What was one of those "lean forward in your chair" moments?

A moment that got your attention and made you grip the controller a bit tighter and think "so it's gonna be like that eh?" For me it was a game as Ghosty Boi at some Macmillan map, found and downed a Meg pretty quickly, pick her up and she gets flashlight saved by Feng Min, no biggie, chase her down her, she gets saved again, my fault for not being aware of my surroundings. As my vision returns I see Feng still there, clicky click her flashlight so I go after her and nearly miss only to get a pallet to the face followed by butt dances, I grip my knife tighter and figure she's the leader of the group, the distraction, the runner, the morale, I either leave her for last and risk more saves or get rid of her early and send a message to the rest of what is to come. What followed was a deady pursuit which resulted in sacrificing a gen for Feng Min's death, her teammates desperately trying to bodyblock and save hooks but to no avail. After her departure the rest fell soon after, the Entity pleased as their dark husks floated to the sky, and Ghosty Boi chalking up another victory.
I lean forward everytime with Nurse, because my god that lunge is so short on dedicated servers!
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Straight up, no matter how often I play every single time I'm the last alive, the killer has NOED, and I'm trying to open the exit gate my heart is pounding.
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^ basically me whenever I use Nurse, I'm like "if I lean forward her lunge will surely connect!"
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One match it was spirit and I was in the process of opening a gate. I got to about 98% and out of paranoia I let go. Good thing because the spirit appeared and smacked me. I touched the door again to open it, I ran around her and Dead Harded through her into the exit.
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So the killer had ruin and I was slugged while I was running soul guard. He was coming back to me and the second before he picked me up, I barely popped it and took the endurance hit. I would say I was leaning at a 90 degree angle
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When I’m teabagging at a survivor that’s also teabagging on the other side of a pallet who’s 99’d and my nightshroud is almost off cooldown.