What about surrendering?

If 1) Every survivor is sacrificed, dead, or in the dying state, and 2) All alive survivors unanimously agree, the Surrender option becomes available in the pause menu.
When survivors surrender, they are immediately sacrificed and the game is over. All survivors who agreed to the surrender are treated as if they had been sacrificed regularly and do not receive Escape points. The animation for surrendering could be that of endgame collapse, or have no animation and just immediately cut to results.
This would be a "we're not winning, just end the game" button that doesn't cause a DC.
Obviously a better name could be implemented ("Give up," "self-sacrifice," etc.).
Will it fix the DC problem? God no. But it might help.
Open to criticism, ideas, whatever.
Edit: grammar (small brain time)
what about the killer who wants out?
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Maybe the killer can surrender when EGC starts, or after like 5 minutes?
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This sounds like it only works if all living survivors are slugged? Which wont do much for 90% of disconnects out there
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Killing yourself on hook is this game's built in surrender option for survivors. There's no need for survivors to have a separate surrender option in this game. Especially considering that the design of the hook is that every single survivor has a veto option for surrender that overpowers all other members of their team.
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That only works IF Survivors make it to the hook.
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no need to, survivors already do it by killing themselves on hook wich will happen 99% of games, how many deerstalker nock out players have you seen in all the time youve been playing this game? the killers from the other hand would be good to have something to surrender as survivors have since 2016- sometiems you are not enjoying the game with all the toxicity 3-4 man provides, not insta surrender but after 4 to 5 minutes you are allowed to live, that would be nice. survivors community would get forced to treat killers better or they wont have a game, or maybe you just are not having fun and you want to leave, sometimes survivors are just gen rushing so damn hard that you want just not play anymore, almost never happens to me but it does for a lot of people and then just go afk, so it would be nice i think the game would be in a better spot if everyone starts to actually treat others better this would be an start.
so survivorss already have it, it just needs to be extended for killers in some away aswell. even if the match exists because of the killer is not fair that only survivors are allowed to leave when they "want" to get another game, killers should have the same right to leave after certain time.
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Leaving the game is already a forfeit option. The devs just need to treat it as such since it's such a decider of how a game will play out.
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I don't understand surrender mentality. It is so incomprehensible for my tiny little brain.
Why are you playing if you don't want to play? Why no one can explain me this? Is it so complicated that I never understand?
Is it because you so affraid to lose but you want to lose by surrender? Is it because you want to save your time but you ready to waste your time by looking for easier game? If you are frustrated by losing how is giving up helps you?
You lose anyway, why don't take a chance to make a wonderful miraculous comeback? Don't you know how good this feel? When all team is downed and someone has unbreakable it often prolongs game for 3 gens. One perk in hopless situation can make killer's life so much harder.
I played csgo before dbd, and it has surrender option. When your team is demoralized it is much more frustrating than lose. Even when my opponents giving up I feel bad for them. Because it is lose without trying. And sometimes I had unbelieveble comebacks when my team stayed strong. Even my opponents did crazy comebacks when we were winning. And I didn't felt bad for my team in that scenarios. I felt proud for opponents. Dbd absolutely can provide such moments as well.
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- Maybe I'd like to surrender because I don't want to be slugged for four minutes.
Weak reaon to give up. Rarely killer slug more than one minute in total. In that time you can be healed by teammates or unbreakable. If it happen often to you, make your build focused on slugging. If it not happen often, just play an unlucky match, what a big deal?
- Maybe I'd like to surrender because the killer is holding me hostage and it sucks having to DC to escape that.
Good reason but also extremely rare. Vast majority of players want to play normally and trolling is not effective. Not worth surrender option. You can just play this one unlucky game or wait out 5 minutes dc penalty.
- Maybe I'd like to surrender because a bug is preventing me from being able to move and my opponent is not progressing the game in any meaningful way and I shouldn't be trapped in a game where the only escape is to take a DC penalty and void my blood point earnings.
And you suggest to make surrender option instead of fixing a bug? When hill glitch was an issue everyone was aware of it and players with good memory never got stuck twice.
- Maybe I'd like to surrender because the game is pretty much over and we'd just like to move onto the next game.
It's over only when you died or escaped. You want to save 20 seconds? Just wait it out, what's the rush? Not worth surrender.
- Maybe I'd like to surrender because it's Legion/three gen Doc and it's been 30+ minutes already.
So this is just a trial that take longer than you want. Why don't you just play it? Play 1 match or 3, what the difference if you already playing? 3-gen scenarios are most intense games, how are you not having fun?
There is so few scenarios when you clearly can't win. You almost always have a chance. Take a chance and win is absolutely great. Take a chance and lose is still better than surrender, because you won't regret you didn't take a chance. If surrender option will be added, it will be abused everytime someone have slight harder game. You will surrender everytime you think you can't win when actually you could. And this is annoying for both sides. So many times someone died on first hook and we made 4 gens after this. We could clearly win if he stayed in game. Give this survivor surrender option and he will try to convince other team that there is no chance to win. And then he will suicide on first hook as usual. Get into lobby with 3-man swf and they will quickly ruin your game with surrender option. Even if you need 4 voices to give up, they will spam you with consistent voting. And then they will blame you for being bad teammate and reason they lose.
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I uderstand you want to save time. But with surrender option you will get something more terrible than 5 minutes wasted.
I am against surrender option because I am against surrender itself. There is so few scenarios when you clearly can't do anything, that even no need to make surrender option. You сan just DC and wait 5 minutes or wait to end. 5 minutes is not so much if you not doing it all the time. And being slugged or sandbagged are so rare scenarios, you will never get more than 5 minutes penalty for ragequit. And there is a lot scenarios where surrender would be annoying.
You don't like killer? Not your teammates' problem.
You don't like his playstyle? Not your teammates' problem.
You don't like his add-ons? Not your teammates' problem.
You don't like his perks? Not your teammates' problem.
You don't want to be moried? You still have little chance.
3-genned? Play. You still have chance to win.
Match is about to end? It will end soon without surrender.
You being slugged? It never take more than 4 minutes. You still can win.
Everyone being slugged? It never take more than 4 minutes. Someone can have perk. And it also rare scenario most of the time caused by survivors' mistakes. Pay for it or dc yourself.
Someone gives up? It is not the reason to give up for you. Still winnable scenario.
You got teammates making mistakes? It happens, you still can win.
But if you had surrender option, your teammates would annoy you with voting for surrender everytime something goes wrong. This is why I don't want surrender be an option. Because survivors often give up when they still have good chances. So much more often than actual unwinnable scenarios. Surrender option will become another "legit" way to disconnect, same as suicide on first hook. And I am absolutely against it.