To People who Play Fair

megswifey Member Posts: 826
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

Thank you for being considerate even in a competitive game. It means the world to me when I'm doing poorly as killer and have a player stare at me as they get taken by the EGC, or when killers who, even when they lose, still say 'gg' or something nice like that. We don't always have to play fair, and I think everyone falls into that mentality of 'well they can't win if we abuse this,' but whatever, it's a game lol. It's just super cool to meet players that respect each other even when things aren't going well for them. Sorry if this post is dumb, I just wanted to get this off my chest haha :)!

EDIT: So many people have seen this and commented!! I was half asleep and happy after a group of survivors sacrificed themselves on the cult symbol at midwich for me and was so grateful for nice players, and this post was made lol. I'm glad you are all sharing your stories and taking the time to discuss this together! Good luck and have fun in future matches, everyone <3!!

Post edited by megswifey on


  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    That sad moment when you type gg and a salty player types you are only saying that because you won :,(

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    I feel the same way. Sometimes I face off an obvious inexperienced killer, so after I let him chase me for a bit, I will stop by the hook and point at it so the killer can at least get some hooks, or I'll let EGC get me. I have been there not being able to get any hooks so I can imagine how frustrated they might be playing a match getting gen rushed or chasing multiple survivors without any hooks.

    If I'm killer, I can also tell when I'm facing not very good survivors. I'll 2 hook them, give them chases, and ultimately let them escape. I always get thank yous afterwards if they're on PS4.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    You are welcome!

    Jokes aside, I just think it is a nice feeling to play in a way that the other side (Killer or Survivor) does not think "What a dick" after the game.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I always try to be fair and friendly. Forgive me when i'm not please. :(

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    ill be honest, playing fair is really the only way to have possible some fun in this game.

    I never run the meta perks myself, I have a unique build per survivor (not enough perks in the game to provide for everyone) and obviously the meta perks are in there as well but so at "best" I run 1 of them on a character.

    point being, meta stuff is just rediculously ez and there is no getting around the fact that stuff you did to "win" or escape was only possible because that silly perk did that for you, which is rarely any fun or rewarding or even just interesting to me.

    From the killer perspective, same story really, sometimes survivors play in a dumb annoying fashion, going for insta unhooks etc forcing you to just stay in that location to deal with it.

    The only potential for fun imo is when survivors actually play a bit seriously so I can get one, hook them, then patrol gens for the next and hopefully I can down and hook them before or clsoe to when the other is unhooked and healed, so I can move on and go down the list of hooks.

    Obviously that also has plenty of potential to be...not very fun, either being too ez or too hard so you can quickly determine how the outcome will be, I will say in general i dont have much fun playing killer at all these days, seems just pointless to me somehow.

    But if I do, I play fair because otherwise its complete crap.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Hrm. I agree with the OP completely about good sportsmanship. I think Players should be humble in victory and gracious in defeat. Players should not cheat, and they should finish the games they start. To me that defines "fair" play. The longer this thread goes on, the more it seems to be changing emphasis to be about shaming people who play hard, i.e. competitively. Fair play and competitive play are not mutually exclusive. Fair has nothing to do with the Survivor's Rules for Killers or vice versa. Fair simply means, don't cheat.

    DbD is a PvP game. It is competitive by design. It is four Survivors who advance by achieving goals which are the exact opposite of the Killer. More than that, the game has a Rank system, which measures us against one another as Players. There are head to head events, and we even started to see the rise of Tournaments, and discussions of leagues. There are lots of SWF groups that play together (most in fact) for a competitive edge. Let's not delude ourselves about the basic nature of this game.

    There is nothing wrong or shameful about being a competitive player. In fact, good sportsmanship expects you to give 100% effort. The fun of any game is in the "playing" of it. If you don't like competition and conflict, then DbD might not be the game for you. I won't cheat. I finish the games I start, fighting them to the bitter end even when I'm losing. I'm going to thank and/or compliment my opponent(s) afterwards. That is all that is required of fair play. I would appreciate it if people stopped trying to "spin" things or move the goalposts.

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    Love this. I would also like to share my appreciation of those killers who 2 hook mori, survivors who only use DS on legit tunnel and still try to loop rather than jump in a locker, killers giving hatch, survivors giving death hook when the killer didn't get any kills, and all the GGs even if it probably wasn't good for them

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,200

    I'd agree with this. It's always vitally important that people are kind to each other before and after a trial. At the very least, don't comment and move on.The more encouragement and sportsmanship, the more likely people will stay and the game becomes more popular; retaining existing players and bringing in new. It's not the only factor, but it helps.

    Players may want to play for wins, and sometimes this can be seen by the other as side as "toxic", when actually the killer was playing to their strengths. If a recently unhooked player gets found, it doesn't make sense for the killer to avoid them. I would knock them down, but then target others without hooking. It's not entirely selfless - DS is a threat I am aware of. The amount of time the word "tunnelling" or "crutch perks" comes up rarely actually agrees with what happened.

    I always am gracious in defeat or victory; only ever commenting with compliments and positivity. That does need to be done more. I find far more positive comments than negative comments come around as a result, and we even learn things or discuss stuff and tips!

    Play as you see fit, but attitudes to other players outside of the trial needs to be good-spirited.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    It's better to just spell out good game and add a "well played" to the end of it , GG can also be taken as Git Gud and if someone is salty enough they will try to say that's what you're implying, I just started spelling it out after that because I'm on keyboard anyway and there's no way to misinterpret that unless they played so bad they think I'm being a smart ass

  • csebal
    csebal Member Posts: 31
    edited October 2020

    Treat others as you yourself want to be treated. I congratulate all my opponents who won.. I tend not to do so for those who lost, as people tend to take it as gloating and insults even if I do not mean it like that.

    The sad part is that often times, I get more salt from those who won, than the actual losers, which is weird to me.. like the other day I had this team of super-friends, decked out in all meta perks, who all escaped.. they played extremely well and were very well coordinated. during EGC, they had me locked down for a solid 30 seconds when 3 of them surrounded me with flashlights and just kept me blind.

    Yet they decided it is not enough and threw a bunch of insults to close off an otherwise great game... quite ironic as I was just about to congratulate them on their great play.

    (yes, I love playing killers, no matter if I win or lose.. I love the chase part more than the actual hooking them part)

    I think that might be the reason why so many survivors are salty.. playing as a survivor is simply not as much fun as playing as a killer. If you get caught and hooked and sacced, it sucks for you. As a killer, even if they all manage to escape, if you hooked them a few times and threw a few good chases, it is easily a fun game.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    This is not a competitive game.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    Hell yeah! Simple stuff like saving people from the hill glitch or stop struggling with that hook glitch when the killer is obviously being affected by it were just some small things that taught me this community still has some good apples somewhere

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I play on Switch and try to not be q cheap killer. Im still learning (been playing 1 month) so camping/tunneling are instinctive by nature like a dog watching over their food.

    I think people see the killer/survivor as enemies and its easy to get salty since the objectives are in opposition.

    Trying to get better and I just started enjoying the Shape and am playing more survivor to see more of their POV.

  • Xaggy
    Xaggy Member Posts: 330

    Beautiful 😘

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,775

    Playing both roles in DBD, even just a little bit, will made ya better at either.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    Yeah its helping me to think more like the other. I didn't even realize the lights on top of gens signal where they are to survivors so I couldn't find any gen as a survivorbat first. But now I can see them lol

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,775
    edited October 2020

    Yup simple things like that, or that the lights flicker on buildings with an unfinished gen in it on Badham & Haddonfield and such, and are solid when the gen is done if it has no gen inside it.

    It also will help in learning tiles, routing, and safe vs. unsafe pallets. First person view compared to third make many things look quite different.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    I'd probably fall into this and not into it depending on my mood at times but would the fact I told a guy how's it feel to run 3, meta perks and not even get to use them be poor or me just finding funny a DH DS AD player got negated by a 1 hit and dies on 1 hook because everyone rushed the basement besides 2 the entire game.

    To clarify I found a noob meg who locker hid but they ran into it basement hook she's saved in close by window slug I basement again she commits hook suicide a Claudette is trying to corner juke my hatchet (you know the stat close to they don't hit thing then she decides to run in a straight line basement refill hooks down a Quinton as the Claudette suicides basement hook him last person runs to basement Quinton suicide's now the Kate was a good juker then she just decided to run in a straight line basement again.

    So in anyway is it bad sportsman ship I found it hilarious that the Quinton who was running meta perks couldn't even use one because they played dumb?)

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    I kinda needed this after being called a baby killer for giving someone hatch because they genuinely played well.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    Too bad there are always people who ruin this by saying ggez

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Unfortunately, I play on console. Everyone wants to be some No0b3 copycat. So whenever I win or lose I always get a hate message. Even when I farm I'll get a gg ez at the end. It's sad considering harassing someone else generally shows insecurity.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811


    Just last night, I gave Billy a go again. Double bumping-addons since I can´t curve anymore for the life of me, jiust wanting to get some practice in.

    In comes the sabo SWF. These guys were great players, needless to say I got my ace handed to me hard . I admit I was a bit salty, but I knew I´m not a great billy beforehand, so no biggie. I gave them the gg wp and they were actually decent to me, except for one of them who felt the need to come with the classic "ez". His mates actually called him out on that, so yeah being somewhat gracious in defeat and showing good sportsmanship can go a long way sometimes.

  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    I'd no idea about the flickering lights-I've been playing since Feb which is not super long (I play casually so not on dbd all the time but I'm on it enough) but I'm shocked I didn't know this before. Thanks for pointing it out! 👍

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Yeah I try and let myself die if i can guarantee a pip but I take the game seriously so sometimes I don't be as merciful as I like, but unless get extremely stressed from a match I let the bad one live it feng min. Feng gang is only gang. But I also hate tunneling or camping and gen rushing

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317


    Got a game as clown yesterday with 12 hooks. It was fun haha

    Then got in a game as Deathslinger. Two people left on EGC. 1 hooked in basement. Stood around since BBQ didnt get the other survivor. Got called camper later :(

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    U have to define fair and unfair. What do u consider "unfair" or "fair"?

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I'm so sorry that happened at the end, I've had similar trials as killer but I'm a survivor main. The reason I play as killer is to see how others loop, stun, and evade me because I am still new to this game and need all the help I can get lol. But yeah, even when I give survivors those sweet sweet unhook points and then let them go to gens, I am sure I have received 'gg ez baby killer' before (But I wouldn't know because I mainly play on xbox, my PC lags too hard lately) but at least I know they had a good time. Sorry, this got way off topic, but when I play as survivor I always try to remember that there's a person playing against me, and while I could teabag and spam the flashlight at the exit, I'd feel awful about it. And in one of my previous posts, I was made fun of by a guy streaming and I felt like I sucked at the game, but I took a lot of the commenters' advice and just steer clear of their videos since it will usually just be trash talk for the audience to enjoy. Good luck in future matches and have fun :)!!

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Well, the classic lag switch is an actual offense, so I usually see a fair game as not getting slugged and face camped. Tunneling is obnoxious, especially if you spawned right near them at the beginning of the game and get to hear 3 gens pop before spending the rest of the game unable to do a gen because you're getting chased lol! I guess I mean that people need a chance to do stuff. I play as killer on occasion, and while it's easy to slug players, I always think about how crummy it is when that happens to me-- It isn't fair because they will de-pip and are unable to do their objectives. It also isn't fun to play that way, at least in my opinion. It's hard to phrase this without sounding like an entitled survivor, but I'm sure everyone has experienced matches like that and have just been like 'oh, seriously?' before moving on to the next match haha. And for killers to have a fair game is just as important. SWF's aren't always evil, but we have all been against the flashlight gangs at least once lmao. It's not fun to play as killer when you get pallet stunned and blinded every chase by every survivor for no reason. Sure, you get points, but I don't think it's a strategy at all. It's not protecting you or the other survivors unless one is getting carried, y'know? It's unfair in that aspect, at least imo.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Oops!! Sorry, I'm super new to gaming and this is my first game that I've actually been playing religiously, I just assumed the ranking system and everything was competitive lol

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited October 2020

    The thing is there are things within this game that no matter in what manner you do them, will be deemed as "Playing Unfair"... When in actuality they are all part of the game.

    Like, for example... I just had a match in Haddonfield... where I hooked a survivor next to Laurie's home, and I saw a wounded survivor on the rooftop with a flashlight. Now, my first thought was she obviously wanted to be seen while not doing anything productive. She felt safe up there because she knew how much time it would take for me to follow upstairs. So I decided to wait. Meanwhile the hooked survivor goes to phase 2. In the endgame chat, they say "GG but what a camper". Then I feel like I have to explain my actions... while that Cheryl knew ALL Along why.

    It's like no matter what you do, this game's actions will be viewed as "playing unfair". You get it from both ends, the real problem is that people could simply say gg (or not) and keep whatever else to themselves, but many people just don't. They would rather drag out a "Chill bro it's just a game" only after they have accused you of basically playing like they don't like. Yes I said THEY don't like, because everyone knows you are not breaking any rules.

    Which is why my motto is don't except anyone to play nice. This is a pvp game. It comes with the territory.

    Post edited by Johnny_XMan on
  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246

    This thread and Otzdarva's anti-tilting video he uploaded today give me hope for this community.

  • monster89
    monster89 Member Posts: 147


    Is the mentality that I try to follow when I play killer. As a survivor main I know how unfair and upsetting it is to get tunneled off hook or get slugged... so I try my hardest not to do what I dislike.

    I feel like I've actually become a better killer by playing like this. It makes me work more on out playing a survivor and what types of builds I can use. (Let's not forgot there's a lot of OP add ons).

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    It's nice to know that players out there have good sportsmanship in this game

    GL in your next match

  • crow13312013
    crow13312013 Member Posts: 61

    Yeah I try to be fair. I hate when I'm playing killer people tea bagging that not right

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Playing fair is fun until you're up against players who disagree with that mentality completely. Then you're in their realm and I find maintaining alot of distance is the only way to have fun. Killers do not have this leisure at all. So killers who play to have fun my hat goes off to you. It is not easy at all.

  • MogliDogli
    MogliDogli Member Posts: 8

    What is the rng you talk about when it comes to gameplay? The only things are trapper traps, chests and the 4% chance to get off the hook. (I do not count the matchmaking)

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099


  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    U playing killer on occasion means u haven't really experienced killer.

    U are a entitled survivor main who needs a awakening.

    U getting face camped, slugged, and tunneled, is what's supposed to be happening in games like this.

    U have the perks that can somewhat counter all of these, but u probably don't run it. Becuz u want to run other perks and expect the killer not to camp, not to slug, not to tunnel. This is a entitlement mentality.

    I know this is hard to believe, but in PvP games, the goal is make ur opponents life miserable as possible by harassing ur opponent. This is not being unfair, this is not unsportsmanship, it's how PvP games are.

    Find out what annoys u when u play survivor, and do exactly that and more when ur playing killer, and vice versa.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I just don't really like that mentality, but to each their own I suppose! I don't play killer as much because I feel bad when someone dies on a hook, but I guess in that regard I'm not really fit to play this game. I don't complain if I lose as killer though, I just have fun running around the map and destroying pallets haha! I'm sorry to have sounded entitled, I guess I should accept the fact that not every game is going to be fun. I don't have DS or unbreakable because I don't want to purchase Laurie and I haven't leveled up Bill yet, but I'll take your advice and either drop the game or just get used to matches like that. And I hope I don't sound sarcastic or rude in that statement, I just don't want to be another annoying person that wants things their way all the time. Either way, good luck in future matches!

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    I used to do it because I genuinely cared about other players' fun.

    Now I do it so I don't get bitched at in the post-game chat.

    Of course, I still get bitched at in the post-game chat anyways.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I'm sorry to hear that. I appreciate it when people play this way because it's just a nice gesture, and anyone who takes the time to say rude things over a game should keep quiet. I've had those matches where I'm stressed and just done with dbd, but then I get those awesome teammates and skilled killers that use interesting tactics and it reminds me of those great moments! If there's nobody thanking you for your play style, remember that I appreciate it a lot and so do many people in this thread! Good luck in future matches and have fun, mr. pyramid head :)!