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How dark is Freddy's vision supposed to be?

Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

Serious question -- I only kind of remember old Freddy, and I've only played new Freddy on and off. When I play him now, my screen is so dark that I can barely see two feet in front of me, and survivors can hide from me by literally stepping to the side.

I thought that was just how it was, but then I watched a video of a stramer playing on the current preschool map, and, on his video, it was lit like it was the middle of the afternoon -- ie: clearly visible and brighter than the default lighting on the map. I don't know if the video was edited to make it easier to see or if there's a daytime preschool variation I've never come across, or if Freddy's vision is supposed to be brighter than it is on my screen.

So my question is just, for people who play more consistently, is it supposed to be super dark or is something messed up on my monitor?


  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    You can try setting the graphics to low, the shadows are less dark compared to ultra and brightens up the game a bit if you are interested in that.

    You can also can also check your monitor if it has like a movie, gaming etc. setting as those can also really affect the brightness of the screen.