Universal post game chat box?

It's annoying when you cant say Ggs to players or even communicate with them in anyway, if they're on a different platform.
Pc plays have a chat box they can type in at the end of the trial. I think the devs should redo this but allow all platforms to be able to type in it.
One purpose of cross play was to remove the seperation of communities, to form one big community where all platforms could relate and play together.
Although adding a text box don't seem like much, it's simple and sometimes the simplest things do the most :)
I agree, however it is somewhat restrictive on console. Typing out messages of any length beyond a gg with a controller is a lil time consuming, and at the end most players won't wait around long. Perhaps if there were k&m support on consoles...
Others may point out this would only become another salt & toxicity avenue, but that part doesn't really bother me. Anyone who plays even a tiny bit of killer begins to grow thicker skin due to such messages anyway.
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Not really, if you play xbox and ps4 regularly, you can type a sentence in less than 20 seconds.
And yeah true toxicity will occur, but it's gonna be in the game no matter how much you restrict it. Besides you just laugh it off when you realise how sad they must be to act like that lol.