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DC penalty unfairly penalizing

Jayfyw99 Member Posts: 4

So on the Xbox One, the game will end up freezing, make a weird sound, and kick me out of the game taking me to the home screen. It happened twice yesterday, and both times I was wrongfully penalized. It only ever does this with the DC penalty active. I've never had this happen with it off.

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  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110

    Maybe try cleaning your console especially the fans and vents.

    sounds like an over heating problem to me Xbox is notorious for it.

  • DjShIzz
    DjShIzz Member Posts: 7

    So I just had my very first two crashes on DbD and I've been playing this game non stop for three days grinding and I had two crashes within three games. I've been playing as Claudette and hillbilly Soley for three days. Then prestiged Claudette and decided to move to meg. I had those two crashes right at the start of the match with her. Don't know if she as a character is crashing the game. Like I said three days with killer and Claudette and absolutely no crashes