Can someone explain what I'm doing wrong with PH?

Occasionally when I go to use Pyramid Head's ranged attack after planting his knife in the ground completely, I will just do a normal swing instead, and end up just hitting the pallet. Am I not noticing that I'm pressing the attack button too soon? Do I have to hold it down instead of just pressing it?
Its a weird bug that happens
From what I noticed, it doesn't activate immediately when planted in the ground so you M1 instead
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Ahh OK thank you. It's very frustrating sometimes. So I should plan to wait a second or two to use the attack?
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You wanna wait until you start making trails, so about 1 second after planting your blade
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I hate it, it was fine before. Is there a high possibility that this will be fixed?
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Good Chance it will be in midchapter
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He is getting changed next Tuesday. Maybe it will be better, maybe worse.. We don't know yet.
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He is my 2nd main, I practice a lot his ranged attacks around corners and he is more skilled in that way but you and the survivor needs distance to make that scenario. Doing your ranged attack in close range feels ######### (I have 20mb and the option to attack appears kinda late and the attack wave is kinda slow) and now this? For me it was already difficult to land a hit since I have to aim a further than normal because my internet speed and now I can't hit right after hitting the ground.
My last 2 matches I felt him different but I didnt know if it was me. I just hit the pallet or the air when the survivor dropped the pallet and when they're running in some narrow hall
I really like PH
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They are changing him so you get rewarded by using his power by predicting like you do instead of the pallet hit like everyone is doing today.
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Same here. At least it looks cool =)
I love his animations. When you hit to soon in the heat of the moment you will do M1 instead. This can be annoying at times because when i get impatient and hit to soon it would always be a guaranteed hit if not for this.
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Maybe, but one thing is sure, they know PH is an oppressive killer and is better keeping him in that way, you know, judging someone who vaults or drops a pallet
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Glad to know I’m not the only one experiencing this. It’s a really annoying bug that has cost me a match already.
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Its not a bug, you have to get the timing right.. 1.5 seconds iirc