Change 'Dark Senses' in Tome I

As a survivor main with 1,090 hours in the game, I return regularly because of the archives, and the tomes that come with it. I joined in March 2020 and when I started, Tome II was just ending and Chains of Hate was almost released. Once Tome II ended, I decided to throughly go through the archives and as of present, I have completed almost all the Tomes, not all challenges since some are just BS (such as the Discordance challenge in Tome III) and I am left with the Level 3 of Tome I. I am stuck on the infamous 'Dark Senses' Challenge. Here is a short description

Dark Senses (Survivor Master Challenge)

Complete 4 generators while using the perk Dark Sense

*Complete in a SINGLE trial*

This challenge is very unrealistic. In high ranks, you'd be lucky to even complete 2 generators because up there the motto of survivors is 'genrush'. Not only the fact that you have to be on the generator as it's getting done, you thankfully do not have to do the full generator repair, you have to bring the BS perk, known as Dark Sense. And you can complete 4 generators, just not in a single trial.

Dark Sense : Allows you to see the killer's aura for 5 seconds after any generator is repaired, and 10 seconds when the Exit Gates are powered.

Overall, this is just a really, really poorly made challenge, and there are some tedious Legion challenges in Tome III. I typically play Legion / Spirit / Plague so I'm overall disappointed with those. Here are two solutions.

-Remove the single trial aspect

I understand that this is a Survivor Master challenge, but the challenge is really poorly made

-Reduce the generators to 3

I have done 10 games to test what my average is, and I can complete 3 generators with Dark Sense in a single trial. This may be a little challenging for some, however it's really simple once you try.
