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Can I sell dbd related stuff?

that_greenthing Member Posts: 2
edited October 2020 in Ask the Community

So I’m an artist and I have a few designs of my own that I want to start selling but they include dbd characters. I’ve tried looking to see if we’re allowed to do that but I couldn’t find anything. It would be great to know so I don’t get into any legal issues.

edit: I guess I should’ve been a little clearer, what I meant to ask is if we are allowed to use the dbd characters(not licensed) in our own designs( fanart that we made) to sell (like stickers and shirts)

Post edited by that_greenthing on

Best Answers

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,936
    Answer ✓

    Technically no, as BHVR owns the rights to the characters.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762
    Answer ✓

    I don't believe so, not without express permission from BHVR. If someone comissioned you to turn their art into a sticker, or if someone comissioned you to create art of DBD Characters, it'd be a different story, but from the way you're describing it'd be illegal, and BHVR could send you a Cease and Desist, requesting you stop. Even if it's your artwork, it looking like The Trapper and being called The Trapper are both protected under Copyright law.

    Sorry man.
