers that are in much better positions balance and more specifically to this conversation design wise, like Doctor. For these killers, those powers, and other situations, I think such changes are just not necessary, and would very much be an over-reach.

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    I don't like this idea for various reasons. One, his power isnt powerful enough to justify this. And you might say "but he can hit through walls", and he can. But you can't see through walls, and unless you have hacks, this isn't very useful. Another reason is that this could be abused. People could just keep vaulting with no counter.

  • Alextheflykat
    Alextheflykat Member Posts: 21

    And I agree that it wouldn't make sense to apply it to all the killers, but that's kind of my point. Why would only PH get nerfed bc of doing his ranged attack, meanwhile any other killer in that situation would still have their ranged attack land. Huntress could still hatchet you if you were vaulting, for example. It seems like it would make him absolute garbage if his one good move got nerfed, ESPECIALLY if the scenario only applied to him.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I would ask anyone that's responding to take it easy. If you don't agree with their idea then cool, but at least they aren't shaming players for using PH and is trying to provide a solution

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427

    I just had to delete a few comments - you can dislike someone's idea and tell them and point out why in a constructive manner. Please try to be civild and respectful. If this continues, the thread has to be closed.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited October 2020

    I don't see how your question has any relevance to the problem that Pyramid Head poses. We KNOW that this is a problem, Pyramid Head frequently puts survivors in situations where almost no counterplay is available to them and survivors are just forced to concede the chase. Your question is nothing but a deflection from what the issue we're discussing actually is.

    But for the sake of discussion I'll answer it anyway. Huntress hatchets, much like Demogorgon shred you have an opportunity to dodge, mainly because there's an audible wind up for both. Demogorgon hisses and opens it's mouth changing stance, Huntress makes a noise herself sort of like an intake of breath and the hatchet itself also makes a sound when it's fully charged. More importantly for both killers they are reduced in speed during this time, Demogorgon has an alt. speed of 92% (3.68m/s) and Huntress is slowed even more at a whopping 77% (3.08) meaning both these killers are losing distance while they have wind up their attacks. If either of them miss they will have lost ground and the chase extends for a longer duration than it might have otherwise.

    Given the vault hypothetical yes, a survivor does have a choice. A quick juke to the left or right can very well mean that either of those killers miss, and because they lost ground the survivor isn't punished for making the right call and not vaulting. This is especially true for Demogorgon, since if he misses and collides with an asset like a wall he is stunned for a longer duration. In that situation, it might actually be more rewarding for a survivor to gauge the time and distance to see if they actually can make the vault, since Demogorgon will not get the hit if he doesn't catch them at the window and they successfully vault all the way through. On the Huntress side of this if she misses she is down a hatchet, and has fewer chances remaining to injure or down a survivor before she is eventually forced to take the time and restock at a locker, at worst needing to break off chase entirely to find one.

    Nowhere is this thoughtful design present in Pyramid Head's kit. He is slowed, but only to that of 110%, a speed which enables him to most certainly maintain a chase, keep up with, and even surpass a survivor (not that killers will be passing survivors up they'll be catching them of course). He is not punished at all for his wind-up, which also serves as area denial if a survivor doesn't want to get tormented, and can quickly transition from wind-up to M1 if the survivor doesn't vault that's where this problem comes from.

    Yes I have asserted that PoD can't be dodged considering the alternative is an M1, this isn't something you have ever indicated you'd like to dispute and I don't think I'm necessarily wrong in my belief either. The only reason I can think of as to why you'd believe this isn't worth discussing is because you'd have far too much trouble proving your point (because it's inherently flawed but that is of course just my opinion).

    Regardless of whether or not you think it's a lazy solution, at the very least it IS a solution. One that I can assure you I took the time to consider from both sides, and the conclusion I came to is that it's certainly worth the while, anyone who disagrees with me I'm certainly open to discussing with them and hearing out their reason for why. Unlike you.

    Because of the reasons previously stated, specifically what PH is able to do and what these other ranged killers can't do (IE attack through walls and other assets ignoring all kinds of collision and hitboxes, transition from wind-up to, M1 with little to no punishment for it, etc.)

    Thank you for your input, I really do appreciate it.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Ok, I'm sorry for beiing disrespectful before and I admit that your suggestion made me frustrated to the point of making a snappy comment dismissing you. Seeing that you're still putting a lot of effort to answer me anyway I'll do my best to explain my point of view why it's not a good change.

    At the demo/huntress comparion I was mostly talking about evading them via vault while their power has enough time to connect if you were to vault. At that point good demo/huntress have enough time to hold their power and react to what survivor will do - if they vault their powers are fast enough to earn a hit during the vault, if they don't they can just aim directly at the survivor and hit since reaching the 8m range of PH's power is both equally possible with them and is the most likely time for both to use their power to punish window/pallet vault. In other words, if they get too close to survivor, they reach point at which missing is purely dependant on killer and survivor can make a prediction and bait their hit but ultimately it's killers decision that will make it a hit or not.

    If we were to talk about the actual missing then PH is actually punished equally as much since he's recovery time is 2.75s which is a lot of time to gain ground. But that's besides the actual animation lock comparion at which all these killers earn a hit the same way as long as they're used properly and have reach with their power.

    Your belief that PoD can't be dodge isn't necessarily wrong but it's certainly incomplete. All killers chase powers usually revolve around their reach and utility. Once you're in reach of a chase power you're very likely to get hit no matter which killer it is, be it Doc, demo, slinger, huntress, nurse, bubba or anything. Key here is to be as far away as possible and break LOS at any chance which goes the same with PH as well. You need to always evaluate how far you are and if it's a good time to vault, fake, drop pallet, fake drop pallet, double fake drop pallet or any other opportunity that arises. Every killer has as much lose-lose when you're close to them so making the correct read in time to gain more distance is not as far different with PH as with other killers.

    As I said I'm not liking your suggestion (which is why I snapped as I did, sorry again) and my belief is that PH does have decent amount of counterplay at least as equal as other chase oriented killers. At the current time of new changes beiing tested, it's very difficult to discuss further changes and best course of action is to wait and see how impactull they will be. If they aren't enough, I'm sure devs will make more chages in the future but rash changes like adding immunity frames exactly the kind of changes that is too fast and too drastic so even when you think it's a possible solution, it's one that devs wouldn't do since they learned from their past mistakes in this regard.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I don't this idea at all, it will drastically weaken him because survivors can just react to him by vaulting and if i understand correctly preforming a slow vault will make it impossible to hit the survivor if they reacted to it.

    just think about it, with PH's slow recovery and the delay for when the attack actually damages the survivor they can just wait at a window and react to what ever you do.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    This would hurt his viability a lot. All you have to do to counter it is vault. It would be nearly impossible to hit the Survivor at certain locations.

  • Funchal
    Funchal Member Posts: 43

    (Google Translate)

    For the first instant that I saw this suggestion the first thing that crossed my mind and how ridiculous it would be if added.

    But then I started to consider scenarios where survivors slowly jumped on a pallet to stay longer on top of it avoiding the attack, and it seemed interesting since being a very slow animation, a good PH could go around the loop and catch the survs by surprise

    Or just wait for the animation to finish before using the attack, which could be subject to DH, Adrenaline and things like that.

    I really liked the idea but it would take a lot of testing to see how much invincible time in the animation it would be good not to be stupid strong, or stupid weak

    I also think that the attack would need to lose its "wave" effect for the hitbox to be more consistent

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455

    This is it. Here we are, we've peaked.

    EVERYTHING needs counter-play. You've put yourself in a bad position and made a terrible decision to take a bad window vault, but nah, you shouldn't be punished. But why stop there? If a killer is right on your butt, where is the counterplay to getting M1'd? I propose that all survivors should have Dead Hard as their base kit, it shouldn't incur exhaustion, and it shouldn't require the survivor to be injured to use. Because, you know, "COUNTERPLAY!!1!".

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    The difference is that for the Demo/Huntress comparison, both of these characters have limits on their powers and what they can do with them. I get what you're saying, yes, a Huntress can catch a survivor at a window, sure, a Demogorgon can do the exact same thing. However, a Huntress can not do it an endless amount of times throughout the entire match, eventually she will need to take the time to reload her hatchets. When she does run out of hatchets, you'll find that she moves at base of 110% movement speed, permanently, with no other ability when her hatchets are out Not to mention, there's a vertical aspect to her ability, not only do you have to aim in the correct spot laterally, but also vertically, if you aren't practiced with Huntress it is entirely feasible to completely whiff that shot because you aimed a little too high or a little to low.

    And it's worth enough to note that Demogorgon is also limited by his power despite not having the more obvious "ammo limit" Huntress has, it is a physical, melee, attack. If you don't catch a survivor with shred before they reach the window, right at the window, or immediately after, that shred misses and instead you are colliding with that asset which causes a stun on the killer. Unlike Huntress and even more unlike PH, Demogorgon has to deal with his entire killer hitbox potentially colliding with something. The drastic slow Demogorgon and Huntress have that I mentioned earlier where they move more slowly than normal survivor running speeds, force them into "do or die" scenarios, where they have to get this hit, and if they don't or decide they can't make that hit they are pushed back further in the chase now having lost ground.

    So what is my point with all this, well it comes down to that simple concept of what Pyramid Head can do, and what they can't. He ignores pallets and windows completely on a level that Huntress and Demogorgon quite simply don't. Which I want to make clear, isn't necessarily a bad thing, Nurse ignores pallets and windows on level all of these killers quite simply don't and I'm not making any assertions about her. The reason being for Nurse, Huntress, and Demogorgon, there is a certain amount of skill or effort on the part of the killer in order to use those abilities properly and effectively. I would argue none of these killers are particularly easy to use especially against knowledgeable survivors, Nurse for obvious reasons, Demogorgon because of a distinct lack of people playing Demogorgon (this being either an indicator of his lack of effectiveness or a high skill floor / difficulty to use [since nobody likes to say Demogorgon isn't an effective killer, I'll opt for the latter]), and Huntress for her own myriad of reasons from resource (hatchet) management, gauging distance, how quickly hatchets move, the arc and trajectory of the throw, etc. so on and so forth.

    But Pyramid Head IS. There is almost no skill required for a Pyramid Head much less a practiced one, to quickly take advantage of being able to ignore all forms of collision while a survivor is pinned in place within a range of 8 meters (without addons!). If a Demogorgon attempts to do the same thing, he has to mind whether or not he can make it in time crossing the distance with Shred before a full successful vault or pallet slam, if not he loses that interaction. A Huntress has to mind the wind-up time for her hatchets, the drastic slow to her movement speed, the vertical motion and the height at which she throws her hatchets, etc. A Pyramid Head has no issues with any of this at all, only needing to mind the lateral left and right movement, which is hardly anything, if you are facing a survivor you're hitting a survivor.

    The ease and reliability that Pyramid Head can pull this off and still see the same amount of success as other more difficult to use killers is what makes this a problem. So unless we're making it more difficult to aim / use punishment of the damned, we need to do something about how successful the ability actually is during a match. Hence the invincibility frames.

    And not that it matters but I will add it as an afterthought that the cooldown he currently has is not as impactful as you think. We can tell exactly how much distance a survivor gains in that time (rather than you're arbitrary "that's a lot of time to gain ground" that means nothing). Since we know survivors move at 4.0m/s. After 2.75 seconds, they'll be 11 meters away, and considering that Punishment of the damned is 8m long, you're looking at a few seconds, five tops, before that survivor is within a lethal range again. And if those changes that are on the PTB go through this will be reduced to 2.25 seconds so cut that distance to 9 METERS that a survivor jut gained they are 1 meter away from being hit immediately after a second time. This is ONLY if a survivor runs perfectly straight, if you're running in a perfectly straight line you are gaining that full 4 meters of distance, and we all know not every survivor moves perfectly straight after getting perfectly hit. Whether because of their own human error or maybe because they didn't have a choice, because the map constricts them in a way that forces them to turn left or right. TL;DR So even in the perfect scenario the cooldown is practically meaningless in the grand scheme of things, even less than meaningless if that reduction in cooldown on the PTB goes live.

    I refer you to my last paragraph, the "slow recovery" you're referring to in all reality is not actually that slow. I highly doubt this will seriously weaken him because this really only affects people who purely rely on the playstyle of waiting for survivors to be locked in place. This will have little to no effect on good Pyramid Head players who are well acquainted with the ability, when they can hit it and when they can't outside of a "motionless" (locked in animation) survivor. Just like any other Ranged killer.

    In a certain sense you're right though, it'll drastically weaken Pyramid Head players who rely purely on a crutch playstyle which requires minimal effort. News flash: his ability is still good outside of those interactions where survivors are locked in an animation, he can still hit survivors on the other sides of loops without having to run the tile normally as an M1 killer. Trail of Torment still serves as area denial and a deterrent for survivors to take certain pathways, if they run through it anyway then that benefits you as the cage of atonement / final judgement provides more options. He'll most certainly still be a good and viable killer with this change, of that I am absolutely certain. To repeat:

    "I can assure you I took the time to consider from both sides, and the conclusion I came to is that it's certainly worth the while"

    And what you're asking for is to be getting things easily and for free. Free zoning, free downs, because there is little to no counterplay, and as long as there's no counterplay I can continue to crap all over my opponents and tell them to learn counterplay that in all reality doesn't truly exist. Continue to push forward this idea that the current state of what things is are somehow "fair" and we're all have fun!

    In fact, let's not have counterplay for anything! Decisive Strike should be free invincibility for a survivor for 60 seconds, Object of Obsession should be free passive information for survivors to call out to their SWF teammates! Pyramid Head should be getting free downs all the time, and DBD should be a toxic fight to the top to see who can best abuse the most poorly designed aspects of the game. Because, you know, "NO COUNTERPLAY!!1!"

    THIS ^

    This is exactly what I'm looking for, someone who understands the same wavelength of thought I'm operating on.

    I understand entirely that at first glance this seems like one of my most laziest and ludicrous ideas, but when you take the time to actually think it through, it beyond surprisingly, is crazy enough that it just might work.

    I absolutely agree it's a risky idea that would take time and testing to get it right, but if they could get it right, then it would be something that would work and would create an experience of playing against Pyramid Head that is so much more enjoyable, less aggravating, and make playing as Pyramid Head all the more rewarding.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    im not going to lie i only read the part you responded to me about and i will disagree it will weaken him across the board by a lot unless they change the recovery of leaving rites of judgment. the way they are changing it will make it so he can't just hold the power at loops and leave it if the survivor doesn't throw the pallet and its because he will recover way slower, slow enough that if he leaves rites of judgment he can't hit as easily and in your change he wont be able to hit a survivor waiting for him at a vault.

    lets compare this to another killer, clown. At medium to long loops survivors wait at the pallet because clown can't do anything there and he is forced to break the pallet. survivors will do the same but wait until he leaves his power or preforms punishment of the dammed before vaulting. this can also be done at pallets so PH will literally suffer the same fate as clown where the counter is to just throw a pallet and react to whatever he does.

    if you want these changes to work you have to give compensations so he can't be easily dealt with in a chase whenever you reach a vault location and it can't be decreasing the recovery time because then they will just hold the power at loops again. while its not that slow its still slow enough to just wait him out and vault without getting hit and im talking about after his changes go live.

    lastly in terms of consistency it doesn't make sense that his attack wont hit survivors locked in animation when every other killer who can hurt survivors with their power can hit survivors locked in animation so i doubt the devs would even consider this for consistency sake. look how they treated basic attacks, some killers would do better if their special attack was considered basic like pig but the devs won't budge on it because they want it to be clear what something is or isn't. not letting punishment of the dammed hit survivors standing still from throwing a pallet or vaulting a window will confuse players because logically and animation wise that attack should have hit and injured them.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    It'd have helped if you had read the whole post, but it is what it is.

    I've already briefly gone over that whatever they're doing on PTB isn't working, not in great detail since admittedly I haven't been there myself but based on numerous testimony from other players. You can still cancel in the animation immediately so you can fake out punishment of the damned and get free hits at pallets in a very similar way that you can now.

    Clown is a horrible comparison, his power is vastly inferior on a very basic level. PH wouldn't suffer any similar "fate" at all, even in your given hypothetical, since if that survivor drops the pallet he can still use his power to hit across loops. Even if he misses, he can literally just spam punishment of the damned until he hits, something that Pyramid Head's do now and something they'll most certainly do more frequently when the cooldown for missed attacks is eventually reduced like it is on the PTB. PH is in nowhere near any kind of trouble that Clown is, you're literally comparing what is one of the more solid better killers of the game to arguably the worst.

    As for "consistency" killer powers are uniquely balanced different from all other killers. For example Deathslinger can't guarantee injury or downs just because he shot someone, he must reel them in and if he doesn't they can't be downed. If the chain doesn't break and instead he lets go by attacking too early he doesn't even injure survivors with the ability, despite clearly shooting a fkn harpoon right through their shoulder survivors are literally none the worse for wear. Though it's important to note that though it might not make actual sense, it does make sense balance-wise, So I'd hardly consider "consistency" a valid argument, killer abilities are balanced individually as necessary, regardless of "consistency". It makes no sense to hold all killers to the same standard when they aren't all capable of the same thing.

    I've also already explained away the logic of how this change would be explained. Punishment of the Damned is an attack that erupts from the ground, if you're not on the ground, you aren't hit. Not quite the same thing as your analogy of not hitting a survivor that's standing still, so it does make sense contrary to what you said.

    It would only be incredibly frustrating for PH players who rely purely on the crutch of only ever hitting survivors who are stuck in animation rather than making more skilled shots.

  • FablPlayz
    FablPlayz Member Posts: 169

    Either that or the surv can get hit everywhere at any time

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited October 2020

    the survivor can wait at the dropped pallet and vault it to avoid POTD. the same thing can be done against clown when he trys to use bottles at a dropped pallet, it works against PH including if his missed recovery time gets reduced to the same as PTB because its still over or near 2 seconds long and it takes half that to double vault.

    when it comes to consistency it makes sense that DSlinger can't hit a survivor through objects and how they can put them between themselves and him. when i said this i wasn't talking about how a killers power is used to hit survivors if it can i was talking about why its the same across all killers that can. consistency in this sense meant does this interaction(survivors getting injured by POTD during vaulting) fall in line when compared to all killers like how basic attacks and non-basic attacks are considered and the answer is yes. it simply doesn't make sense animation wise or game play wise why this attack wouldn't hit a survivors preforming a vault. this is a big reason why you're nerf idea won't even be considered because the dev's want to stay in line with this kind of consistency and if it also prevents them from having to work on animations for POTD because as it looks currently it diffidently hits survivors when they vault.

    You said while vaulting/ being stuck in animation POTD can't damage you. survivors can wait at vaults including pallets and just avoid it as i explained in my post which you didn't address you just brushed off. I feel like you don't understand how easy it is to just wait for POTD and push the vault button while holding run. either address this if you want to continue the debate or your points are invalid because this CAN be done. it takes over 2 seconds to recover from both using POTD and exiting rites and that is plenty of time to double vault and because of the delay of the attack/its wave affect of damage it can be reacted to, speeding up this attack in any way will actually break the character if it becomes impossible to dodge which it barely is now so that kind of buff will just make more people complain about him.

    again this change will make him powerless in the face of vaults unless his recovery from exiting rites is buffed to compensate which the devs won't do since this is what they were addressing in the ptb. if you can't offer a compensation for his power that will negate camping vaults or provide reasoning for my 3rd body paragraph is wrong which it isn't then your changes won't work/ be considered.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited October 2020

    Because waiting at the pallet isn't necessarily the foolproof strategy that you're passing it off to be or at the very least implying it be, it might be viable as counterplay (which is what this change is MEANT to provide so it's not like this is a bad thing). That's exactly why I brushed it off, waiting at a pallet in itself is risky since all a PH needs to do is wait out the vault, even if that results in a staring contest between the killer and survivor if the survivor continues to wait it out. When the survivor does decide to vault PH throws out Punishment of the Damned after the animation is finished, or if they don't vault and wait it out in that staring contest PH just needs to throw it out at an unexpected moment. Unlike Clown who might want to play want to play around a downed pallet because his only ability is to slow down their movement speed, and a survivor who knows that the bottles potentially be impactful enough to slow down a good enough loop, you simply cannot do the same thing for a good Pyramid Head in any feasible way. POTD is too much of a threat to stay and try to run around the exact same loop and what most survivors will want to do is get outside of that range altogether. If they do however try to take the opportunity to run away during cooldown, again, the 2 seconds of recovery is not long at all and even if survivors run away during that time the distance they gain may as well be negligible. Quoting myself since you clearly didn't read:

    "I will add it as an afterthought that the cooldown he currently has is not as impactful as you think. We can tell exactly how much distance a survivor gains in that time (rather than you're arbitrary "that's a lot of time to gain ground" that means nothing). Since we know survivors move at 4.0m/s. After 2.75 seconds, they'll be 11 meters away, and considering that Punishment of the damned is 8m long, you're looking at a few seconds, five tops, before that survivor is within a lethal range again. And if those changes that are on the PTB go through this will be reduced to 2.25 seconds so cut that distance to 9 METERS that a survivor jut gained they are 1 meter away from being hit immediately after a second time. This is ONLY if a survivor runs perfectly straight, if you're running in a perfectly straight line you are gaining that full 4 meters of distance, and we all know not every survivor moves perfectly straight after getting perfectly hit. Whether because of their own human error or maybe because they didn't have a choice, because the map constricts them in a way that forces them to turn left or right. TL;DR So even in the perfect scenario the cooldown is practically meaningless in the grand scheme of things, even less than meaningless if that reduction in cooldown on the PTB goes live."

    You completely ignored the bulk of my argument about deathslinger and consistency. If the chain breaks survivors are injured but can't be downed in this manner. Whereas any other ranged killer upon hitting their target, be it Huntress, or Plague with corrupt purge, immediately do a state of damage regardless if they are at full health or in the injured state. In this way Deathslinger represents an inconsistency compared to how the other ranged killers operate. Especially when you didn't address how Deathslinger can actually shoot a survivor clean through the chest and not do a single state of damage at all if he attacks too early. How does that make any sense whatsoever?

    With this in mind I continue to assert the FACT that: "killer abilities are balanced individually as necessary, regardless of 'consistency'. It makes no sense to hold all killers to the same standard when they aren't all capable of the same thing."

    "Powerless" is an extremely strong word and very clearly an obvious exaggeration when we're talking about a few frames of invincibility, you say it so generally and broadly without providing any specifics, "powerless" how? Windows certainly won't make Pyramid Head powerless, since if any survivor tries to camp a window they'll be met with the entity blocker after only three vaults. Pallets certainly won't do that either since again, they are a limited resource and can also be broken, and either way in both cases a window or a pallet, it doesn't matter because POTD literally ignores all obstacles. Either the survivor runs around the long side of the loop and exposes themselves to getting hit with POTD or by camping the window they expose themselves to an extremely simple M1. Again, either way, PH has the tools deal with all of this even with the counterplay built into his kit in any possible scenario you could give me.

    I cannot understate how powerful of a chase tool this is and you seem to be flat out ignoring that completely, saying that the only useful aspect of his ability is to be able to catch survivors locked in animation? Because that is what you're saying, and if you backtrack on that then you're simply introducing a contradiction into your logic. You said and I quote: "this change will make him powerless in the face of vaults" which implies that his ONLY power is to be able to catch survivors at vaults. I'm sorry and I don't mean to be rude, but I'm just flat out going to have to call bullshit on that claim.

    You completely ignore the area denial that trail of torment provides where survivors will willingly put themselves into poor situations to avoid being tormented, you ignore the utility of the Cage of Atonement which negates all perks that are affected by hooks other second chance perks or strategies like flashlight saves, as well as Final Judgement which also saves time, and of course the aforementioned being able to ignore all assets and collision on the map to injure survivors. In what world is all of a sudden PH with all that in his kit "powerless" please, if you could explain in a reasonably logical way that holds some actual weight, I would be tremendously surprised because that claim is absolutely extraordinary, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence to back them up.

    Again, to refocus, what I am asking for is to introduce a small bit of counterplay into his kit that limits the amount of unskilled and unfun playstyles that we see frequently from Pyramid Head due to the very inherent nature of his ability. We know the devs haven't come up with anything especially unique or groundbreaking to solve the issue, and I don't see anybody else providing solutions here now do I?