Killer Concept: The Nun

Ability: (insert name) A reminder of your sins.

Phase 1:
Terror Radius becomes lullaby/song like The Huntress.
Survivors in terror radius build Sadness Effect tier I/II/III.
Sadness Effect makes survivors cry like they are injured.
Sadness tier I is quieter than injured. Tier II is as loud as injured. Tier III is louder than injured.
Survivors won't cry when they are in a chase.
In Phase 1:
The Nun has a great decrease in FOV, a slight decrease in speed, and a slightly faster lunge.
The crying from survivors slowly fills the meter/bar like Evil Within.
When meter/bar is full manually activate Phase 2.
Phasing to Phase 2 is just like The Wraith without the speed boost.

Phase 2:
Terror Radius becomes heartbeat.
Survivors in Sadness Tier III has Exposed Effect.
Survivors won't build Sadness Effect in Phase 2.
In Phase 2:
The Nun has a Tremendously increased terror radius, a slight increase in speed, and a slower lunge.
The Meter/bar decreases over time.
When the meter/bar is empty, return to Phase 1.

Weapon: Cross of Judgement

I think her weapon should just be a cross or maybe a cross in her left hand and a sacrificial knife in the right.
When she is phasing from Phase 1 to Phase 2, she would have this really disturbing laugh, hold the cross upside down like The Devils Symbol and attack just like The Shape in Evil Within III.

I have been thinking about posting this for weeks, so here it is. You are welcome to edit and post this as a comment with your own ideas. I would also really like to know if this is a good or a realistic suggestion for a new killer.


  • Greater_Cultist
    Greater_Cultist Member Posts: 81

    Depends on how fast the sadness builds and how fast the meter charges, but it still looks like a bad Myers since it requires the survivor to be in S3 instead of you being in T3.