End Game Advice

Players who play killer, how do you feel about people giving advice at the end game chat?
Lets for a moment pretend that you and I played a match together and regardless to how it ended I gave you tips on how I felt you could play better, would you be upset with that?
I only ask because I had a match with a nurse that ended pretty badly because she decided to focus on me only and that ended up costing her the match. When I brought this up to them, I was told that they "didn't ask for my opinion" and that it's "rude to give advice to those who aren't asking for it."
It wasn't like "Get gud scrub stop chasing me loser" but more "I think you would do better with nurse if you didn't chase someone for too long and instead switch targets when you know you aren't able to down a survivor." It wasn't said out of malice or hatred but simply because I enjoy helping good killers improve.
From my point of view, when I play as killer, I love being given tips and advice because it lets me know what I'm doing wrong and what I could be doing in order to improve.
What do you guys think? Do you find it toxic or rude?
I know it's hard online since you don't have much to work with, but you need to be able to read a room before you start handing out advice.
I'm using crossplay so there's much fewer people to talk to than there is if you only use PC players, but sometimes players may not understand how you shoved your boot that far up their bum and will happily allow you to help them understand better.
Sometimes someone's upset and will be mean no matter what you say or do. gg to them doesn't mean good game, it means git gud.
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Any chance you were lecturing me when I played Bubba yesterday? :P
I´m not a good Leatherface, in fact, I´m pretty bad at using his Chainsaw well. I´m kinda restocking my main Killers currently so I figured might as well burn through his Puddings and Streamers, and after a rather bad match the exact thing you describe happened to me.
One of the team, a pretty skilled Nea, tried to give me some tips. She wasn´t an ass about it either, and I took it well but at the same time I´m not a sore loser, especially on a Killer I know I´m not good at.
So it kinda depends on who you´re talking to I guess, maybe probe a bit to see if it´s appreciated or not next time to save you some headache if your opponent is too salty at that moment.
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They’re going to be the exception rather than the rule, and were likely still clouded with game rage.
Most players will gladly welcome advice, and even if they don’t, most will usually politely say “thank you”
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I'd be all for it
I can only see what's in front of me and how I played but having another players perspective on how the match went would be great