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Why don’t Killers like looping anymore?



  • Member Posts: 294

    Many killers never liked looping in the first place, myself included.

    Doing circles around pallets is repetitive and boring. Especially if it is a non-mindgameable tile.

    Also for Doc or Billy it is usually better to try and hit you with their power as they need practice to do it more consistently and get better this way.

  • Member Posts: 198

    I can tell you from experience, that when I play with my 4 man SWF, on the majority of map rng's, we can play extremely safe, drop pallets with minimal risk after a single loop or so, and gens will be finished in like 6 minutes with the killer only getting a hook or two. None of us are "God loopers," but we usually hit the great skillchecks and have very good communication. It takes a skilled, high tier killer to beat us, even when we're mostly just chilling.

  • Member Posts: 961

    Because I dont like losing the game with two lousy hooks. There is a new breed of survivor, they run every second chance in the book, hold w, and know all of the loops to the last pixel.

    They chain safe loops, using their distance knowledge to never take a hit. Then they hold w while you're breaking the pallet, gaining 20 seconds of distance, then finally use a second chance to avoid going down. If you commit, you lose.

    Any decent killer will recognize one of these gamers, get a pallet, then go pressure gens and weaker survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,209

    It’s because of the current state of game speeds and awful rng making a lot of loops still act like old school infinites

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I wouldn't say "like" so much as tolerate. There are times when looping gets very annoying if it's a very strong loop. It feels like there's nothing you can do at times but chase until they drop the pallet so you can destroy it.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    as you said yourself, some killers can manage to ignore it, and if the survivors choose to do their best to escape chases instead of just prolonging them, then sometimes, looping doesn't even come into play.

    So, saying, "It is the game" is misleading at best and false at worst. It is a component of the game that comes up quite frequently, and not knowing how to interact with it properly leads to poor performance, but there are circumstances in which it possible to ignore it.

    That's why most killers dislike Ormond (rock loops are high enough for survs to see over but not killers, loops are everywhere, survivors have super clear lines of sight, it causes fps drops for some players, etc), and it's why I dislike Yamaoka (both as survivor and killer).

    My favorite thing to do as Huntress is just chucking hatchets across the low loops on Autohaven and ignoring the usual "round and round" movements killers and survivors do unless the survivor is clever and well aware of his/her surroundings. Then, both the survivor and I get something out of the interaction.

  • Member Posts: 483

    I get bored with loops personally, whether I'm playing survivor or killer. I try to get rid of the pallet fast and whether or not I continue the chase depends on if the survivor is already injured as well as how much distance they gained after the pallet. If it's a wall or the shack I'll stick around to see if I can play some mindgames but I like to keep pressure on gens before pressure on one survivor unless I'm in a really good spot and can spare the time. I just wish survivors had more viable strategies to run away, or at least a more enjoyable experience when looping. It just feels like a chore to me.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Looping is tiring. I tend to leave someone who is running towards a tile with an abundance of pallets (safe or not), the shack or a T&L wall.

    Looping someone just isn't worth the reward of a down and/or hook especially when there are three other survivors potentially drilling out gens.

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    I don’t even get into the chase. I smack and dash.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited October 2020

    I know some people think it's the most fun part of the game, but honestly I just find it kind of annoying. It's why I like Blight, I can brute force my way through a lot of tiles if there's good clutter surrounding it. A little bit of looping here or there is fine, but if a survivor is really good at it, it's like boy I sure am wasting a lot of time here when I can outplay this person more efficiently by going for a weaker survivor and then getting this good looper when they're out of position on their way back to a gen/rescue.

    As a matter of fact, I find the most effective way to hit a good looper is to just straight up leave the loop, then there's like a 50% chance I'll run into them on accident on the way to wherever I'm headed.

    Maybe when you're playing survivor and it's the only part of the game where you're really "doing" something it's different, but I'm like a busy hotel manager when I'm playing killer, ain't got time to play with you people one at a time!

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    Depends on what you mean by "looping". Using tiles in a smart, effective way to keep the Killer's weapon from touching you is normal and fine, but that's not what I consider "looping". To me, looping is when you find something like the Ironworks window or a short-wall pallet or anything safe and just hold W around it for ages because there's nothing a Killer can do to shorten that unless they have a good anti-loop power. And believe it or not, holding W until the Survivor either gets greedy and gives you a hit or drops the pallet and gains free distance isn't fun, interactive, or entertaining in any way. If I wanted to hold W for 12 years I'd go play Death Stranding.

  • Member Posts: 932

    I remember one match where I went against a all no mither squad.

    First survivor I found was pallet camping the entire match and I was literally "looped" for 5 gens. I think the map was one of the coldwind maps or it might have been Yakamota.

    He'd go to a pallet, drop, go to next pallet, drop, repeat. IIRC I broke like 15 pallets or some ######### and they just kept coming.

    I think it depends on the map.

  • Member Posts: 1,379
    1. When 90% of the killer roaster has to deal with looping the same way especially against 4 different survivor's! It get's annoying, old, and boring!
    2. Unmindgameable loops and loops that killer's really can't do nothing about, need to be addressed!
  • Member Posts: 14

    Honestly clown needs a huge rework he has no map pressure at all so gets gen rushed and loses every game but he’s so strong in 1v1 they need to change him

  • Member Posts: 387

    Newer player but I don't really loop as killer because all you're doing is trying to get my attention. If you're trying to get my attention, it's for a reason. My guess is you want to distract me so I don't go kick the gens. But my job is to kick gens and kill you so I don't care about trying to catch you. I'll get that eventually when you run out of steam.

    A battle of attrition. I'll win. Im older and have more patience.

  • Member Posts: 967

    What are u talking about? If ur playing good and juking the killer, THAN the killer tends to camp u.

    If ur bad, they tend to hook u and leave.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    I don’t get gen rushed. He’s fine. Clown only needs some very small minor changes.

  • Member Posts: 207

    The reason it's draining is because gens go so fast now. You have worry about the other survivors holding M1 while you're occupied with that one guy trying to loop you.

    This game is not a horror game -- you're Hank Hill, worried about the ######### teenagers whacking off in your took shed and touching your #########.

    It's exhausting right now.

  • Member Posts: 56

    Looping has always bored me to tears. One reason I stopped being a killer main and play survivor 90% of the time now.

  • Member Posts: 595

    Why did you assume their playstyle from just their comment?

  • Member Posts: 531
    edited October 2020

    A good number of my games, I play about as good as I can, run to the fastest gen with a survivor on it, get that survivor really quickly, and hook them... and 2, sometimes 3 gens pop, add-on depending. Sometimes, I'll be down to 1 gen before I've even seen 1-2 of the survivors, and I'm literally not taking any chases but sure things.

    I don't have time to loop. If you make it to a loop, you win the chase.

    I just pity anyone who plays an M1 killer against high rank survivors in this climate. No idea how you do it.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I only really mind the loops that are strung together to an abusable extent or the loops that have low walls/holes in the wall to where they can see you the entire time. Those aren't mind games, those are time wasters. That isn't fun.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    when has killers even liked looping like never.

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    I don't mind a good bit of looping. Problem is that unless I'm Legion with all 3 of your mates in deep wound already or Pig with one on hook, one with a hat, and one going for the unhook... getting into a loop against someone means I'm starting to lose the game. I don't have time to get into long chases with every survivor. I just don't.

    That's why I've been playing Deathslinger more. Unless I'm off my game or you have a ridiculous structure, you simply won't be able to loop me for an extended period of time.

  • Member Posts: 179

    The issue now is that killers are 100% aware that every second they spend chasing one person is 3 seconds of gen time. If they chase you for 10 seconds that's 30 seconds of gen time. If a killer doesn't they'll be able to down you in a timely fashion the best bet is to just drop the chase. All that's changed is killers realizing how much time they're wasting.

  • If you can't end a chase quickly, then move on. Wasting time on a single survivor won't benefit you.

  • Member Posts: 266

    Okay. A killer who's wise wouldnt stay in a chase that's taking them 5 minutes to just hit let alone down the survivor. A killer's objective is to prevent generators and exit gates from opening and sacrificing. However, if a survivor is just too good at evading then a killer should end chase and go patrol generators to find another person to hook. It's not a matter of being rusty or smth it's "what is the right play here". And endless loops with a survivor isnt the right playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 29

    Is this real, looping had been the bane of killers everywhere since the start, of course killers don't like looping, it's a waste of time better spent elsewhere.

    Sure you can get someone in a loop but if you can see the survivor is too good to catch off gaurd you change targets.

  • Member Posts: 673


    Killer liked looping? When did that happened?

    After the first few pallet reductions?

    After removing the pallet vacuum?

    After increasing the distance pallets can spawn to each other?

    Before spirit fury got released and enduring buffed?

    Before a new hex perk got released which blocks pallets after getting hit?

    After reducing the looping cash aka reducing the strenght of different loops?

    After making new maps with a bunch of very weak pallets?

    So all those changes to make pallets more fair, when exactly loved killers to loop the whole night?

  • Member Posts: 700

    I never once liked looping, people complain that a killer camping/tunneling ruins the fun but it's a strategy to endlessly loop a killer regardless of how unfun it is. Certain loops were broken and would make it near impossible to catch someone and if everyone runs to the same loo then why bother.

  • Member Posts: 134

    I've just gotten so tired of it after 3 years. You either pay the killers who can deal with it or run in circles half the game. It's not really the loops though, like I've said before it's the amount of loops and pallets. If they were cut down just a tiny bit to make it matter if a pallet was dropped it'd make the game much healthier. There would be more interaction, a larger variety of killers, and more fun. With every survivor having a string of tiles to chain it just gets dull. Make it matter if loop is destroyed and you'll get the tension and sense of urgency back. Make killer scary again! Right now survivors have all the loops and pathing memorized and as killer you just go through the motions. It wouldn't even really be a nerf. It would breathe life back into the game for people like me and many others I know who have all but quit.

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