Mfw I tap a gen and see it starts regressing

is my face because Soul Guard
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Even more if it's a freddy with surveillance xd
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Detectives Hunch my man, with the current Hex meta it's your best friend.
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Just keep either Detectives Hunch in your build or Soul Guard.
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I agree 100%
This is so true. Forcing me to run totem-finding perks over Slippery Meat, Sole Survivor, Lightweight, and Quick and Quiet or whatever other unused combo I like trying out is exactly what makes this game unfun. There's a very solid reason that crows were changed to not be disturbed by survivors crouching by (the interaction with Calm Spirit and Spies), and this exact same logic applies to totems and hex perks here.
I would be okay running totem perks if totems were place-able by the killer tho:
Regardless, thx for the post. Made my day XD
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Those bones aren't gonna break themselves
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Welcome to the world of killers, where running an unused combo you'd like to try out means you're basically throwing the game. Isn't is so much fun?
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Time for the snoozer build!
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I mean, I play more killer now than I do survivor (lobbies and that I don't like playing against the newer rigs), and I do successfully run things like Agitation, Third Seal, Whispers, and STBFL on Huntress or Unrelenting, A Nurse's Calling, Bloodhound, and STBFL on Hag or Coulrophobia, PWYF, Deerstalker, and Whispers on Trapper. My builds are very specialized for how I play the game, and I certainly wish that I could use things like Insidious or Unnerving Presence more creatively without being punished by my perk choice so much, but I would definitely say my builds are not "meta" rn and don't result in me throwing the game.
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It's ultimately a design/balance issue. The best perks and add ons are infinitely better than anything else. Can't blame anyone for not wanting to take losses they don't have to take.
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it's true.
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Yeah, now imagine when you finish a gen it instead blows up in your face, stuns you for 5 seconds, and goes back to 50%.
That's why so many killers hate DS.
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Yeah, this is definitely the problem.
Why would survivors run anything less than 4 second chance perks? That's like four extra health states.
The devs have designed perks in such a way where most perks are entirely unusable, and even the ones that are useful aren't important enough compared to the extremely useful, never-changing meta perks.
RIP variety.
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That’s my face when playing Killer and two Survivors run up to me clicking the flashlights while moonwalking.
It’s also the same face I get when a Killer first hook Moris while we still have 5 gens.