Oh yeah, The DC penalty is back baby!



  • sarahmiller30
    sarahmiller30 Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2020

    Instead of complaining about those who DC get over it lmao if they want to depict so b it who wants to be forced in a match an be slugged the entire game or camped an tunneld no I who had the right to tell someone they can't DC when they paid for the games.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • DariusB92
    DariusB92 Member Posts: 122

    As a main for both sides, these are my observations:

    If there's a dc penalty people are gonna suicide on hook for many reasons:

    no option to leave match without penalty which they would do so for some legit reasons but definitely some do it for having even the slightest mishap happening to them.

    Killer is camping or tunneling them which is unfun especially when using insidious or relying on chainsaw. Or just targeting you based on character or skin or simply because they were your first target.

    Glitches concerning hit validation including huntress hatchets

    Seasoned survivor matched with baby survivors and seasoned killer (mmr fault)

    On the hook and no-one is attempting a rescue or they're being camped so don't wanna attempt an unsafe unhooking

    Dying state and no-one is rescuing you at all or the killer is just babysitting you waiting for someone to come along(same as hook camping)

    There's the whole issue with fps, or their connection. Also can result in a disconnect outside their control and DBD can't differentiate

    Killers going against toxic sfw teams who just keep trolling them. Happens alot to me but I don't disconnect because it gives them points but doesn't mean I want to because it's dun for them because they are in control of the game and most unfit for a killer because then they are doing a sweat match

    The argument that unless they deal with reasons why they disconnect, hook suicides is totally legit. It is unfair to fellow team members or killers but that can't be helped until other factors are dealt with. As for the killer, you got the hook and kill and they didn't disconnect so why are you complaining? Because you didn't get the chance to camp and bait effectively or get multiple hook points? Maybe don't camp and it would be possible. Because camping is allowed, alot do it and no-one wants to play being camped or wants their fellow survivors falling victim to their bait.

    You can always be rude and say play a different game or don't be an entitled baby but think about the logic of it all. If you have your sfw team or don't play killer, you have no idea what it feels like playing hopelessly if any of these conditions have happened to you.

  • Amber351
    Amber351 Member Posts: 33
    edited October 2020

    Yep there isn't. People dc for valid reasons most of the time, because the game is wasting time with broken killers on broken maps because you happened to be unlucky.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Killer only players: I'm so bored of survivors running meta perks like unbreakable, it's so frustrating they run this OP stuff;

    Also killer only players: Just run unbreakable or this terrible perk that is actually a hinderance to your team 4head

  • Kbot22
    Kbot22 Member Posts: 96

    There is no way to tell what kind of perks the killer will bring or how they will play before the match. So how do you counter that again? Those perks become pretty much useless if the killer doesn't slug/have very specific perks.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    This right here is why dc penalty’s should not be on the game.

  • p1ague
    p1ague Member Posts: 101

    There's really zero reason why it couldn't be dealt with.. I mean, the far less disruptive problem of the last survivor on the hook dragging things out by actually struggling has been curtailed harshly to the point that even activated deliverance gets happily skipped.. having 4 down really needn't be any different.. even to the point of game just ends, happily skipping unbreakable, wouldn't really be that bad a fix.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    Bold of you to assume I only play Killer. Suffice it to say, perks are only terrible if you don't understand how to use them. True there are some very situational perks, but if you actually knew how to run them or were running them with an SWF you might have a different opinion.

    judging from the way you're speaking though I'd assume you don't run with an SWF that actually delineates team jobs. You sound like the type that the entire team comes together and then hopes for the best for that actually thinking about synergy or how to help one another.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    A big part of it is simply not being overly reliant on your perks to survive. You also have to remember that meta perks exist on both sides of the table. When it comes down to it, calm spirit is useful against multiple killers as well as multiple perks. Distortion is an underutilized perk especially because a player that is good at avoiding detection can save the tokens for end game when they're really needed.

    One of the best spells I've ever run across was Urban evasion/distortion/calm spirit/decisive strike. A Claudette ran it against my wraith and I had a hell of a time pinning her down even running BBQ/Iron Maiden/undying/retribution with the all seeing- blood add-on.

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    Killing yourself on hook is back in town, baby!

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    LOL. Bold of you to assume I've never played in a SWF. Also amusing that you would consider that to be how everyone plays, when in reality it's mostly solo and duos, which doesn't make for this sense of organisation that you so believe is necessary in order to be able to comprehend the true complexity that is...running a meme build.

    Recognising a perk's hinderance does not mean I have no idea how to use it effectively in the one specific scenario for which it is designed. A meme is still a meme.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    You do realize that the issue you talk of where you can't get off the hook if you're on your first hook and the last survivor was not even an issue before deliverance was brought out? in october 2018 I started playing and watching people play even before that and the last person was always sacrificed without a chance to get off. this means your point of deliverance being blocked at this point is a mute point since the issue you are talking about existed before the perk was brought out. so here also is another aspect to your post, the game WILL end with everyone on the floor, as there is a bleed out timer and that will end the game at some point. Sure it's 4 minutes if you were only downed right then, but still deal with it however I would not be amiss to have there be a give up function that awards the killer the hooks (up to 3 or what ever is left at the time) and the final sac. I'd be happy to go like that, that'd let you get out faster and nothing is robbed from the killer either. The killer should also have the same thing and it should also credit all currently living surivors something equivalent.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249
    edited October 2020

    I'm not sure where you got this meme build nonsense, but if you're not playing in an SWF no matter how many members you do or do not have in it and you're truly a solo player, then that makes your argument even worse.

    this is especially true given that SWF's are predominantly two and three man teams, and make up a consistent 60 to 70% of matches most people play. it's also quite telling that this whole putting words in my mouth thing shows exactly how little you really have to argue. never once did I said that synergy was absolutely necessary - just that it was helpful.

    The fact of the matter is if it's a two or three men SWF a disconnect or a single death on hook isn't going to matter to them, because it won't change how they play. If you're playing solo your perks should be set up to be most effective to support you as a single player, or to allow you to effectively support without going into specific support types, i.e. dedicated loop, spotter, saboteur/distractor, etc.

    See it's pretty clear that you're unaware that outside of meme and meta builds people that play in teams actually split up tasks pretty frequently to help the game go more in their favor. Does that mean everyone plays this way? No.

    I think it's become pretty clear at this point that you think any build outside of a meta build is a "meme" build. What that's truly saying about you is that you don't believe that anything other than the current meta perks are worth playing. that tells me all I need to know about why it is you're even commenting or having problems here in the first place.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited October 2020

    You...don't have a clue what I run, on either role. I don't run DS, UB, or even exhaustion perks. And regularly survive. As killer, I don't usually rely on slowdown, and normally 3-4k. 'Sweetie,' you have no ######### idea what you're talking about. (So I guess look who's really putting words into the other's mouth, eh)

    I also need to point out...the current killer meta generally is countered by survivors sticking together in groups, because it prevents Ruin+Tinkerer really doing anything.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    well that not the way you run out of people play with that way.