why myers is the worst killer in the game?

crixus006 Member Posts: 383
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

he is slow, he does not have antiloop, he does not pressure, he is the killer that depends more on his add ons without them he is quite bad, you need to waste 1 minute of play to turn him into a normal killer and 3 minutes to make it powerful for a short time .... as the game is currently 2 minutes is enough to make you three generators if you are lucky you can reach his third level 2 times or maybe 3 in one game. even the clown has antiloop. I can't understand why the dlcs are weaker than the killers in the game. top killers are nurse, spirit, billy. oni.

It is an huge offense to all fans of this killer that he is so bad.



  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited October 2020

    Honestly, this is one of the few games where I think a little inbalance is good for it. It's far more important for killers to have a distinct feel and playstyle than it is for them to be as effective at killing survivors as every other one.

    Myers may not be at the level of some, but others are beneath him and he does work at all levels, though he struggles a bit at the top. Maps also matter a lot for Myres - he wants ones with wide open areas, especially near gens... unless he's running jump scare build, in which case he wants an indoor map.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited October 2020

    Myers needs buffs and changes the most out of any killer. He's so simplistic and has remained the exact same for who knows how long now? Every Myers game starts off the same, you use his power in the same way, you have no chase power so every chase is the standard M1 killer chase, you're constantly having to deal with spine chill as a killer with 0 mobility. He is very meh, definitely in the bottom 5, but it's not the reason I stopped maining him, it's because he's so dull. He needs something exciting to be added to his kit, it's far too outdated.

    As far as what would be changed I've seen some cool ideas on the forums recently. Starting in tier 2 and being able to tier down into tier 1 temporarily on a cooldown would be really damn cool. Maybe he gets slightly faster stalking in tier 1 also? And faster pallet break speed in tier 3 would also be great.

    Also for nongameplay related changes how ######### cool would it be if Myers entered tier 3 whilst in a chase you and the survivor would hear a more sinister Halloween theme overtake his standard chase music for the rest of the chase?

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Probably, EW1 movement reduction should apply only to his wallhack add-ons.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    He is ######### for sure, but no where near the worst, because of his snowball, i remember having 4 people alive at 1 gen and then they ffucked up and i killed 2 people within 2 minutes, then in the next 5 minutes the match was over with a all iri 4k

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Could Myers use a rework? Sure. Worst Killer in the game? Far from it. I play Myers's exclusively until I feel I'm competent. I've reached Rank-4 and I'm hoping that I can hit Rank-1 on or before this Halloween. It is an ambitious goal; I know. For all I know I have hit the ceiling in what I can do with him based on my own ability and his limitations. Even so, I'm going to try. Myers is slow but there are compensations, and if you play into them you can do just fine. He is actually pretty good against a SWF, particularly if they try to cheese the game with an OoO spotter. Since you start in Tier-1 your aura is hidden from them, but you can still see the OoO. It allows you to find the group (or some of them) really fast. The best they get out of it is the Spotter has a watered down kind of Spine Chill based on the HUD.

    Myers also snowballs which plays against a SWF really effectively, particularly as they tends to be a bit more altruistic than most. Because he does need a rework, this Build is very important. You have to lean into your personal strengths, whatever those may be. I quantify all Myers builds in the following way:

    1. Spooky Myers (Scratched Mirror+Boyfriend's Memo): Also known as Jump Scare Myers this guy can't get out of Tier-1 but has the best Wall Hack in the game. For laughs, I like to take Hex: Ruin, Hex: Haunted Ground, PWYF, and Sloppy Butcher with him. If I can I put in a Map Offering. The best maps in my opinion, and in this order, are The Game (Meatplant), Hawkins, Midwich, Lerys, Backwater Swamps, and a surprising Haddonfield. Spooky Myers can actually perform very well on this normally Survivor-sided map. The larger the map, with more open ground, the more difficult things become for Spooky Myers. They are all still winnable, but much harder.
    2. Defective Myers (Vanity Mirror+Whatever): As you can tell by the name I give him (I give him all sorts of insulting names), I'm not a fan of this guy. He can't get beyond Tier-2 and has a small, ineffective Wall Hack. In short, he is supposed to be a middle ground but the truth is he does nothing well. I've yet to find any maps he shines on, or any Add-ons which make him work. I'm not even going to suggest Builds as I hate them all. This could be my failing personally, but I advise steering clear of this guy.
    3. Maniac Myers (Any Build which can hit Tier-3): This is your classic, most common, Myers. He has to find you fast, juice up out of Tier-1, 99 his Tier-3 while getting some initial hunting and Generator pressure going, and snowball. There are a lot of good builds for this kind of Myers but my personal favorite is Hex: Undying, Hex: Ruin, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, & Monitor & Abuse (or PWYF). *Dead Rabbit is a particularly good Add-On here and well... there are too many other good ones to count for the other slot. This Myers can function effectively on pretty much any map, large or small. The triple Hex configuration I list above is designed to help me find the Survivors really fast and offset Myer's slow burn. Opinions vary, but it works well for me.

    Every Killer Player has to figure out their own style, and more importantly their own weaknesses. If you can't overcome a weakness you have to find some good in it and lean into it. I suck at Looping. I practice all I can, but I'm just terrible at it. :) I'm really good an mind games and making educated guesses about where the Survivors are (or headed). *This failing on my part might be why Defective Myers performs so badly in my hands, and why I do so well with Spooky and Maniac. My point with this long-winded and excessively sharing post is that you shouldn't assume too much about the Killer based on a bad performance without first considering if the issue is yourself. What are YOU bad at? While Myers could certainly need a tune up, he is not at the bottom of the list. I'd put him in the middle myself. I would humbly suggest that you need to figure out where you are failing, and pick/build the Myers that lets you lean better into your strengths or somehow turns your weaknesses into something you can use.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    He’s not the worst, but compared to similar killers like Oni or Ghost Face he just has too many unnecessary drawbacks.

    I really love his power design and I think he could easily be helped with some small tweaks. I imagine they’ll re-visit him before too long though and hopefully give him some small buffs. If they can do for him what they did for Bubba (keeping the spirit of his power the same, just stronger), he’ll be in a much better place.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I'd say its map dependant. If its Blood Lodge than yes, he may be the actual worst killer but taking everything into account I'd say he's just above Clown. Clown at least can immediately get the ball rolling and waste pallets early. He doesn't have to have 5 seconds of unbroken visual on a survivor to gain access to a timed tool that can't even counter loops like Oni.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I truly believe that Evil Within 1 is just outdated and should be removed. If Micheal could jump right into 115% and not have to waste time on that first level he could become a force to be reckoned with again.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    Myers is definitely weaker than most, but he's not in the absolute worst tier with clown and pig and the like. The sole fact he has EW3 puts him above those. Myers just needs a small update to bring him, well, up to date with some of the newer killers because his power definitely shows his age.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Did I read that correctly? The WORST?

    Clown feels left out now :(

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    He's in the bottom few, but he ain't the worst.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,241

    Myers desperately needs to be modernized, but he's far from the worst killer. There's a sneaky amount of optimization that makes a good Myers. And obviously you need to be a very strong M1 killer to get anything out of him, because he has nothing in chase.

  • PyroGL
    PyroGL Member Posts: 239

    My one true wish for DBD is that Myers gets revisited and updated to be stronger to be more competitive at higher levels of play. I know he is currently strong in the right hands, and has some addons that are probably considered OP, but most "vanilla" games of Myers are basic M1 chases.

    Personally, I'd love to see some improvements in his EW3, and for survivors to "regenerate" their stalk over time.

  • HEX_MalusGrey
    HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231
    edited October 2020

    Myers is great. Yes he needs addons to be realy good but with them he is just as powerfull or even more then other killers. And he has A LOT of them. 2 very useful Reds as well as 2-3 very powerfull purples. What does Oni have? He doesn't need good addons. But if he would, he doesn't have any. Myers itself is weak but for balancing you can't think of killers without their addons. He got some of the most powerful and fun to play with addons in this game. Can't ignore that.

    Tuft of hair + J.Myers Memorial = Death machine

    Judith's Tombstone + J.Myers Memorial = Death machine

    Scratched Mirror + Boyfriends Memo = Stealth Killer

    Tombstone Piece + J.Myers Memorial = Death machine

    Vanity Mirror + Boyfriends Memo = Anti loop

    Lock of Hair also gives a lot of extra time.

    Show me any other killer that has this many good addons that allow for different playstyles. Hag maybe, but Hag addons are also kind of a meme. Freddy and Doc also come to mind. Freddy can switch between forever freddy and gen-kick and Doc between very strong anti loop and area effect builds. And there is the list of my favorites ^^

    BTW Deathslinger is also very strong. After some issues when i started with him i am thinking of him as a viable killer on red ranks now.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Myers is my most played Killer. There´s more nuance to him than people give him credit for in my opinion. Many people here have stated valid criticism though - extremely bad early game, rivaled only by trapper. Often times the outcome is dictated by how fast Myers can find Survivors and get rolling. Unreasonable limitations for EW3.

    When he does though he´s the M1 Superman. His weaknesses only ever come into play against the very best Survivor players and let´s be honest, it´s really not that frequent to encounter these. And even against them he can simply force downs with EW3.

    Apart from that he´s not only solid, but really strong. I average 3k+ in red ranks with him. As many other Killers of course he´s severaly limited by complete lack of mobility and map pressure, but these are all hardships you can work on overcomming. As with all low mobility Killers every step you take has to be a conscious decision. I kinda like that tbh.

    If he ever gets changed I hope they improve his early game, overhaul the stalk mechanic to something more modern and appropriate ( lessen range penalty, it´s so stupid, and remove the hard cap for stalk, other Killers with stronger powers are not so limited, why is he?). and take a look at his addons. Many are just plain useless or straight up OP.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Let me throw an idea out there, hear me out people.

    What if tier 3 Myers was able to walk through and break pallets with no cooldown? It would fit the description of his power, and he would actually have something amazing in his kit.

    So resources don't drain too fast, the pallets broken in tier 3 can respawn when tier 3 is done.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Myers is far from being the worst.

    He is actually one of the few killers who feels rewarding because you earn your expose. If you think you are meant to use his expose 24/7 you are using him wrong.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    You don't want wide open spaces as Myers. I'm guessing you want to stalk multiple people at a gen based on what you wrote. I hope you are aware that Myers absorbs less evil when stalking multiple people and it is affected by distance, further away targets give less evil. Large wide open maps are very bad for Myers. Survivors see you coming a mile away and it is detrimental to your ability to stalk.

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317

    He's not the worst and he is one of the coolest do play.

    Find out which perks works for him instead of running ruin undying thing

    Ive been playing him with:

    Infectious Fright


    Thrilling Tremors


    You can't lose time kicking gens and it is also good that you leave someone on the floor when chasing another survivor. No need to slug all four of them.

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 256

    I think Clown is the worst killer but stealth killers in general are not that enjoyable to play due to how popular Spine Chill is now.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Good is a "subjective" term. We may be using it very differently. If you are saying he isn't as powerful or easy to play as some other Killers, I would agree with you. But I'm not certain I think learning to play Killer on the most potent or easy Killers is actually "good" for anyone. I picked Myers because he is the Godfather in part, but mostly because I went through and found a Killer that was listed as "Hard" in the learning curve and basic in style, i.e. M1. I think I've benefited greatly from the experience. But could Myers use a tune up? Sure. But is he the worst? Far from it.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    you can do well in red ranks with any killer, i hope you realise that

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    have you heard of this crazy thing the kids are doing now called predropping pallets.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    Not without sweating it to win if the killer is really weak. Which I rarely need to do unless I'm on a bad map like Ormond, Rotten Fields etc.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    yea unless you get like a really bad shelter woods or smth you can win against the average team with a weak killer

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Myers barely ever features anymore. He used to be the most popular killer I faced by far, now, I've played against 1 or 2 this YEAR! Always found Myers players as pretty good, he's hard to beat.

    Half tempted to try him myself as I play GF a lot.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,270
    edited October 2020

    I mean you mention him being hard to play, but his power is literally look at people -gain exposed. Its that simple mate. In term of depth, he's probably most hollow character regarding depth as his mechanics are how fast he stalks based off distance you are from the survivor and your ability to 99% a EV3. If you were to ever recommend DBD to a new player to start playing killer, The most obvious answer would be Myers because of how simple his gameplay is. Even when the game only had 4 other killers including him, He was never really regarded as "good", however his licensing was easily one of the most hyped killers in DBD for his time. Beyond Clown who pardon the pun is literally Clown in term of power-level, Myers falls in the category of potentially the runner up/worst killer in the game. Exposed isn't even a unique power and frankly most 1 shot type killers like Billy,Oni,Leatherface gain more value from their respective exposed powers and have more depth to show. His gameplay isn't even unique anymore because Ghostface exists as killer and better emulates the stalk into 99% into 1 hit playstyle.

    Even when you read his in-game description, He described as "The Shape" as if he is suppose to transform and it is stated that he is suppose to become stronger and faster but he never really does that and he just stays as classic 115% m1 killer with no real power to call his own. I vaguely remember them saying something about add-on pass about a year ago but he honestly look rework worthy as he check out every box. Perhaps they forgot his existence or other stuff precedes priority. who knows?

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    He's not the worst. He's very weak though.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    Ummm, no. Myers is much more sophisticated than that. If your read on him is what you stated, there is no way I can explain it to you. It suffices to say that I know so much more about him now than I did before, and to make him work requires a lot more than stare and slug. But we can agree to disagree. You do you.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Can down people in one hit or mori them.


    I don't understand you people.

    How is he outdated either? Was there some massive change to the game? Do pallets reset themselves? Are survivors faster? Does he not do as well in the DBD-kart game mode? This is idiotic.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    One hit down that lasts 60 seconds at base. And mori that requires a lot of stalk to even use. He is weak because there are killers who do his job way better and are balanced. He is weaker than balanced therefore weak.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Myers is fun, fair and balanced.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    It's called power creep.

    He's outdated, because a killer called the Oni came out, who outclasses Myers in almost ever way.

    Oni can...

    1. Get his power fasted than Myers.
    2. Can counter loops with his power.
    3. Can snowball better than Myers.
    4. Has better map pressure than Myers.
    5. Has a stronger early game than Myers.

    Now, the only thing Myers has that oni doesn't is stealth (countered by spine chill, which is a popular perk.) and duration.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Oh please. We're doing this act where you don't bring any add-ons or perks? Maybe your hands are crippled too and the plug fell out of your monitor.

    He can trigger the 60 seconds at any time he wishes. Typically right before downing someone. So that's 60 seconds and 3 survivors left to stab. Even more time and EW charges if they set off Haunted Grounds.

    Pairs perfectly with Infectious Fright leading to multiple downs.

    Any anti-loop build benefits tremendously from EW3. You can have the map pallet free with one EW3 activation with 2-3 more left.

    Obsession builds are pretty much his thing. Judith's Journal can be really effective on a Nemesis build.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791
    edited October 2020

    Oni isn't even the same class. He's more comparable to Billy. Why don't we also ask why Pig can't just ambush dash from gen to gen? Or why Ghostface isn't setting down traps?

    You seriously want every killer to be homogenized like survivors are because you can't adjust your playstyle? Zoning is a thing. You work with a smaller area and protect points that are inside it.

    And Spine Chill can EASILY be changed to not affect stealth killers but no one seems to ######### care so I guess its not a problem.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    He’s weak comparatively. Let’s look at Myers vs Oni:

    Oni gets his power through normal gameplay, can get it an infinite number of times, and his power gives him not just one shot downs but also very good mobility.

    Myers gets his power by literally slowing down and letting survivors loop him more easily, can only get it a finite number of times (and each survivor only has so much stalk available), and his power makes him one shot people and... go through windows a fraction of a second faster.

    When people say “outdated” they mean that the whole meta of the game has changed and Myers has been surpassed by newer killers. Myers has a slow start and needs to slug, both of which are easily punished in the current survivor meta. It’s not that he’s become worse, it’s that the game has changed in a way that works against him.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    Let's say you bring j myers memorial and hair bow, thats a lot of stalk that you'll need to tier up. Coupled with the fact good survivors know how to hide their hitbox so you can't stalk them, thats a easy 2 gens done before you hit tier 3 once. Then we have the m1 killer mobility and tack on another gen. His snowball is the only reason why he is c tier, without tier 3 i would put him below clown, because his low terror radius is countered by spine chill. Tier 3 countered by looping or not letting them stalk, tier 2 is a normal m1 killer so easy gens, etc etc. And where did i say we aren't using add ons? The mori requires an add on to use. But yeah keep speaking like you are above me. That totally helps your case. Im not arguing he is the worst killer in the game but compared to the rest he is weak as #########. Imma use otz tier list as an example since i agree with most of it. He has myers at c tier, while other snowball killers are B and up. The only category he is near the top is stealth, and everyone knows stealth killers are #########.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    I see a lot Myers in red ranks maybe you don´t know to use him very well, for me is most difficult win with he that the witch because I don´t use her very often, I thought the same with Myers but in reality he is no bad, you are the bad playing with him no offense

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Hide their hitbox? You mean regular hiding? You can counter that by going around. Oh no! You're feeding the Myers! Even a sliver of elbow can feed you. It's ridiculous how people underplay how easy it is to stalk.

    Otz is mentioned a lot. I find the amount of people idolizing him to be annoying as they don't have any good arguments of their own and need to rely on a video to go SEE? SEE? I don't give a flying ######### about Otz or any other streamer standing on their soapbox.

    Stop comparing him to Oni. Oni only thrives because no one heals. Their powers are functionally different.

    Oni has to wind up his attack, Myers can just basic. Oni still has to stop to pick up blood orbs. And even with the speed advantage he is still susceptible to normal looping. And what use is infinite uses when a match only lasts 10 minutes on average with all kinds of variables in between?

    The meta changed to what? It's been the same 4 or 5 perks being endlessly abused for the last 3 years. Again they didn't add anything, just changed existing mechanics. Myers suffers from issues that other killers in the same class suffer from so the issue isn't him, it's other parts of the game. When they change those, he gets his buff.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    FYI, Oni does not have to stop to gain blood orbs. You can pick them up mid chase, suffering similar movement penalties like Myers but much shorter. Neither is he succeptible to regular looping, his power allows for nigh guaranteed hits in all but a few tiles if you´re skilled. Maybe try it out some time and see for yourself.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Doh Ho. Try it out some time? That has some underlying I M P L I C A T I O N S that I haven't ever played him.

    I was one of the first people praising Oni for being a unique variation of "killer go fast and down people" and not just a worse Billy.

    And he is susceptible. The dash only has 90° turning radius. And regular Demon Strike still has to charge before attacking. He can easily catch people between loops but it's the same ol game of peekaboo it's always been at the loop.

    Oni also loses charges for using his power. Down a survivor and you lose 7 seconds.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Ye my bad, it seemed like you had some misconceptions regarding his power.

    On the other point I kinda disagree though, but experiences may differ of course. I´ve met a whole lot of 1 survivor player so far to be able to reliably avoid me during the power, this meg was an absolute Legend. So yeah he´s susceptible to looping against top end tournament level opponents, but not so much in regular matches,