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New Killer Concept: The Thing


I had an idea for a new killer inspired from the 1982 film "The Thing". It is an interesting and new concept for a killer focusing on a trickery/grappler style. I'd believe this killer to have a somewhat slow walk speed as to counter its intended playstyle.

To begin, the Thing would start the match taking the form of one of the survivors. Without a stain or terror radius in this form, the Thing would attempt to trick survivors into thinking it is one of them then strike when close. To balance this there would be a very short transition stage from the survivor form to the Thing form where it would be able to attack (possibly a vigorous shaking like in the movie?). After attacking, the Thing would transition into a mutated form where it would be considered a normal killer with a bloodstain and heartbeat.

In this mutated form only, it would be able to use another ability where it would fire tendrils from it's chest in a straight line in front of it. This ability would have a cast time and significantly slow the Thing's movement speed. These tendrils would behave as a normal hit, except when performed on a survivor in any "grabbable state" such as repairing a generator, vaulting, etc. in which case it will behave as a grab and drag the survivor toward the killer automatically grabbing and carrying them, essentially becoming a ranged grab. Think Roadhog's hook from Overwatch!

Once a survivor has been grabbed or perhaps while they are downed and an assimilation action is performed, they will be added to the killer's "database" of forms where it can choose who to take the form of (requiring a casting time to do so).

I believe this would be a very unique addition and add an interesting playstyle to the game. Imagine constantly being in fear of a fellow survivor working on a generator or healing you turning on you! Of course the timings of everything would be saved for balancing but these initial abilities seem promising. Also, the new survivor MacReady along with it? Who wouldn't want to play as that beast of a man!